Military Technology

Chapter 1277 Suspected Alien Life__T Two Phages

"Oh, this is a good research topic." Wu Hao's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he couldn't help admiring.

"So, you have achieved good results in this regard."

"Yes." Fang Renzheng nodded: "If there is a safer and faster treatment method, then we will save countless patients who are deeply infected by Helicobacter pylori. I think it can be hoped for this alone. Hit the Nobel Prize.

Even if it cannot be obtained, this is a medical achievement that is enough to make all mankind boil.

Compared with its significance, its economic value is more significant. If we develop this special drug, it means that we have directly or indirectly eliminated the common drugs and treatments currently on the market for gastric Helicobacter pylori infection.

With such a huge infected population around the world, the gold content of this drug and therapy patent alone is already an inestimable figure. "

Hearing Fang Renzheng's words, Wu Hao shook his head and said, "Although that's what I said, it may be very difficult to develop such special drugs. You must know that all the major pharmaceutical giants all over the world now have products for this field. Research it.

Compared with these pharmaceutical giants, we are just a fledgling workshop. "

Fang Renzheng nodded and said: "Of course we know the gap between us and these pharmaceutical giants and top laboratory research teams.

However, in this field of research, in fact, everyone is basically the same, and there is no major breakthrough. What everyone is currently studying is how to use specific drugs to directly kill Helicobacter pylori.

Although this method is direct, it is very violent. Not only is it powerful, but it is also easy to harm innocent people.

So we were wondering if there is a drug that specifically targets H. pylori in the stomach. "

Speaking of this, Fang Renzheng laughed: "Don't talk about it, after our careful investigation, there really is one.

This is a small molecule compound zinc linolenate developed by the team of experts and professors from Shicheng University of Medical Sciences. It is said that it specifically targets Helicobacter pylori in the stomach and has a good effect.

Although related papers have been published for several years, the drug has not been put into use so far. And for its reliability and safety, there has not been a true report so far.

In our opinion, this small molecular compound zinc linolenate is still a chemical substance, and it has not gone out of the traditional theoretical thinking system.

How to find another way to find a safer and more effective removal treatment method is a problem that has been explored and studied. "

Speaking of this, Fang Renzheng led Wu Hao and the others into a brightly lit demonstration hall, and then continued to introduce Wu Hao and the others.

Just when our research was deadlocked and there was no progress for a long time, a short popular science video and article inspired us, or gave us an instant inspiration.

"This is a video introducing T2 phage."

"T2 bacteriophage?" Hearing the name, everyone present couldn't help being curious.

"That's right, T2 phage, this is a strain of phage, it belongs to the T lineage of phages. It is a virus that specifically parasitizes in bacteria.

It looks like a tadpole,

The head is in the shape of an icosahedron, the outer shell is made of protein, and the head wraps DNA as genetic material. Because the shape is so special, it is very different from the bacteria and viruses we have seen, so this T2 bacteriophage has been suspected by many people to be alien life that invaded the earth.

When it infects the host, the tail sheath shrinks, and the DNA in the head is injected into the cell through the hollow tail, so that the progeny phage is synthesized through the material in the host body.

One characteristic of this T2 phage is that it specifically selects for parasitic Escherichia coli and reproduces very rapidly.

It will actively search for the location of E. coli and actively attack. After infecting Escherichia coli, under the action of its own genetic material, it will use the material in the Escherichia coli body to synthesize its own components and proliferate in large quantities.

When the phage multiplies to a certain number, E. coli lyses and releases a large number of phages, which is a kind of potent phage.

Therefore, many scientists are now conducting research on this T2 phage, hoping to use it to treat some cases of E. coli infection. "

Speaking of this, Fang Renzheng smiled and said in a different tone: "However, we saw infinite possibilities in it, or we got inspiration.

So, can we also cultivate such a bacterium, or virus, that specifically targets Helicobacter pylori in the stomach to kill Helicobacter pylori in the stomach.

Our research has always been limited by our own thinking, why can't we jump out and look at it.

Helicobacter pylori in the stomach is a kind of bacteria, so why can't we use bacteria to fight each other's bacteria and viruses to fight each other's viruses. "

"Bacteria are used to attack the opponent's bacteria, and viruses are used to attack the opponent's virus. To put it bluntly, it is the bacterial warfare and virus warfare in war." Wu Hao said with a smile: "It's just that you use them in the human body to transform the human body." The body becomes a battlefield."

"You are right."

Fang Renzheng nodded: "Since animals in nature have natural enemies, don't these bacteria and viruses have natural enemies?

That being the case, why don't we use their natural enemies to deal with these bacteria and viruses. Wouldn't it be greener, safer and more effective?

In this way, why do we need to use these chemical drug ingredients.

Our ancestors all said that medicine is three-point poison. Even if the side effects of this chemical drug are small, there will be side effects, which is a kind of harm and potential threat to human health.

And the natural enemies of this kind of bacteria are viruses and bacteria. They are specially fed with bacteria, which is not harmful to the human body, and can be said to be a safer and greener treatment method. "

Hearing Fang Renzheng's answer, Yang Fan couldn't help shaking his head: "The natural enemies you mentioned to kill bacteria are either bacteria or viruses.

So how do you ensure that these natural enemies and bacteria are safe and reliable enough so that they will not cause harm to the human body while attacking harmful bacteria.

If these bacteria and viruses evolve or mutate, thus changing the attack target, wouldn't it bring more serious harm to the human body?

You have to know that bacteria are prokaryotes, and DNA lacks nuclear membrane protection compared to eukaryotes, so it is more susceptible to damage and mutation.

Moreover, the reproduction speed of bacteria is very fast, and a generation of reproduction can be produced in generally 20 minutes. If conditions are right, a single bacterium can multiply into trillions in a single day.

With such a high reproduction speed, the DNA molecule must be replicated every time it reproduces, so it is more prone to replication errors, which greatly increases the chance of mutation.

In this way, who can guarantee that these bacteria or viruses will change the characteristics of these bacteria during the process of reproduction and mutation, so that they will change their attack targets and choose to attack other bacteria or even human body parts.

However, such mutated bacteria and viruses have no effective methods of targeting, which will cause greater harm to the human body. "

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