Military Technology

Chapter 1295 I Draw a Circle and Curse You to Death

Sure enough, after hearing the news, Xu Xiaoya's expression improved a lot, and she was not as tense towards Wu Hao as before.

For Xu Xiaoya, although the trip did not achieve the planned goal, it was still rewarding, and the trip was not in vain.

But when she thought of this, she couldn't help looking at Wu Hao who was in the same car with him and was returning to Urumqi.

When she first met this young man, he was still a stupefied boy who had just left the society. At that time, he only thought he was a talent and didn't think too much about it.

Unexpectedly, it has only been a few years, and this young man has grown to a height that she wants to look up to. Moreover, it became more and more difficult to deal with him, and even felt a little pressure, which Xu Xiaoya had never experienced before.

As for Wu Hao, who was sitting on the other side, he felt uncomfortable after feeling Xu Xiaoya's gaze. Ever since bidding farewell to Du Xiuming and Zhong Xiaoling and embarking on the return journey, Zhong Xiaoling's eyes were on him from time to time, which made him very uncomfortable.

"I said that in business, there is no need to be so tit-for-tat. If eyes can kill people, you will be invincible in the world long ago."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Xiaoya immediately rolled her eyes and said, "If eyes could kill, you would have died a thousand times already.

I said you are too mean, it was originally a cooperation project between our two companies. Now that this project has improved, you are going to abandon us and climb another branch. Isn't this a bit too ungrateful? "

Facing Xu Xiaoya's accusations and scolding, Wu Hao smiled slightly, and said without anger: "The so-called business is talking about business, these things, these decisions are not mixed with any personal feelings, they are completely made out of the development needs of the current project. appropriate and correct decision.

I believe that if you were in this position, you would definitely make the same decision. "

correct, appropriate?

Xu Xiaoya glared at Wu Hao and questioned: "You are so convinced that you are making the right and appropriate decision, what if you make a mistake.

For the current project, for Shale Farm, it is now a stage of rapid development and expansion. It belongs to the trendy period. Once this opportunity is missed, it will be more difficult to rise and take off quickly.

In addition, although there are various and countless online shopping platforms, in terms of overall strength, we must be much stronger. What prompted you to decide to abandon us and embrace other platforms that are not as good as us. "

Don't let your emotions cloud your professional judgment.

This is the first class the teacher gave me in our management training class. Wu Hao said to Xu Xiaoya very calmly: "You should have taken this kind of course, and you should have learned how to control your emotions so as not to affect your work.

Now you have been completely affected by emotions. "

Are you questioning my professionalism or my ability to do the job? Xu Xiaoya was obviously a little annoyed at Wu Hao's words.

No, no, I didn't question you. Wu Hao shook his head again and again and said, "As for me, I'm just here to describe this matter to you calmly.

Of course, an enterprise must grow and develop, but no matter how it develops, it must match its own capabilities, and it cannot blindly pursue speed and size. If you blindly pursue big and fast, the gains will outweigh the losses, and eventually lead to serious consequences.

There are countless similar examples. You don’t know it. Should I give you an example in this regard? "

But now the farm is in the rising stage of development, and the market prospect is broad, why can't it develop? Xu Xiaoya was a little unconvinced.

Wu Hao shook his head slightly: "You have seen these, so naturally I have also seen them. But you and I should not forget that there are many others who have seen them.

It's not that you don't understand the domestic business competition environment, just one of you is enough to blink an eye, and if you add us, it's like a bright light in the dark night, attracting attention to every move you make.

Do you think other people can't see the project that even you think is good?

The domestic environment of following suit is so serious, at this moment, many people have started to act. You may not believe me when I say that, you will know when you go back and investigate it yourself.

For us, we are naturally not afraid of these followers and competitors, because we have the core technology in our hands.

So for you, what do you have in your hands?

If we are eager to expand at the moment, in case you have some problems here and you withdraw all of a sudden, then what should we do.

I can't stop in front of your door, come to trouble you. "

After glancing at Xu Xiaoya, Wu Hao went on to say: "As for the second thing you said, there is nothing wrong with it, and we don't know where we went wrong.

I remember I told you at the beginning that it is impossible for us to have an exclusive cooperation with you, which is not in our interest.

In the official cooperation documents we signed, there is no similar clause.

Since there is not, and you have been clearly informed in advance, then why are you attacking us so arrogantly at this moment. "

Without waiting for Xu Xiaoya to refute, Wu Hao continued: "Yes, our previous cooperation has benefited both of us a lot, but this is not the benefit of our family, you are not the same.

Relying on such high-quality agricultural products and relatively cheap costs, you conquer cities and conquer territories in the market, and earn a lot of money. Do you think we don't know this?

Don't treat others as fools, others are much smarter than you think. "

But we can't just give no sympathy, we have a very good basis for cooperation. Xu Xiaoya was obviously aggrieved.

Seeing this, Wu Hao said without joking: "Okay, we are all acquaintances, there is no need to play this trick.

In fact, you also understand in your heart that affection is important in business cooperation, but don't take it seriously. Compared with benefits, it can run away like toilet paper at any time.

Besides, if we don't take into account the feelings, we will not agree to the expansion project of the sunflower planting field in the end.

This is also what I think of your sympathy, and it is based on our previous very good cooperation foundation and pleasant cooperation experience that we have compromised.

Originally, according to my intention, it was to slow down for the time being, consolidate achievements, accumulate strength, and then develop. "

How about I thank you then? Xu Xiaoya rolled her eyes at him and said unhappily.

Hehe, Wu Hao waved his hand: "There is no need to thank me, as long as you don't continue to scold me in your heart, you will be thankful."

Who scolded you, am I that kind of person? Xu Xiaoya quickly refuted.

Although she said so on the lips, Xu Xiaoya couldn't help cursing secretly in her heart: "It's beautiful to think, my old lady has eaten ashes and swallowed dirt all the way, and this is the result. Unfeeling bastard, I draw a circle and curse kill you."

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