Zhang Hao's heart skipped a beat when he heard the low voice.

His body shuddered.

After seeing that it was Ling Yun, Zhang Hao breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest repeatedly.

"Huh... Brother Ling, you almost scared me to death."

"Aren't we going to hand in our personal belongings today? We are not allowed to drink or smoke in the military academy, and we are not even allowed to have snacks."

"Although I have good grades, I have been smoking for several years. If I don't have cigarettes, it will cost me my life, right?"

"When I handed them in, I took out three cigarettes from my box. Now that the freshman mobilization meeting was about to start and the two squad leaders were out, I quickly hid them."

Ling Yun glared at Zhang Hao unhappily.

"What did I tell you?"

"There will be a freshman mobilization meeting soon. You don't need to think about it. The district captain will emphasize that the military academy is not a university. Entering the military academy is just like entering the army."

"You hide cigarettes in the army secretly. Do you want to die? What's more, you are still in the new training period."

"It is true that the things have been handed in, but do you think no one will come to check?"

Ling Yun's words made Zhang Hao a little panic.

But under the temptation of smoking addiction, Zhang Hao still had a fluke mentality.

"I hid it very secretly. Even if they check, they shouldn't find it, right?"

"I hid the cigarettes in the gap between the wooden boards under the bed. It will be fine if I cover it with something."

Listening to Ling Yun finding out that Zhang Hao hid something.

The other roommates were also a little panicked, because they had just hidden some contraband.

It's just that they didn't hide cigarettes, but snacks.

Ling Yun turned around and said to his roommates: "If any of you have hidden something, I advise you to get rid of it now."

"Don't be lucky. Don't you think the squad leader and others have been through the same stage as us?"

"They know what we think. Didn't they think of hiding before?"

"We will hold a freshman mobilization meeting in the afternoon. Can you guarantee that no one will come to check? Once you are found hiding something, you may be regarded as an example on the spot."

"The future is ruined, and this will be with you for the rest of your life."

Ling Yun's words were not meant to scare them.

Once the hiding of something is discovered.

During the new training period, you will definitely be regarded as an example.

Being scared by Ling Yun like this.

The roommates who secretly hid things were so scared that cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

Those who hid snacks decisively destroyed the snacks in advance and threw them directly into the trash can.

In order to destroy them better, Zhang Hao directly broke the cigarette into small pieces and flushed it out through the sewer.

Confirm that the roommates didn't hide anything.

Ling Yun was relieved.

The monitor came back quickly and prepared to take Ling Yun and the others to the freshman mobilization meeting.

Back in the dormitory, the first thing the monitor did was to ask if they had hidden anything.

There was basically no difference between what the monitor said and what Ling Yun said.

On the way.

The roommates who had just hidden things were sweating all the time.

If it wasn't for Ling Yun's reminder.

If they were discovered, their future would really be ruined.

Under the leadership of the monitor, the playground was full of freshmen.

The captain of the first district stood in front of the freshmen and scanned the faces of each freshman.

"First of all, USTC welcomes you! I am the captain of your first team, Zhao Zhongxiang!"

"You come from society, whether it is elementary school, junior high school, or high school, there are relatively few rules. Suddenly coming here, facing the rules of rules and regulations, you will definitely feel uncomfortable and even regret it."

"But I believe that after you graduate from here, when you look back, you will feel how correct the decision you made before is."

"From the moment you enter USTC, your identity is not an ordinary college student, but a soldier! The military academy is the army!"

"After this mobilization meeting, you will officially enter the three-month new training. After the official start Before the new training begins, as your district captain, I have a lot to say to you. "

"During the new training, we will strictly follow the military standards. During the new training, it is very likely that you will do a trivial thing dozens or even hundreds of times."

"Whether it is eating, dressing, living, or traveling, you need hundreds or thousands of times of training!"

"You can apply for our University of Science and Technology of China, which proves that you are eager to become a soldier in your heart! In the future, when you graduate, you will all be the best commanders on the front line!"

"Starting from today's freshman mobilization meeting, I hope you will redouble your efforts and be 200% motivated!"


The squadron leader spoke for more than half an hour.

TheseLing Yun had memorized the words long ago.

When the squadron leader was in a meeting.

Ling Yun suddenly remembered that when he first obtained the system, he also triggered a hidden task.

That is to get into the University of Science and Technology of China with a full score in the college entrance examination.

After getting in, the system will reward Ling Yun with a mysterious gift package.

When the squadron leader was speaking.

Ling Yun opened the system in his mind and asked the system about the task.

Sure enough, the task was already completed, and only Ling Yun chose to receive it.

After receiving the task reward, Ling Yun silently said in his mind.

"Open the mysterious gift package."

Then, the voice of the system came from his mind.


"Congratulations to the host for successfully opening the mysterious gift package!"

"The mysterious gift package will automatically allocate the corresponding things needed by the host at this stage."

"It is detected that the host is about to start the freshman mobilization meeting. The reward is physical enhancement fluid, shooting auxiliary skills, and proficiency in housework."

The voice fell.

Ling Yun felt a warm current flowing through.

In his mind, Ling Yun felt the existence of the shooting auxiliary skill.

The shooting auxiliary skill is not what Ling Yun imagined.

After obtaining the skill, Ling Yun will be able to hit the target every time.

This skill needs to be practiced constantly, and only after constant practice can it achieve the greatest benefit.

As for the physical enhancement liquid, this needs to be used actively by Ling Yun himself.

Ling Yun confirmed in his mind, "Use the physical enhancement liquid."


Ling Yun felt a warm current flowing through him again.

After using it, Ling Yun felt that even his fist was stronger than before.

As for the proficiency in internal affairs, it is just as the name suggests.

Ling Yun also discovered at this time.

Ling Yun has never opened the system panel for such a long time since he had the system.

"Open the panel."

"Host: Ling Yun"

"Position: University of Science and Technology of China, freshman"

"Physique: 1.5 (normal physique is 1, host's original physique is 1.2, after using physique enhancement fluid, it is 1.5, and there is 0.5 physique enhancement fluid in front of it that has not been integrated)"

"Intelligence: 1.2 (normal physique is 1)"

"Skills: learning proficiency, shooting assistance, housekeeping proficiency"

The personal panel is very simple.

While Ling Yun was checking the system, the freshman mobilization meeting ended.

Back in the dormitory, the monitor began to speak.

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