Military Technology

Chapter 1294 You Can't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

In the past, there were many such examples. A company closed down, and many upstream companies were greatly affected, and even went bankrupt.

This is the risk of over-dependence, so caution must be exercised at all times.

Hearing his words, Du Xiuming and Zhong Xiaoling immediately nodded to express their understanding.

Du Xiuming promised: "Don't worry about this, we will definitely follow our own rhythm and not be influenced by others."

Zhong Xiaoling on the side also said: "I will pay close attention to market trends, and will never let them lead us by the nose.

And if possible, we don't want to hang on a tree, and develop more partners, which is in our own development interests. "

Hearing Zhong Xiaoling's words, Wu Hao smiled and said, "This is one of the reasons why I didn't promise Xu Xiaoya, I can't put all the eggs in one basket. Otherwise, if the basket accidentally falls to the ground, all the eggs will be broken.

What we have to do is to put our eggs in different baskets, and we need to be multi-faceted, so that even if there is a problem in one basket, it will not affect the eggs in other baskets.

Isn't Moudong and Pin Xixi coming to your door now? You can boldly contact them.

If Xu Xiaoya has any objections, you can blame me and I will deal with her. "

Thank you Mr. Wu! The two quickly thanked each other. Wu Hao's words are very clear, this is tantamount to pressure and trouble for them, which inevitably makes the two of them moved again.

Zhong Xiaoling quickly revealed a worried expression: "If the people in A know that we are cooperating with other platforms, will they stop cooperating with us? Choose other farms to cooperate with us and compete with us. Even suppress us."

Regarding this, Wu Hao waved his hand with a smile and said: "You don't have to worry about this, they can't stop the cooperation with other platforms, and they have already prepared for it.

At the beginning of the cooperation, I have clearly told them that we cannot only cooperate with them, which is not in our interests.

So in this regard, you don't need to have this concern at all, just talk about it boldly.

As for whether they will terminate the cooperation, you don't have to worry about this. As long as the quality of our agricultural products remains stable and high-quality, it is impossible for them to completely abandon us and choose other partners and suppliers.

Moreover, the brand of our farm has already been sold. It is very wise for them to terminate it at this time, they will not be so stupid.

Not only will they not, but they will also compete to cooperate with us, and even actively improve the conditions of cooperation to compete with other platforms.

Of course, they will not only cooperate with us, which is the same reason that we will not only cooperate with them.

They will also select and cultivate new partners and partners, so as to reduce our oneness, and even completely replace us when necessary.

Of course, you don't have to worry, as long as the core technology is in our hands, we don't have to be afraid of what they will do. "

"That's right, as long as the core technology is in our hands, we don't have to be afraid of them." Du Xiuming also smiled.

This is indeed their greatest reliance,

With intelligent and automated unmanned farm technology, they can greatly reduce the cost of planting and production, thus supplying the market at a more favorable price.

This is something other farms and growers cannot do, let alone compete.

With this technology, they can continuously expand the scale of planting, and can also achieve scientific planting, and maintain the quality of these agricultural products, fruits and vegetables, and grain and oil. This is something that other grower farms cannot do.

Seeing that Zhong Xiaoling also nodded, Wu Hao said in a slow tone: "Of course, I don't want you to turn against them right away.

After all, we are still in the stage of close cooperation, and it is not appropriate to make too much noise. After all, we still have to cooperate.

Although she is in business, Xu Xiaoya is a good person. We can't make her too ugly, so it will be difficult to deal with business after returning home.

So, learn to be flexible. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and said to the two of them: "Well, she came this time to seek our farm to expand the scale of planting and production. You can promise her something as appropriate,

I heard that our pure pressed sunflower oil is very popular in the market. If so, let's make a favor and expand the sunflower planting area appropriately. "

"It's very popular. The market retail price of our pure pressed sunflower oil is more expensive than that of ordinary sunflower oil. The retail price of the 5L sunflower oil sold most on the market is 189 Above, this is twice as much as ordinary sunflower oil. Even so, the supply is in short supply, and our new oil is sold out as soon as it goes on the market. Not only the platforms are urging, but even the retailers are urging.

Therefore, it is no problem to appropriately expand the planting scale to increase production. Zhong Xiaoling nodded at Wu Hao and said.

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, and then told Zhong Xiaoling: "The price must be strictly controlled, and it must not be too high, otherwise it will bring some adverse effects.

Especially in terms of grain and oil, we must be extra cautious.

Another thing is to ensure that the quality does not change after the increase in production. You must remember that word of mouth is always the best way for us to defeat our opponents.

Especially in terms of grain, oil and food, which is related to people's lives, this piece of advertising plays a very small role, and it still depends on word of mouth.

Once the public recognizes our products, our products can be quickly accepted by the public and spread freely by virtue of the word-of-mouth effect. This is much more useful than any advertisement.

More importantly, once they recognize and accept the brand, they will be our stable source of customers and will not change easily. "

In this regard, you can rest assured that quality issues have always been the top priority of our work. And we are all automated production, so the quality can be consistent. Du Xiuming assured Wu Hao.

Well, then I will see your performance. Wu Hao nodded with a smile.

But how much is better? Du Xiuming couldn't help asking.

When this question was raised, Du Xiuming and Zhong Xiaoling immediately looked at Wu Hao.

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and said, "I said not to interfere with you, this is up to you to decide."

Hearing his words, Zhong Xiaoling nodded and thought for a while, and then said: "It's not appropriate to expand too much at once. In this case, let's expand another 50,000 mu. This will just lead to 150,000 mu, or 10,000 mu." hectares of sunflowers.

In this way, we have also explained something to Mr. Xu outside. "

Hearing Zhong Xiaoling's words, Wu Hao immediately showed a smile: "So, I can talk more easily."


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