Military Technology

Chapter 1119 Clear up the atmosphere and correct attitude

"Military Technology ()"

In the office, several staff members were quickly clearing up the leftovers that several people ate, while Wu Hao, Zhang Jun and Yang Fan were sitting leisurely in the rest area, drinking tea and enjoying the leisure time after the meal.

Looking at the unobstructed cityscape outside the window, Zhang Jun couldn't help sighing: "We won't be able to see this magnificent cityscape in a few months."

What's so good about this city? After passing by, you can see the entire Linghu Wetland Park, and the scenery over there is even more beautiful. Yang Fan couldn't help but pouted and said.

Zhang Jun smiled and shook his head when he heard the words: "You don't understand, the two scenery are different, and the feelings are naturally not the same."

Hehe, Wu Hao laughed when he heard this. Of course he knew what Zhang Jun was sighing. Although the scenery here is not as beautiful as that of Linghu Lake, but standing on this tall building, what you can see is not only the city scenery, but also the sense of superiority.

Especially when you see the matchbox-sized vehicles on the road below, and the ant-sized pedestrians, that feeling is really special.

How is our preparation for the new product launch, and has it finally taken that form? Wu Hao asked Zhang Jun.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun also turned his head and shook his head slightly at Wu Hao: "We are still in the process of preparing. As for which method to choose, we are still at a stalemate, but I am more inclined to the third option." The solution is to combine virtual and reality, so although the cost is higher, the effect is better.”

Wu Hao couldn't help frowning when he heard the words: "The combination of virtual and reality will not only require a special layout for the venue and stage, but also require the production of a large amount of virtual material content. It's not long before the press conference, can we catch up? This is a problem.

In addition, in this way, the related expenses may also increase. "

Hearing his words, Yang Fan on the side also agreed: "Isn't it just a new product launch event? The important thing is the product. Why do other things make it so complicated? It's troublesome and a waste of money."

"Go, what do you know? We are not a small company now, but a giant in the technology industry, with a very high influence in the world. As for our current press conference, it has become the focus of the world's attention, and even It's an annual event.

With such attention, how can we be careless? A big company should have the demeanor of a big company, but also the image of a big company.

This not only affects our image in the hearts of consumers, but also directly affects all aspects of the company, such as talent recruitment. If we don't behave a little better, those. How can outstanding talents be interested in our company and come to work in our company.

Besides, the new product launch itself is for publicity and needs attention. How can we get more attention if we don't do a better job. "

Zhang Jun pointed at Yang Fan, and he was also preaching to Wu Hao.

Regarding Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao didn't say anything immediately, but said with a smile: "No matter what kind of plan it is, make it as soon as possible, and then hurry up to proceed. The press conference is not long now."

I said that if you just finalize it and leave it to the preparatory working group, I'm afraid you don't know how long the fight will last. Zhang Jun couldn't help complaining to Wu Hao.

As for Wu Hao, he shook his head slightly: "You can't rely on me for everything. If that's the case, what do I need them for?"

Speaking of this, Wu Hao raised a finger, and then said with a displeased expression: "One week, I only give one week, and next week I must see a mature and reliable plan in front of me. If I do If not, step aside as soon as possible to give way to the virtuous, and hand it over to someone who can do it."

A week, isn't it a bit too much? Even if it is determined to use that set of plans, it will take a lot of time to refine and enrich the content of the plan, and this week is obviously not enough.

Just a week. Wu Hao said firmly.

In fact, he was very dissatisfied with the work of the preparatory team for the new product launch.

This has been arguing for half a month, and I haven't come up with a plan yet. To tell the truth, he has been enduring this fire.

OK, I'll go talk to them. Seeing his firm attitude, Zhang Jun didn't dare to continue persuading him, and immediately nodded in response.

As for the products, how are the several products we are going to release this time? Wu Hao turned his head to look at Yang Fan.

The relevant testing work has been basically completed, and some products have been handed over to the factory for production, which will not affect the launch time we have set.

As for some products, we need to wait for a while, and we will need a period of time to optimize and improve. After Yang Fan said this, he paused for a moment, and then continued to speak to Wu Hao.

"You know, because of our company's relocation this year, our scientific research department is the first batch, so it will affect the progress of some projects in our scientific research department, so..."

Hearing this, Wu Hao waved his hand and interrupted Yang Fan's words: "I can understand, but consumers and the public can't understand, so you have to speed up.

I don't want me to talk about PPT like some mobile phone companies in the past. "

Hehehehe... Hearing his words, both Zhang Jun and Yang Fan laughed.

The production department also has to work harder, and prepare more goods before the sale, so as not to be in the same situation as before, which will seriously affect our word of mouth and reputation. Wu Hao turned his head and directed at Zhang Jun.

Don't worry, I have focused on this aspect. Zhang Jun nodded and replied: "In addition, Zou Xiaodong has also gone to various factories to supervise the production, to ensure that we have sufficient supply of products before the sale."

Wu Hao let out a smile when he heard this, and then said to Zhang Jun in a slow tone: "The marketing department and our major sales channels also have to make preparations in advance.

Especially for offline channels, in addition to our official experience stores, we must focus on the supervision and inspection of agents at all levels.

I don't want some of the previous messy things to come out again. Although they are only agents, they also hang our Haoyu Technology brand. I don't want our reputation and reputation to be ruined by these agents.

We would rather not transfer the money than allow them to behave indiscriminately. For the problems discovered by the inspection, we will find and deal with them together, and we will never tolerate them.

If the problem is serious, or if you refuse to correct after repeated admonition, you will be fined, or even directly delisted. "

Is it too serious to be delisted directly? Just pay more fines and let them have a long memory. Zhang Jun persuaded at this time.

Regarding Zhang Jun's persuasion, Wu Hao waved his hand directly and said: "No, we must deal with it strictly. If we don't kill chickens and monkeys, how can we clear up the atmosphere and correct our attitude."

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