Military Technology

Chapter 1302 Target 1 Billion

Look, we are on the hot search again. Zhang Jun walked in, and then handed a transparent tablet to Wu Hao, showing a helpless expression.

Wu Hao glanced at the content on the transparent tablet, then smiled and said, "Let them go, are you tired of taking care of so much?"

After Zhang Jun did it, he said angrily: "I am just a little wronged. Obviously we have kept a low profile enough. We didn't let anyone pick us up at the airport, and we didn't put on a show. Why do we have to catch us on the Internet? Forgive me, it seems that being rich is the original sin.

We are rich, but our money is earned every penny, and it is all legal income. Why are we so targeted and attacked, whether it was stolen or robbed. "

You, it's been so long, why do you still care about these things. Wu Hao cursed with a smile, and then said to Zhang Jun: "I heard that the scale of this air show is unprecedented, and many famous weapons and equipment manufacturers have come to participate in the exhibition.

This also attracted a large number of customer representatives, not only from West Asia, but also from Africa, and even many from South America.

In addition to these, all countries have sent observers, and it can be seen that they attach great importance to this air show. "

That's not right, let's work hard this time and try to get more orders. My ambition is not big, a billion dollars will do, and I will not let us make a special trip. Zhang Jun smiled and raised a finger.

Hehe, you! Wu Hao nodded at him, shook his head with a smile, and said, "The real rich are those wealthy households in West Asia.

But you know, there is more than one eyeing these big dogs, we have to compete with all exhibitors this time. Everything else is easy to say, the key is that those big companies with national prefixes don't even mention our strength in their eyes. "

What's the matter, as long as our weapons and equipment and technical products are excellent. I have full confidence in our weaponry and technical products. Zhang Jun waved his hands in self-confidence.

Wu Hao shook his head slightly: "Sometimes, this advanced weaponry and technology products shouldn't be able to compete with those relatively backward weaponry and technology products."

Do you mean value for money?

Wu Hao shook his head: "In addition to cost performance, there are other things. Don't forget that weapons and equipment are special products, and they are often bundled with political wisdom and interests. So in this regard, we and those few Compared with other big companies, they are inherently weak."

Hearing his words, Zhang Jun couldn't help but look solemn. Seeing this, Wu Hao couldn't help explaining: "However, don't worry, the so-called loss of a horse is a blessing in disguise, and this may be our advantage."



Advantage. Wu Hao nodded and explained: "Because there are no such things, we can conduct very pure commercial negotiations without involving other things. In this way, it may be more favored by some customer representatives.

Of course, no matter when, our demands should be consistent with national interests and obey the overall situation. So if there are differences or deviations, then we must focus on the overall situation. It is absolutely forbidden to affect and endanger national interests for self-interest. "

I understand what you said. This is our bottom line and an untouchable red line. Zhang Jun nodded and said seriously: "Well, when we have a meeting tonight, I'll come and emphasize it to everyone."

it is good!

Wu Hao nodded and continued: "In addition to the big dogs in West Asia, there are also customers in Africa and South America.

However, the customers in these areas are relatively poor, and what they are after are only some practical weapons. They may not be interested in our high-tech weapons and technical products.

Of course, you may also be interested, but you may not have the money to buy it. "

Regarding this, Zhang Jun waved his hand with a smile and said: "It's okay if you don't have money, as long as you have resources. Those banks are watching. As long as you need to call, you can serve them all."


Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao also laughed.

Indeed, there are many customers at such exhibitions. They are all of the kind who have no money, but are in urgent need of weapons and equipment. So another kind of commercial service was born, that is, international commercial lending service.

To put it bluntly, this kind of international commercial lending service is a loan. Some customers with good reputation can borrow money by relying on credit activities. But most of the customers, or most of the poor customers, don't seem to have a good reputation, or they are not very reliable.

At this time, someone needs to be guaranteed in order to obtain the relevant loan. Guarantees are not free guarantees, and part of the risk must be borne, so those who are willing to guarantee will also benefit from the borrower.

Even now there are special guarantee companies in the world that can provide guarantees for related international commercial lending services.

Another way of international business lending is mortgage loans. To put it simply, it is to use what you have as collateral, and then make a loan.

Generally speaking, either some mineral resources, such as coal mines, oil fields, copper mines, gold mines and so on. What's more, those assets will be mortgaged, such as a certain railway, port, the right to operate the engine room, and so on.

Therefore, in various exhibitions, in addition to various weapons and equipment manufacturers and customer representatives, there are also staff of various banks and financial institutions who are active in it.

Even in order to rob customers, the staff of these banks and commercial financial institutions will fight wits and try their best to rob customer resources.

For example, cooperate with various exhibitors and promise certain benefits, such as cash back commissions and so on.

Chatted with Zhang Jun for a few more words, as if he suddenly thought of something to talk about, Wu Hao put away his smile and said seriously to Zhang Jun: "This air show, all parties are paying attention, so there are mixed fish and dragons in this show, and all kinds of tasks Yes. There may be enemy spy personnel inside, so we must pay special attention to this aspect.

You have to explain it to our people later. Except for the information that can be disclosed, other information is not allowed to be leaked, and you can't talk too much.

Also, if someone is deliberately getting close and inquiring about news, they must be extra cautious. If you encounter any suspicious people, you should report them as soon as possible. "

Don't worry, I will advise them carefully in this regard. Zhang Jun put away his smile and answered seriously. Chatted with Zhang Jun for a few more words, as if he suddenly thought of something to talk about, Wu Hao put away his smile and said seriously to Zhang Jun: "This air show, all parties are paying attention, so there are mixed fish and dragons in this show, and various tasks Yes. There may be enemy spy personnel inside, so we must pay special attention to this aspect.

You have to explain it to our people later. Except for the information that can be disclosed, other information is not allowed to be leaked, and you can't talk too much.

Also, if someone is deliberately getting close and inquiring about news, they must be extra cautious. If you encounter any suspicious people, you should report them as soon as possible. "

Don't worry, I will advise them carefully in this regard. Zhang Jun put away his smile and answered seriously.

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