The roommates looked at Ling Yun curiously and asked, "Housekeeping?"

Ling Yun nodded.

After all, he was a soldier in his previous life and had also come from the recruit stage.

With the previous experience, Ling Yun must use it flexibly in this life.

Ling Yun pointed to the bedding on the bed.

"You should remember what the squad leader told you just now, right?"

"In fact, it is not difficult to clean up other places. The most difficult part is the tofu blocks."

"It is not as simple as you think to fold a tofu block. I practiced how to fold tofu blocks during the holidays. I will teach you how to fold it first."

Hearing that Ling Yun can fold tofu blocks.

This time, Ling Yun's roommates did not complain about the many rules in the military academy, but quickly followed Ling Yun to learn.

They have already come.

There is no reason for them to drop out.

Instead of fighting against the rules, it is better to adapt to the rules in advance.

And there is a person like Ling Yun in the dormitory who has done his homework in advance. It is always good to learn more from Ling Yun.

Ling Yun's bed was on top, and he pointed at the bed below.

"Whose bed is this? My bed is on top, and it's not convenient to show you."

The bed Ling Yun pointed to was Zhang Hao's.

When he heard that Ling Yun was going to use Zhang Hao's quilt for demonstration, his mouth almost rose to the sky.

With a thick northeastern accent, he said: "That's great, you can fold it any way you want, no rules!"

Others naturally saw Zhang Hao's little thoughts.

After all, Ling Yun used his quilt to fold, and his quilt was a solid tofu block.

It would be easy to fold it next time.

The other roommates rolled their eyes at Zhang Hao.

Ling Yun picked up Zhang Hao's quilt and began to say: "If you want to fold a tofu block, it is difficult to fold it just by knowing the steps and process."

"First, press the cotton wool very firmly, and then you can fold it into a good shape. After the quilt is opened and flattened, fold one-third of the width of the quilt along the long parallel lines, press it firmly after folding it, and finally flatten it."

While talking, Ling Yun operated, spread the quilt flat and pressed the cotton.

"Then fold one side of the quilt over and press your hand inside the quilt."

"Don't let the folding part be uneven, and then take one end of the quilt. You can use your hand to check the length, and then press the stripe with both hands."

"Pinch it up along this stripe to make the stripe more obvious, and finally fold the quilt over."

"The next step is to trim the edges. Pinch it with your thumb and index finger. Press the other three fingers on the quilt to trim the right-angle edge."

"Do the same thing here, and then quickly fold the quilt up, and the tofu block is basically done."

For Ling Yun, folding tofu blocks has been engraved in his bones.

When Ling Yun finished speaking, a tofu block had already appeared in front of his roommates.

For those who have only been able to fold quilts randomly since childhood.

Ling Yun's operation just now was like a magic trick.

Zhang Hao looked at his quilt turned into a tofu block, applauded, and gave Ling Yun a thumbs up.

"Ling Yun, awesome!"

"From today on, you are my big brother. You both graduated from high school, but you know too much!"

Ling Yun smiled modestly, "I practiced at home during the summer vacation. Of course, this quilt is not up to standard now."

The roommates were particularly surprised when they saw the very square tofu block on the bed.

"Is it still not up to standard?"

Ling Yun nodded and continued to operate, "Three points of folding the quilt depend on folding, and seven points depend on trimming."

"It takes a lot of effort to fold a tofu block. It will be time to eat soon. I will teach you when I really fold the tofu block."

The roommates nodded in unison.

Speaking of eating, Zhang Hao and the others' stomachs growled.

They all came from all over the world. They didn't eat anything during the journey, so they were already hungry.

The eight people walked out.

They had subconsciously regarded Ling Yun as a little leader, and they all followed behind Ling Yun.

When they went down the stairs, Ling Yun continued to talk to them about the rules.

"Although the new training has not officially started today, we are temporarily exempt from some rules. But from today we will start to learn and understand the rules."

"When others just understand the rules, we are already familiar with the rules."

The seven people nodded.

Those who can be admitted to the University of Science and Technology of China are all super academic masters in each class.

So it is difficult to open up a big gap here.

But now with Ling Yun, an experienced person, they can learn in advance and still remain "academic masters".

For them, it is a great pleasure.

"Two people form a row, three people form a line, you should have heard this sayingRight?"

The seven people nodded and said, "Although we didn't know these before, we are familiar with this sentence."

"What about four, five, or even more people? What?" Ling Yun asked back.

The roommates were stunned for a moment.

After a long time, they couldn't think of what to do.

Ling Yun continued, "Two people in a row, three people in a column, and more than three people are still in a column."

"Two people in a row means two soldiers marching side by side, and their stride, pace, arm swing, etc. are based on the soldier on the right; three people in a column means three or more soldiers marching in a column, and their stride, pace, arm swing, etc. are based on the first soldier. ”


After listening to Ling Yun’s introduction, the seven people lined up with Ling Yun as the leader.

Their admiration for Ling Yun increased a little bit.

Ling Yun was like a walking encyclopedia, knowing everything.

The district captain stood in front of the office window.

Looking at the freshmen entering the military academy, the district captain smiled with satisfaction.

More and more young people will choose to join the army, which is a good thing.

In the entire military academy, such a situation only occurs on the playground every year when freshmen enter the school.

Freshmen who laugh and play, make loud noises, and have no discipline.

Just as the district captain was looking at the freshmen who came to report.

Suddenly, a queue attracted the district captain’s attention.

At first, the district captain thought it was a senior student walking here.

But at this time, senior students should not be here.

Looking carefully.

The district captain found that the leader looked familiar.

After searching in his mind for a moment, the district captain took out his mobile phone and opened Ling Yun’s picture.

“It’s a freshman. "The captain was a little surprised.

Looking at them, they seemed to be going to the cafeteria.

Although the line was not very neat.

But among the freshmen, they were definitely the most dazzling ones.

It was not surprising that the captain knew Ling Yun.

After all, Ling Yun was a college entrance examination candidate with full marks, and the captain had seen Ling Yun's one-inch blue-background photo.

The first day here was relatively free.

But the second day was different.

On the morning of the second day, Ling Yun and his friends had already handed in their personal belongings.

Because there was a freshman mobilization meeting in the afternoon, the two squad leaders were not in the dormitory, and they were on the playground in advance to see which venue they would take the freshmen to next.

Seeing the sneaky Zhang Hao, Ling Yun quickly stepped forward and shouted in a low voice.

"Zhang Hao, what are you doing? !"

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