Military Technology

Chapter 1303 Carnival in the field of cutting-edge military technology

At ten o'clock in the morning of the next day, the biennial Pearl City Air Show kicked off. All the people participating in the exhibition, whether they are exhibitors or these customers, obviously feel that the scale of this year's air show is larger than that of any previous one.

Not only were there many exhibitors, but many exhibitors that were rarely seen before also came to participate, and they also brought some weapons and equipment products that were hard to see at the Zhushi Air Show before.

Also because there are so many exhibitors, it has attracted a large number of customers. Except for some customers who really wanted to buy things, there were many others who came here to join in the fun and take advantage of the opportunity to pick up cheap ones.

In addition, this has also become a carnival event for many military weapons and equipment experts, media reporters and military fans to get in touch with cutting-edge military technology.

Before the air show opened, a group of reporters started to take pictures with cameras on their shoulders. There are also some so-called military weapons and equipment experts who are also being interviewed.

As important exhibitors, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun were naturally invited to be important guests at the opening ceremony. Also because of their young looks and special identities, they have attracted the attention of the media, and many media even gave them a close-up for several seconds.

After the opening ceremony, the air show officially began. This year's Zhushi Airshow has a total of five days, the first three days are professional days, and the last two days are public open days.

Although the time is not as long as the last air show, the scale is absolutely unprecedented. Moreover, what is compressed is also the compressed public open day, and the professional day has not been reduced.

There is not much difference between the so-called professional day and the public open day, mainly because the objects they face are different, and the purpose is naturally different.

The professional day audience is mainly for business negotiation, cooperation, exhibitors, relevant military professionals, and international weapons and equipment experts will also appear at this time.

In addition, the things displayed on the professional day are relatively complete, such as some weapons and equipment or joking related technical products that are not suitable for public display, they will also be exhibited on the professional day.

After the professional day is over, these weapons and equipment and related technical products, as well as some classified or unsuitable materials will be removed before the public opening day.

Generally speaking, during the professional days of the air show, there will not be too many air performances, and generally they are static displays. But it is not guaranteed, and some customers may want to take a look at it on the spot.

Compared with the air show, the dynamics of some ground weapons will be relatively more for the time being.

As for the public open day, to put it bluntly, it is open to the general public. This is also a benefit of many exhibitions for the local people, and it is an excellent window for national defense education and patriotic education for the people.

Of course, in recent years, this kind of exhibition has also played a role, that is, the exhibition tourism revenue project. Through such large-scale exhibition activities, to attract tourists, so as to develop the exhibition tourism economy.

In addition, this kind of public open day is also a business method for exhibition organizers and venues to generate income and profits. Normally, an exhibition ticket for a public open day is basically four to five hundred yuan, and the number of restaurants in such large-scale international exhibitions can reach tens of thousands of people every day, so after the two-day open day, Income is still very objective.

In addition, in recent years, with the continuous expansion of the scale of the Zhuhai Exhibition, the domestic and international influence has been continuously improved. Therefore, in addition to attracting a large number of weapons and equipment defense and airlines to participate, it also attracted a large number of private enterprises to participate.

These private enterprises will also take the opportunity to promote and sell some products to the public, and their main styles or sales targets are military enthusiasts or military enthusiasts.

For example, the hard-core off-road vehicles developed from military vehicles are generally liked by military fans, and even many military vehicle companies have launched civilian versions of military vehicles for such groups. In fact, the weapon system on the military vehicle is removed, such as the anti-aircraft machine gun or howitzer mounted on the roof of the vehicle.

In addition, some sensitive equipment will be removed, such as vehicle communication terminal systems and so on. Even for a higher riding experience, some comfort adjustments will be made on the basis of the original military vehicle.

For example, replacing the hard seats on the original military vehicles with more comfortable soft seats. It is also possible to remove the original bulletproof steel plate or bulletproof glass on some military vehicles, so that on the one hand, the weight of the vehicle body can be reduced, thereby saving fuel, and enhancing the off-road performance and passing performance of civilian military vehicles here. On the other hand, it can greatly save costs, reduce selling prices, and enhance market competitiveness.

Anyway, this thing is not needed for civilian use, so I went directly.

In addition to this type of vehicle, there are other sports, outdoor, extreme and other related equipment products. The market for these things is relatively narrow, and they only target a small part of the population.

It is precisely because the market is relatively small that the prices of such products are very high and the profits are very rich, which has attracted many companies to enter this field.

What's more, it is some related large-scale equipment. Since it is an air show, aircrafts are naturally indispensable.

In addition to the large number of military fighter planes, drones, transport planes, and armed helicopters displayed dynamically and statically at the exhibition. There are also many civil aircraft products.

From large-scale civil aviation airliners, such as the C919 large-scale regional airliner promoted by our country, in addition to the new Ark 700 turboprop regional aircraft, there are also private jets for civilian use, various civilian small aircraft, helicopters, and even some drones and many more.

In addition to airplanes, there are also yachts. In addition to various types of yachts, this exhibition also displayed small fishing boats to large luxury yachts. The participating companies range from domestic companies to internationally renowned yacht companies. Everyone hopes to use this exhibition to expand their market.

In addition, there is another special category of exhibits at the exhibition, which can be used for both military and civilian purposes, that is, the aerospace technology industry.

There are many aerospace technology companies participating in this air show. In addition to the aerospace industry with the prefix of the country, there are also civil and commercial aerospace companies mainly based on Haoyu Technology, and there are many foreign aerospace technology companies.

Among them, besides the aerospace industry, the most dazzling one is Wu Hao's Haoyu Aerospace. This time, in order to better display their aerospace technology products, Wu Hao and the others specially designated an area for displaying related aerospace technology products.

The most eye-catching ones are naturally the large-scale physical rocket models and some physical exhibits. This time, Wu Hao and the others not only exhibited many large-scale realistic models, but also brought some real objects of aerospace exhibits.

For example, in order to promote their aerospace industry, this time, Wu Hao and the others purposely displayed their very manned space return capsule, which naturally attracted the strong attention of many people.

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