Military Technology

Invincible Chapter 1283

Due to time constraints, Wu Hao did not stay at the Institute of Aviation Technology and UAVs for too long. After learning about the general situation of the institute with Zhou Yonghui, they left immediately and prepared to pack up and board the plane.

Anyway, we will meet again in a few days, and it will not be too late to talk about it then.

According to the itinerary, Wu Hao took Yang Fan and the others to take a special plane to land at Wushi Airport in Xijiang. Because Xu Xiaoya has already arrived there and is waiting for them in Urumqi.

It was already six or seven o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived at the hotel where we stayed in Urumqi, but in Xijiang, it was still bright at this point, and the sun had not even set, so there was no way to go too longitude to the west side, and there was a time zone difference.

After not resting in the hotel room for long, he received an invitation from Xu Xiaoya to go out for dinner. Of course, not only the two of them, but also Yang Fan and the others.

Since we are going to visit the famous local night market, everyone dressed casually. In order to prevent others from recognizing it, a baseball cap or something is essential.

Going downstairs, Wu Hao found that Xu Xiaoya and the others had already come down and were waiting for them. Compared with Wu Hao, who was dressed in a low-key manner, Xu Xiaoya was more casual. A floral dress and a shawl perfectly showed her hot figure.

Xu Xiaoya, who was wearing sunglasses, looked at Wu Hao, who was dressed in a low-key manner, and couldn't help laughing: "You celebrities, it's so troublesome to go shopping, it's really enough."

What do you call us celebrities? You are stumped, aren't you? The dignified senior vice president of beauty in A is a business celebrity who has often been featured in magazines. Wu Hao joked with a smile.

Hearing his joke, Xu Xiaoya smiled and waved her hands and said, "What kind of a celebrity am I? I'm just a yellow-faced woman walking on the street. I can't help but be noticed.

You are different. If you reveal your identity, I guess you won't be able to get away at all. "

Hehe, if I could, I'd rather not be this celebrity. Wu Hao smiled wryly and shook his head.

Regarding this, Xu Xiaoya laughed and said, "This is beyond your control.

Let's go. To be honest, I haven't been here for a long time. I kind of want to eat big plate chicken, barbecue, baked buns, and pilaf. "

Xu Xiaoya seemed a little excited, and it could be seen that she was in a really good mood.

Oh, I have a good appetite. Wu Hao laughed.

Xu Xiaoya walked outside,

He smiled and said: "That's right, it's hard to come here, I have to taste all the delicious food.

Although you can also eat it in the mainland, the taste is not as authentic as here. "

This is the truth, one side supports the other side. Wu Hao smiled, and then boarded a relatively low-key MPV with Xu Xiaoya and Yang Fan, and the vehicle drove out slowly.

Several people sat in the car, chatting while looking at the street scene outside.

Xu Xiaoya, who was sitting next to Wu Hao, couldn't help laughing: "I heard that the management in A is planning to make a large-scale adjustment recently. It's not a wise move for you to leave and go here for leisure."

Xu Xiaoya turned her head to look at Wu Hao and said with a smile: "The news is well-informed, it's not that it's about to start, but it's already started.

It is precisely because of this that I want to escape from this vortex, and only in this way can I stay out of it. "

Hearing Xu Xiaoya's words, Wu Hao shook his head: "This is not like your usual style."

No way, the movement was too loud this time. Xu Xiaoya sighed, and then slowly said: "In the past two years, the company's overall business has declined, and the stock price has also declined, which has caused the dissatisfaction of the board of directors.

Therefore, due to the pressure of the board of directors, this time the company is preparing to conduct a large-scale management adjustment and a large-scale exchange of blood. Some veterans who are not working well may have to resign to the second line, and a group of capable and courageous fresh blood will be promoted to replace them in important positions. "

Wu Hao couldn't help but nodded when he heard the words. In the past two years, A's business has indeed stagnated or even declined, and the stock price has also been relatively weak. Although there has not been a sharp drop, the growth rate has been very slow, or even declined. This naturally made some investors unable to sit still, so under pressure, this large-scale personnel adjustment was carried out. On the one hand, I hope to extinguish the anger of shareholders and investors, and on the other hand, I also hope to use this adjustment to rejuvenate the company.

What about you, your position as the senior vice president is a favorite, aren't you worried about being snatched away? Wu Hao joked with a smile.

Xu Xiaoya glanced at Wu Hao, and then showed a happy smile: "Well, it's all thanks to you.

If it weren't for you, I would definitely have trouble sleeping and eating right now, and I'm in a hurry. But if you are here, I can sit on the Diaoyutai and watch the tigers fight from the mountain.

Besides, my senior vice president is just a title, and there is no limit, just set up a new one. "

Hearing Xu Xiaoya's words, Wu Hao also immediately understood what Xu Xiaoya's words meant, so he nodded slightly.

Xu Xiaoya saw this, and then continued: "Everyone in the company knows that I have a good relationship with you. Now that Haoyu Technology is developing so prosperously, they still expect to use my relationship to seek cooperation with you and share a share Soup.

So now, it is absolutely impossible for them to fire me.

The second thing is that I am in charge of the cooperation projects between our two companies. Whether it is the smart logistics technology project or the smart unmanned farm project we visited here, they have brought huge benefits to the company.

Especially in the past two years, both the smart logistics technology project and the smart unmanned farm project of our trip have achieved remarkable results.

If they want to fire me at this time, aren't they saying to their subordinates and outsiders that they have exhausted their birds, hidden their bows, and killed their donkeys.

The impact of this is definitely something they don't want to see.

Finally, it is the ability aspect. This time, the replacements were all veterans who were not able to work well, and my work performance was very impressive, so naturally I was not included in this replacement list.

If all the workers are really driven away, then who will be willing to do the work of this company in the future. "

After listening to Xu Xiaoya's introduction, Wu Hao couldn't help laughing and said, "Well, it seems that I was worried for nothing."

Just you, still worry about me, come on. Xu Xiaoya obviously didn't believe it.

Hehehe, Wu Hao seemed to have been overwhelmed, and said with some embarrassment: "As a friend, it's normal to care about your work.

Of course, if you are really kicked out, I will open the door to welcome you here.

You can talk about salary and treatment casually, the position is still senior vice president, but it is much more comfortable than working there.

To be honest, I lack a capable leader like you. "

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