The Commander of the Lighthouse lay in front of the TV, his whole face on the screen, eager to go straight inside the TV to see what was going on.

Just now, the Grand Commander saw a picture far beyond his knowledge.

The new million-ton aircraft carrier of the Dragon Country, unexpectedly, can actually fly!

The Grand Commander had thought about how such a large aircraft carrier could move in the sea.

As a result, the Kunpeng delivered an answer that no one could have imagined.

Why go into the sea, isn't it better to fly directly?

"Grand Commander, you're getting too close."

The translator on the side kindly reminded.

At this time, the Grand Commander couldn't listen to anything, and his mind was full of ~ thinking about a sentence.

"The aircraft carrier of the Dragon Country, - can actually fly??"

At the same time, a question arose in the mind of the Grand Commander.

A flying aircraft carrier, can it still be called an aircraft carrier?

"What the hell are the Dragons up to?"

The Grand Commander muttered.

This is a question he has asked many times when he watched the Spring Festival Gala tonight.

But the live broadcast of the Spring Festival in the Dragon Kingdom will bring new "surprises" to the Grand Commander every time, that is, new questions.

Jingle Bell!!

A piercing bell rang.

The assistant directly hugged the phone and gave it to the commander in front of the TV.

Pick up the phone.

The anxious voice of the head of the Pentagon sounded.

"Commander, our satellites have observed that the aircraft carriers of the Dragon Kingdom are gaining altitude and are expected to be able to pass through the roof soon."

Hearing the emergency announcement from the Pentagon, the commander-in-chief hung up the phone impatiently.

Do you still need to report this kind of thing?

The Spring Evening of the Dragon Kingdom had already been broadcast just now, and the Pentagon would only come to inform it.

"Fack, this is a bunch of rubbish too!"

The Grand Commander scolded in a low voice.

Still, the Pentagon provides a bit of useful information.

That is the new aircraft carrier of the Dragon Country, which is really as in the picture, it can fly!

In this way, the argument of the previous Pentagon aircraft carrier expert was instantly self-defeating.

Now that everyone's aircraft carriers are flying, do you still need to think about the difficulty of turning in the sea?

"If only I could be there."

Looking at the Kunpeng slowly rising in the picture, the Grand Commander muttered to himself.

There will be a certain delay in the live broadcast screen, not to mention that this is still a live broadcast of the Dragon Kingdom on the other side of the ocean.

The images that the Grand Commander sees now are all what happened half a minute ago.

If you are on the scene, you will be able to see the real-time status of the Dragon Country aircraft carrier.

Thinking of this, a name flashed through the Great Commander's mind.

Lighthouse Secretary of State!

At the beginning of the Spring Festival in the Dragon Kingdom, the Secretary of State appeared in the frame for a few seconds.

The Secretary of State sent by the Great Commander was at the scene of the Spring Evening of the Dragon Kingdom at this time, and witnessed the take-off of the Kunpeng!

Picking up the phone, the Grand Commander couldn't wait to call the Secretary of State of the Lighthouse.

Unfortunately, there was no one on the other end of the phone.

Listening to the beep on the phone, the Grand Commander hung up the phone in confusion.

"Is the Secretary of State controlled by the Dragons?"

Unbeknownst to the Commander-in-Chief, the Secretary of State had not been confiscated at this time.

The reason why the Secretary of State of Lighthouse did not answer the phone was because the Secretary of State was so shocked that he did not have the heart to answer the phone at all.

Follow the staff to the back of the audience rest cabin.

The Secretary of State looked around, trying to see some secrets about the Kunpeng inside.

But it's clear that the secretary of state is going to be disappointed.

The interior of the Kunpeng is orderly, and the corridors and rooms here are similar to those of a normal warship.

All kinds of equipment pipes are hidden behind walls and hatches.

What is more special is that the furniture and tools inside the Kunpeng are fixed to the ground or wall.

Or put it in a container.

Of course, the container is also fixed to the wall or floor.

After looking around, the Secretary of State did not find any valuable information, so he could only walk to the porthole of the rest cabin.

The rest compartment is one of the outermost compartments on the Kunpeng's hull.

Through the portholes, you can clearly see the situation outside.

Standing in front of the porthole, the secretary saw the busy crew in the shipyard and the cameras aimed at the Kunpeng. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"The filming was very thorough."

The Secretary of State said secretly in his heart.

While the Secretary of State was looking at the shipyard through the porthole, a Chinese prompt sounded.

"The Kunpeng is about to take off, please get ready."

"If you're riding the Kunpeng for the first time, please hold on to the nearest handrails to secure your body."

The Secretary of State asked, turning his head.

"What's on the radio?"

Zhang Feng briefly described it.

Hearing this, the Secretary of State's eyes were full of doubt.

The Secretary of State Beacon has not given up on his previous views.

Previously, when the Secretary of State was on the high platform, he observed that the shipyard was not able to give the Kunpeng an exit.

So the Secretary of State has already made an inference in his mind.

The Kunpeng simply couldn't sail out of the shipyard.

Ask for flowers

Now that he heard the radio talk about the launch of the Kunpeng again, the Secretary of State's heart was even more puzzled. []

Since you can't get out, why do you have to hold on to the handrails?

Isn't that redundant?

Zhang Feng didn't know what Secretary of State of Lighthouse thought, but he just sat down in his chair silently according to the prompts on the radio and grabbed the chair handle.

The secretary of state, though unconvinced, honestly grasped a bulge by the window.

The dilemma of just swimming in the air is still deeply imprinted in the mind of the Secretary of State.

"It's just in case."

The Secretary of State said secretly in his heart.

Shortly after the reminder was announced.

There was a slight shaking that came from the soles of the Secretary of State's feet.

"What's the situation? Could it be that the Dragons really drove this thing out? The secretary of state said secretly in his heart, "But there is not even an exit?" Where are they going to drive? "

The sudden tremor was determined by the Secretary of State to be the movement of the Kunpeng start.

And the Secretary of State was not wrong.

This is exactly what the Kunpeng's bottom thruster is auto-calibrating.

While the Secretary of State kept thinking in his heart, his eyes did not forget to observe, trying to remember every detail of the Kunpeng's launch.

The tremors lasted only a few seconds before the Kunpeng returned to stability.

The bottom thruster is also done with power calibration.

"Failed to start?"

After the shaking stopped, a gloating look appeared on the Secretary of State's face.

It was over in just a few seconds, which is not a good sign for the maiden voyage of an aircraft carrier.

But for the Secretary of State, the news couldn't be better.

The secretary of state's gloating did not last long before he was drawn to the sight.

The Secretary of State for Lighthouse was standing in front of the Kunpeng's outboard porthole.

And in front of him, the scene of the shipyard was slowly descending.

What was previously visible at eye level now requires a slight downward gaze to see.

"What's the situation? The equipment of the shipyard sank? "

The Secretary of State looked bewildered.

Soon, the Secretary of State found out what was going on.

It's not that the equipment of the shipyards outside is declining.

It's the Kunpeng he is on, which is getting farther and farther away from the ground!

That is to say, the Kunpeng is moving upwards!!

The Secretary of State's head jerked up.

He saw the already open roof of the shipyard.

At this moment, the Secretary of State of Lighthouse finally understood.

For the sake of the Dragon Kingdom, the roof of the Tiannan Shipyard should be opened.

It turns out that the above is the real outlet of the Kunpeng!

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