Military Technology

Chapter 996 Me and My Hometown

"We didn't think about relocating your Haoyu Technology here directly. We dare not think about it, and it's even more unrealistic. I just hope that you can give back and help our hometown as much as you can.

Although we don't have the unique conditions of the coast and big cities like Anxi, we can do our best to give very favorable support policies. Such as preferential tax policies, cheap labor, low operating costs and so on.

Moreover, the climate in our hometown is mild and humid, there is no heavy industrial pollution, and the environment is good. The number of fine weather in a year can reach more than 300 days. Water resources are abundant, and electricity resources are also very rich. "Liu Guangming tried his best to recommend to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao did not answer directly, but smiled at Liu Guangming and said: "Secretary Liu, you have heard that there are many smart manufacturing factories under our company, and these factories are also branched in various places.

Although it is a manufacturing factory, it is very advanced. We have adopted an intelligent and unmanned production mode, which can ensure very high production efficiency while reducing the number of personnel to a minimum.

Take our new lithium battery manufacturing factory in Yuzhou as an example. There are less than 100 people working in the whole factory. And the factory area managed by these 100 people has reached nearly 3,000 mu, and the output value of this factory has reached more than 20 billion yuan last year. "

As soon as Wu Hao's words fell, Liu Guangming and everyone present exclaimed. There are less than a hundred people in charge of a large factory of nearly 3,000 mu.

And the output value created by these one hundred people has reached more than 20 billion, what kind of achievement is this.

Not to mention other things, the GDP of the entire prefecture-level city here is only more than 150 billion a year. This is the value created by the hard work of more than 4 million folks in the city for a year, and this factory with less than 100 people is actually one-seventh completed.


The people present have done a lot of homework on Haoyu Technology and Wu Hao himself, and they also know that Haoyu Technology has set up many intelligent unmanned manufacturing factories of its own.

Originally thought it was a gimmick, at most more than one billion, billions of output value. But I didn't expect the output value of this factory alone to reach more than 20 billion, which many people didn't expect.

What is even more unimaginable is that there are many such factories under Haoyu Technology. In this way, the revenue and output value of Haoyu Technology's company may be an astronomical figure.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help feeling a little decadent. They worked desperately for a year, racked their brains, and led everyone to create a GDP of more than 100 billion.

And the company led by Wu Hao, with less than 40,000 people, far surpassed them, even several of them.

After a brief absence, everyone looked at Wu Hao more respectfully.

For Liu Guangming, his heart was even more bitter. Their original plan or purpose was to hope that Wu Hao would agree to return to his hometown to invest and build his manufacturing factories here. Even if it is one, it can not only increase local income, but also drive the local economy and the development of local manufacturing industries.

Unexpectedly, things far exceeded their expectations. They really don't have the courage to win a super factory with an output value of more than 20 billion, let alone be sure to win it.

So Liu Guangming decisively launched another backup plan: "Last year, several of our main leaders went to Guizhou Province to conduct a related inspection. The company has put their servers there, I heard Haoyu Technology and Wei Media also have related plans?"

Wu Hao glanced at Lin Wei who was accompanying him on the other side, and then nodded with a smile: "The off-site disaster recovery backup plan, Internet and technology companies, in order to avoid damage to the server in some natural geological or man-made disasters, and thus the entire The network system crashed.

Generally, relevant server systems are deployed in three places in two places, or in five places in three places, as mutual backup. When the primary server fails or is destroyed, the system will automatically switch to the backup server.

We Haoyu Technology and Wei Media do have relevant plans, and they are already in the process of implementation.

As for why so many enterprises prefer Guizhou Province, there are several reasons.

The first is key support from the state and local governments. No matter what the project is, without this support, it may be difficult to implement.

And this kind of dual support from top to bottom naturally gave Guizhou Province a unique environment for project implementation.

Second, is the local climate. The average altitude of Guizhou Province is 1,100 meters, and the annual average temperature is 14°C-16°C. There is no severe heat in summer and no severe cold in winter. Such a temperature difference can easily form natural wind to cool down the data center.

Here, the land is cheap, and most of them are karst lava landforms, with a very developed natural cave system. These caves have stable structures and have their own ventilation system. The temperature is kept at a low and constant state throughout the year, which is very suitable for the operating environment of servers.

So when you visited, you should have seen that the servers of these Internet and technology companies are basically placed in caves.

Another advantage of this is safety. Such a cave is a natural shelter from outside interference and damage. In order to ensure that the server can run safely and smoothly, it is very important for the operation of the server.

Finally, where is the very low electricity price. With relevant subsidies, the electricity price over there is very cheap. However, large server clusters consume a lot of electricity, and low electricity bills help these companies reduce operating costs.

Therefore, the combination of so many reasons has contributed to the unique advantages of Guizhou Province in this field. "

After listening to Wu Hao's words, everyone present couldn't help but nodded. Indeed, the success of Yunshang Guizhou Province is inseparable from the conditions listed by Wu Hao just now. It is precisely because of this that so many companies have attracted so many companies to put their servers there.

As for Liu Guangming, he immediately said to him: "No matter how good the conditions in Guizhou Province are, it is only one place. Like some large Internet companies, they often put their servers in several places to increase their ability to resist accidents.

For example, in a, the servers are placed in several cities, for example, one of them is in the lake of Qiandao Lake.

Then I don’t know if Haoyu Technology and Wei Media may put your disaster recovery server here.

Our conditions here are not bad at all, although they are not as good as those in Guizhou Province, and we cannot obtain support at the national level. But as long as you settle here, we will definitely strive for the greatest support and preferential policies and conditions for you.

In addition, the electricity bill here is also very cheap. There are five or six large and medium-sized hydropower generation hubs under the jurisdiction of our city. There are abundant power resources and the electricity price is also very cheap. If you settle here, we can connect you with special lines directly from the power plant, and the electricity price can also be paid to you according to the ex-factory electricity price. "

These few conditions alone made Wu Hao and Lin Wei look sideways. The supply is based on the ex-factory electricity price, which can no longer be described as cheap, it is simply cheap. It can be seen that Liu Guangming has made up his mind this time and will work hard to promote this project.

"And, we will also..."

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