Military Technology

Chapter 1280 Brand New Variety, Super Rose


After some encouragement, Wu Hao immediately shifted his gaze to the super Haloxylon tree in front of him.

Seeing his gaze, everyone calmed down, and continued to look at them while quietly waiting for his voice.

After careful observation, Wu Hao immediately asked Yang Fang who was looking at him, "Is this super Haloxylon strain an accidental mutation during your research and experiment, or a normal result that can be replicated."

Hearing this question, everyone couldn't help turning their heads to look at Yang Fang, waiting for her answer.

That's right, there is some luck in the experiment process, and sometimes an accident will produce an accidental result. Many of the achievements we are familiar with came about by accident, but some can be copied and continued, and some cannot.

For example, tofu and gunpowder that we are familiar with, these two great inventions of our country in ancient times, are all accidental results obtained by ancient Taoist alchemists in the process of refining elixir.

For another example, Watt, who invented the steam engine, accidentally noticed the picture of the water vapor pushing up the lid of the kettle after the water in the kettle boiled, and then inspired by this, invented the steam engine, which triggered the first industrial revolution.

The water boils, and the water vapor pushes the lid of the pot. Human beings have been watching for thousands of years, but it was Watt's accidental attention that gave birth to the greatest invention in human history.

There is also Newton that we all learned in textbooks. He was accidentally hit by an apple falling from a tree, and then he thought of why things fall instead of falling into the sky, so he said that in classical mechanics The famous law of universal gravitation.

There are also many similar scientific experiment results, which were obtained by accident after accidents.

However, many of them can be replicated, and some of them are accidental results that cannot be replicated for various reasons, which are many in scientific experiments.

That's why Wu Hao raised such a question. If this super Haloxylon tree was obtained by accident and can be replicated, then it's nothing. It's still a great scientific achievement. But if it is obtained by chance and cannot be replicated, then this achievement is not of much significance, and I don't know how much attention it is.

Yang Fang naturally understood the meaning of Wu Hao's words, so she nodded formally at him and put away her smile at everyone: "This research result is not accidental, it is completely a scientific research result cultivated by our experiments according to the established process , can be copied completely.

Please take a look, the super Haloxylon trees over there are also cultivated through this technology, but the plants are not as beautiful as the one here, so we will list them separately as an introduction and focus object of study. "

After hearing Yang Fang's answer, everyone at the scene couldn't help smiling. This is a real scientific research achievement, there is no water in it.

Wu Hao also smiled and nodded: "Yes, what are your plans for the next step."

Seeing Wu Hao ask this question, Yang Fang smiled and shook her head: "The research on this technology has just begun, and it is far from being completed.

In fact, there are still many unsatisfactory places on this super Haloxylon tree. We are conducting research to try to breed a new variety of super Haloxylon tree that is better and more in line with our requirements.

And our next step is to apply this technology to other plants, such as seabuckthorn, which has certain economic value.

We need to take into account the economic value of windbreak and sand fixation and afforestation at the same time, so that they can become rich forests and cash cows for farmers rather than merely becoming protective forests and greening forests. "

Hahahaha, this ideal is good! Wu Hao stretched out his thumb and said with a smile.

The crowd also laughed and exaggerated.

After a burst of laughter, Wu Hao looked around the experimental glass greenhouse, and then Yang Fang said with a smile: "Dr. Yang, you see that we are all here, you don't want to send us only this one achievement. "

Hearing his words, everyone smiled. Yang Fang couldn't help but rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Look at what you said, what is sending you off? Isn't this fruitful result?"

Glancing at the crowd, Yang Fang sighed before anyone else could speak, "Forget it, who made you my boss, you paid for my salary.

Everyone this way please! "

With that said, Yang Fang led everyone to a place where red roses were in full bloom.

As for Yang Fang, she hooked a blooming red rose with her hand, lowered her head and smelled it, and then showed a look of enjoyment.

Turning her head to look at the amazed gazes of the crowd, Yang Fang said with a playful smile, "I promise you, I will give you a field of roses. This is a new variety of red roses that we have bred and is suitable for planting in deserts."

Oh so fast?

Wu Hao couldn't help but hooked a rose with his hand and looked at it carefully. This is not that kind of wild rose, but the real kind of pure red rose. And the appearance is very good, the petals are large and thick, and there is a faint floral fragrance.

As for Yang Fan and his entourage following him, they were all eager to try.

Yang Fang obviously saw the performance of the crowd, and then smiled and waved her hands and said: "It's okay, everyone can take pictures if they want, there is nothing to keep secret about this thing."

Wu Hao joked with a smile when he heard the words: "Do you know the market value of such a new variety of roses with excellent appearance?"

Yang Fang cut off a budding rose with scissors, and then smiled at everyone and said: "This flower is for people to see, not for people to hype. Compared with its commercial value, I I prefer the way it's budding.

Besides, this thing can't be leaked just by taking a picture, the technology is in our hands. "

While speaking, Yang Fang used scissors to trim the branch of the budding rose, and then handed it to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao took the rose, looked at the rose with tiny water droplets on it, and couldn't help sighing: "Such a delicate flower, are you sure it can adapt to the cruel environment of this desert."

Yang Fang smiled and said: "Roses can grow in arid regions, and there are branches in the entire northwest region.

We selected some excellent products from them, and then edited the genome DNA, thus cultivating this excellent variety.

Compared with ordinary roses, it has stronger vitality, drought resistance, cold resistance, high temperature resistance, salt and alkali resistance, and it grows rapidly and has a long flowering period.

The petals are fragrant and have a high oil content, which is suitable for extracting essential oils and has high economic value. "

Speaking of this, Yang Fang said in a moderate tone: "Of course, in the natural environment of the desert Gobi, of course this kind of rose will not grow as it does in the experimental glass greenhouse.

Of course, it won't be too bad. "

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