Military Technology

Chapter 1282 Use drones to deal with drones

"Aside from these, the price of a single air defense missile is also very expensive, even a shoulder-fired individual air defense missile is not cheap.

So is there a light field area air defense missile with low cost, simple layout, quick response, and high hit accuracy?

After proposing this goal, we will work hard for it. After thinking about many ways, in the end, we returned to our old line of work and set the goal on drones. "

"On the drone?"

Everyone showed a puzzled look.

Zhou Yonghui nodded and said with emphasis: "Yes, put it on the drone, and use the drone to deal with the drone."

"You mean to use drones as air defense weapons to intercept and attack incoming drones." Yang Fan understood.

"That's right, that's what it means."

Zhou Yonghui said with a smile: "This is our specialty. Since we already have it, why bother to find a donkey on a horse? It's unnecessary."

"It is indeed a genius idea to use a drone to attack the opponent's drone." Wu Hao nodded with a smile.

After receiving Wu Hao's affirmation, the smile on Zhou Yonghui's face became even wider.

"That's right, our attack drones in the past were all used to attack ground targets, but now we just want to change their attack targets from the ground to the sky, and replace some ground targets with unmanned drones." machine.

Although it is only a change in the goal, the difficulty has increased by not a little bit. Because anti-aircraft weapons require quick response, flexibility, and a high hit rate.

If the response is not fast enough, the attack drones will hit our position before we can lock the incoming attack drones.

If the interceptor drone is not maneuverable enough, it will be difficult to keep up with the attacking drone.

If the hit rate is not enough, then in such a vast sky, it is almost impossible for anti-aircraft drones to attack and intercept those tiny and excited attack drones. "

"So in response to these problems, we began to overcome and solve them step by step. First of all, it must be a problem of rapid response, which means that we must have a fast-response, accurate and efficient early warning and search radar system.

We are relatively weak in this field, so we can only cooperate with relevant scientific research institutes. After getting relevant technical support from them, we immediately came up with a set of design solutions suitable for our system and conducted targeted research.

In the end, it constitutes the air defense radar system of our light field area air defense system.

This air defense radar system can cover an airspace of 30 kilometers around, and can detect and track and lock some slow and small targets entering the airspace in time, and this radar system can track and lock up to nearly a hundred targets at the same time. Choose a dozen of the most threatening targets and guide the anti-aircraft drones to attack.

As for the mobility and flexibility, in fact, our drones are not slow, and can reach a speed of nearly 400 kilometers per hour at the fastest, which can be said to be far faster than many current light drones.

However, this speed is still not enough, especially for some incoming attack drones that dive.

Therefore, we must improve and upgrade this air defense drone so that it should have faster speed and more flexible maneuverability.

After repeated research and experiments, we set our goal on the rocket Zengcheng technology, that is to say, we plan to equip a propellant rocket behind the UAV, so that the flight speed, height, and distance of the UAV can be increased. and excitability.

And this also constitutes the basic structure of our air defense interception drone, which consists of two parts, the attack interception drone at the front and the Zengcheng rocket propulsion device at the back.

After finding and locking the target, the intelligent air defense system will launch the missile, and according to the guidance of the radar, the missile will be induced to attack the target drone.

After the attack and interception UAV receives the system command, the rocket propulsion device at the end will quickly ignite and push the attack and interception UAV to launch. After maneuvering to a certain distance or near the target, the rocket propulsion device at the end will fall off automatically.

At this time, the attack and intercept UAV engine in the front section drives the fan blades, and then pushes the UAV to attack the incoming UAV.

Another advantage of this is that we can launch these attack interception drones in advance after the target is discovered remotely, and stand by in the designated airspace.

Because it is a drone, it has more time in the air than ordinary anti-aircraft missiles.

Therefore, we can completely change the air defense strategy, launch these attacking and intercepting drones first, and hover on standby in the airspace that these attacking drones must pass through.

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When these enemy attack drones pass through this airspace, these attack interception drones will launch a siege to eliminate these incoming enemy attack drones.

Even, during the daily duty process, several attack interception drones can be launched to patrol the designated airspace and stand by.

Once a suspicious enemy target is found, these attack interception drones on standby can quickly launch an attack to eliminate the invading enemy.

It can be said that this will be a brand-new combat style in modern air defense operations, which will greatly improve our defense capabilities against such slow and small targets.

The next step is the hit rate, which has always been a headache for us.

First of all, we must solve the problem of radar detection. We have to find the target first, so that we can track and lock the target, so as to guide the attack and interception drone to attack the interception target.

In addition to radar guidance, we also need to improve the ability of attacking and intercepting UAVs to autonomously search and lock attack targets.

In this piece, we also introduced our most advanced AI image recognition and tracking technology. Use images to find targets, identify targets, lock targets, and attack targets.

Compared with the previous AI image recognition and tracking technology, this time we have added a real-time dynamic target recognition and tracking system to the newly upgraded and optimized AI image recognition and tracking technology.

That is to say, the AI ​​system is used to identify the fast-moving target in the image, so as to track and lock the target, and then guide the attack target.

Everyone knows that these attack drones are very fast when attacking. How to find these fast flying targets in the screen, and track and lock them in real time, so as to guide the attack targets. This is also the biggest problem we face in the research process. Fortunately, we have found another way to solve this problem well. "

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