Military Technology

Chapter 1279 Conqueror of the Desert

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After inspecting Fang Renzheng's new super phage research project, Wu Hao did not leave, but immediately came to another project team he was more concerned about, which was the drought-tolerant plant breeding project in charge of Yang Fang.

This is also one of the company's key projects, and it is a project that Wu Hao is more concerned about, so since he is here, he must have a look.

Compared with the seriousness of the P2 biological experiment, Yang Fang and the others seemed much more relaxed.

After Wu Hao and the others arrived, Yang Fang did not invite them into the laboratory, but brought them into a large glass greenhouse.

Although it has entered autumn, it is still green and lush here, and there are some gorgeous flowers in full bloom.

Compared to Yang Xiaoyun, who was tanned into a wheat color within a short time after coming to the base, Yang Fang obviously knew better about protection and maintenance, so there was not much change from the last time I saw her.

Seeing Wu Hao coming, she enthusiastically guided them into the experimental glass greenhouse and introduced their relevant scientific research achievements this year.

When Yang Fang brought them to a long, lush and rather special plant, she smiled and introduced it to them.

"Mr. Wu, Mr. Yang, this is our latest cultivation achievement this year. We extracted the relevant genomic DNA of moso bamboo, and then implanted it into the genomic DNA of Haloxylon, replacing the relevant genomic DNA.

After repeated trials and repeated failures, we successfully bred this Haloxylon strain containing the related genomic DNA of moso bamboo. "

Speaking of this, Yang Fang picked up a laser pointer and introduced it to everyone.

"Please see, after our continuous cultivation and meticulous care, this Haloxylon plant is very different from ordinary Haloxylon.

First of all, in terms of plant height, that is, the height of the plant, it is several times higher than ordinary Haloxylon. "

Then, Yang Fang directed everyone to look at a large screen hanging on one side and said: "Look, everyone, this is the height of an ordinary Haloxylon shuttle. Generally speaking, it is 1-9 meters high. Generally, the ones we see are about one or two meters high. , which is the most common. There are also smaller ones, which may be ant forests."


Everyone at the scene laughed knowingly, while Yang Fang continued to introduce with a laser pointer.

"As for the super Haloxylon tree we have newly bred, its plant height can reach about ten to thirty meters, which can be said to be several times that of ordinary Haloxylon, and almost the height of moso bamboo.

Because it is in the laboratory, there is no such condition, so we have pruned and dwarfed.

In the next step, if conditions permit, we will start cultivating in an outdoor natural environment. When you come again, you will be able to see even more spectacular sights.

Of course, compared to its plant height, its biggest advantage is that it grows rapidly. Please see, this Haloxylon was only a seedling at the beginning of this year, but it has grown so tall now, and this is still under the condition of our pruning and dwarfing. Compared with the growth speed of ordinary Haloxylon, it can be said that there is a huge difference.

Please look at the branches of this Haloxylon, the internodes of ordinary Haloxylon are about 4-12 mm, but the internode distance of this Haloxylon is 80-220 mm. Obviously, the growth of this Haloxylon plant has been affected by the implanted DNA of the moso bamboo, causing changes in the internodes of its trunk.

There are also leaves of this Haloxylon plant that also emit changes, please take a look. "

Immediately, on the big screen, an enlarged comparison picture of two Haloxylon leaves appeared.

"The leaves of the common Haloxylon saccharomyces have this nodular needle shape, or cylindrical shape. However, the leaves of our Haloxylon saccharomyces plant have been affected by the genomic DNA of moso bamboo, and they have obvious flattening."

As she said that, Yang Fang directly cut a branch from the Haloxylon plant with scissors, and passed it on to everyone for viewing.

Wu Hao took it in his hand and observed it carefully, and it was indeed as Yang Fang said, it was very different from ordinary Haloxylon.

When everyone passed it on, Yang Fang also continued to talk: "In fact, there are still many related changes, such as some changes in the root system.

As for other changes that are not obvious enough, we are still in the process of research, so it is not like everyone to report for the time being. "

clap clap clap...

Under the applause, Yang Fang temporarily ended the introduction work.

As for Yang Fan, he shook his head at Wu Hao and Qin Yongchuan and said, "I still don't believe that the genomic DNA of these two different types of plants can be fused so easily. It's a bit too simple. Bar."

Hahahaha... Everyone laughed when they heard Yang Fan's words.

As for Yang Fang, she rolled her eyes and said speechlessly: "It's simple, you really don't have back pain while standing up and talking. For us, this is already enough to be listed in international A-class publications such as SCIE, EI, and ISTP." A major achievement."

Speaking of this, Yang Fang suddenly thought of something, then looked at Yang Fan and nodded: "That's right, the so-called interlacing is like a mountain, you can be forgiven if you don't understand these things."

After finishing speaking, Yang Fang said to everyone: "This research is very difficult, even more difficult than everyone imagined. The study of plant genome DNA can be said to be more difficult and more laborious than the study of animal genome DNA.

And just now, in order to make everyone understand more clearly, I introduced it to you in a more popular way.

Otherwise, I am afraid of using a lot of professional terms, which are too obscure, and it will be difficult for everyone to sound. "

Wu Hao nodded with a smile when he heard the words, and then said to Yang Fang and a kind of scientific researcher behind her: "Very good, it is really remarkable that you can achieve such excellent results in such a short period of time.

Such a real, intuitive, and fruitful result right in front of us is an eye-opener for us.

I have seen the possibility of wireless from this super shuttle, and I hope that all of you can continue to work hard to extract more value from it and this technology.

Let the surrounding areas of our scientific research base, the Gobi Desert, the Northwest of the motherland, and the barren lands of the world grow green as soon as possible.

This is a major project that benefits the country and the people, and is even valuable to all mankind. Its value is not only in its huge economic value, but also in its ecological value and its social value.

Compared with the economic value, its ecological value and the social value it affects are more important.

So everyone works hard, this project will make everyone famous all over the world and last forever.

Perhaps in the future, people will erect a monument on the only remaining desert in the world, with your names and your heroic deeds written on it.

There is also the admiration and commemoration of future generations for you, dedicated to all the desert conquerors, and dedicated to the heroes who conquered the desert in the future, prevented wind and sand, and planted trees.

I am so proud of you! "

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