Military Technology

Chapter 997 Me and My Hometown (continued)

Today, Wu Hao finally saw what it means to be eloquent and when to be eloquent.

In order to persuade Wu Hao, Liu Guangming basically said everything he could say, and even his voice became a little hoarse in the end.

If it's just for political achievements, he doesn't need to work so hard at all. It can be seen that he still wants to do something practical for his hometown during his term of office.

So after thinking for a while, Wu Hao and Lin Wei who was sitting next to him looked at each other, then nodded and said to Liu Guangming and a group of people who were looking at him expectantly: "Secretary Liu, I don't want to hide anything. Everyone, Haoyu Technology and Micro Media do have relevant disaster recovery plans, and we are also preliminary screening the location of the backup server.

The conditions you just mentioned are actually no richer than the promises made by some local leaders who came to us on a special trip. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Guangming was eager to speak, but Wu Hao shook his head and interrupted him: "Don't you believe it or not, it's only last year that we visited our two companies or took the initiative to find our first and second leaders." No less than two hundred.

The preferential conditions given by these people and these places are very rich, and many of them are also very powerful. It can be said that all the strengths of the localities are gathered to promote the implementation of related projects.

As a business, we certainly like and need these preferential policies. But in addition to this, we also need to consider a series of other factors.

After all, these are hundreds of millions or even billions or tens of billions of projects. Once started, there is no turning back.

In recent years, there have been countless large-scale projects that have been launched in various places in a hurry and eventually failed. Both the localities and our enterprises should learn from this and make more prudent decisions.

I was very touched after hearing the words of Secretary Liu and everyone today. I can also feel the determination and enthusiastic expectation that come out of everyone's words.

In addition, this is also the hometown where I was born and raised. Of course, I have the obligation and responsibility to devote myself to the construction of our hometown. "

As soon as his words came out, the faces of all the people present showed joy, and they became excited.

However, Wu Hao changed the subject: "However, a qualified entrepreneur or business manager cannot be swayed by emotions.

Although we are emotionally inclined here, we still need to listen to more professional opinions and suggestions, so now I cannot promise you anything. "

Hearing his words, the smiles on everyone's faces froze instantly.

Then one by one involuntarily showed a hint of disappointment and even some eagerness and annoyance.

Seeing this, Wu Hao waved his hands with a smile and said: "But, everyone, don't worry, we can first list our hometown as one of the candidate areas for the disaster recovery project of Haoyu Technology and Micro Media.

Later, we will organize relevant expert groups to conduct on-the-spot inspections, and then make a decision based on the inspection results and various factors.

If the conditions here are comparable to other alternative regions, even if they are equal, I will give priority to our hometown, what do you think? "

"it is good!"

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the words, and they nodded. Indeed, such a decision is much more reliable than a bunch of empty promises. At least, this decision was made after careful consideration, rather than just to deal with it.

Liu Guangming nodded with a smile on his face and said: "On behalf of our hometown, I can promise you that we will actively cooperate with the expert team's investigation. We will form a special working group to support this work later, and strive to settle this project in our hometown .”

Wu Hao smiled and said: "Actually, Lin Wei and I have been thinking about how to do something practical for our hometown these days.

After much deliberation, there is no clue. Finally, under her suggestion, we decided to prepare an advertising space for you for free on the two major platforms of the virtual world network and the virtual reality mobile network operated by Wei Media. It is used to play city tourism promotional videos in hometown or other types of public welfare or commercial advertisements, and the time is three months, that is, the first quarter.

For specific situations, we will find professionals to connect with you after we go back, and we can also provide you with free 3D panoramic videos for AR or VR equipment playback and related post-production projects.

Although the influence of our virtual world network and virtual reality mobile network is still weak compared to traditional networks, the influence among young people is still very considerable. "

"Thank you, thank you so much. On behalf of the more than 4 million people in my hometown, I thank you for your help. We will definitely cherish this opportunity and strive to promote the beautiful scene of our hometown." Liu Guangming stood up and shook hands. Holding Wu Hao's hand, he said excitedly.

Three months of advertising on the two major platforms, as well as providing related shooting support and post-production, the whole set is at least tens of millions.

Just for this item, they have already achieved their painstaking and meticulous preparations this time.

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile and said: "This is what we should do. In fact, what we have done is far from enough. In the future, we also hope to further understand and cooperate to see if it is possible to carry out some more in-depth cooperation."

"No, these have already made me ecstatic." Liu Guangming said with a smile on his face. For him, this is really a pleasant surprise, which shows that his decision this time is right, and also proves that Wu Hao is a person who can be won over, and also a person worthy of his expectations.

Wu Hao looked at Liu Guangming with a happy face, and then said: "Our two companies organize many employees to go on vacation and team building every year. I think this is the case. Later, we can set up a leisure and vacation center in our hometown. When the time comes Let everyone stay longer."

"Okay, this is good. Our hometown has beautiful mountains and rivers, which is suitable for leisure travel and vacation." Wu Liuguangming nodded, and then said to Wu Hao: "Well, when the vacation is over, I will let us travel immediately The bureau will contact your two companies to try to settle this matter as soon as possible.

Spring is coming soon, and this spring is also the most beautiful season in our hometown. We have rapeseed fields of ten thousand mu, peach blossoms all over the mountain, a sea of ​​azaleas, and new willows weeping from ancient embankments, all of which are very beautiful.

On behalf of the more than four million people in my hometown, I welcome them. "

As he spoke, Liu Guangming waved, and then four beautiful girls brought in some gift boxes.

"These are all native products of our hometown. They are a little bit of our heart. Don't dislike them even if they are small."

Wu Hao smiled and gave way when he heard the words: "It's too polite, these families have prepared them, so don't spend money."

"What the family prepares is the family's love for you, and what we send is our enthusiasm. Please don't chill the hearts of the big guys."

"Okay, then I'd rather be respectful than obedient." Wu Hao waved his hand, and then the generous security personnel stepped forward to take these 'local specialties' from these girls.

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