Military Technology

Chapter 1304 Intelligent Unmanned Combat System

After the official launch, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun were not in a hurry to go to their showrooms to attract customers. Instead, I walked around the exhibition, looked around, and looked at the latest weapons and equipment products brought by various exhibitors at this year's exhibition.

On the whole, in fact, there is not much difference from the related weapons and equipment products they brought to the previous exhibition. They are all the same, and many of them are shipped intact.

Of course, there are many more, and some changes and upgrades have been made. The update and iteration time of such large-scale weapons and equipment is very long, and an excellent weapon and equipment can even serve for decades.

Compared with the advanced performance of these weapons and equipment, almost all countries and armies focus on the reliability of weapons and equipment. For them, reliability comes first.

It is required that all weapons and equipment can be pulled out at any time, and they can be put into battle immediately after being pulled out to play a role.

No matter how advanced a piece of weaponry is, if it loses its reliability, then such equipment has no value, no matter how advanced it is.

Because everyone doesn't know that if such advanced weapons and equipment are unreliable, then the risk is too great if they suddenly lie down or malfunction when they are pulled out. It is impossible for that country or that army to accept and tolerate it.

Therefore, a country's weaponry may not be the most advanced in the country, but it must be the most reliable in the country.

In addition to these traditional old faces, these exhibitors also displayed many brand new products this time. For example, almost all powerful weapons and equipment manufacturers have set their sights on intelligent unmanned combat systems.

So this time these intelligent unmanned combat systems displayed by these large weapons manufacturers, in addition to traditional drones, this time also extended to ground intelligent unmanned combat systems, and surface intelligent unmanned combat systems .

The ground intelligent unmanned combat system is mainly divided into two parts. One is the intelligent unmanned modification based on traditional weapons and equipment, so that it has intelligent unmanned combat capabilities.

The other is weapons and equipment based on the research and development of intelligence and unmanned.

Both directions and methods have their own characteristics and advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, the intelligent unmanned combat system based on traditional weapons and equipment. To put it bluntly, it is to install an intelligent unmanned combat system on the basis of traditional weapons and equipment.

These intelligent unmanned combat systems are used to replace the operators on traditional weapons and equipment, so as to make these weapons and equipment intelligent and unmanned.

For example, unmanned combat vehicles,

Based on traditional tanks, armored vehicles are used as platforms, and then intelligent and unmanned transformation and upgrades are carried out.

Make it an armored combat vehicle with intelligent unmanned combat capabilities. The so-called intelligence here can be divided into two levels. Remote control these intelligent unmanned armored combat vehicles to fight.

This is a bit like controlling a drone, but it is very different from controlling a drone, and relatively speaking, it will be more complicated.

And another kind of deep intelligent control system can have an artificial intelligence system to execute characters autonomously. This intelligent control system has a higher degree of AI and is smarter. It can perform various tasks according to human command.

Such as assault operations, discovering and attacking enemy positions, or enemy armored vehicles, and ground forces. Through the identification friend or foe system, and the intelligent image recognition system. The intelligent control system can accurately identify those are enemy targets and those are our targets.

And it can also attack those targets that are more threatening to our side first according to the degree of threat.

At this point, the technology a few years ago can achieve it. It's just that countries are still cautious about this type of intelligent weapon system. Some countries have even put forward proposals to prohibit such intelligent weapons and equipment from being put into the battlefield. However, in the eyes of various military powers, such a proposal is just a piece of waste paper and has no value at all, let alone binding force.

The reason why we are cautious about this kind of intelligent weapons and equipment is that the technology in this area is not mature enough and reliable enough. What everyone needs is a weapon that is safe, reliable and controllable. Rather than a weapon that may get out of control at any time, this is particularly important for countries.

The other is a new type of intelligent unmanned combat weapon developed based on an intelligent unmanned combat system, such as an intelligent unmanned combat vehicle.

Compared with the intelligent unmanned combat vehicles transformed by traditional weapons and equipment, this new intelligent unmanned combat weapon designed and developed based on the intelligent unmanned combat system is more advanced and has stronger combat effectiveness.

For example, an intelligent unmanned armored combat vehicle, compared with an intelligent unmanned armored combat vehicle transformed from a traditional armored combat vehicle, this new type of intelligent unmanned armored combat vehicle specially designed and developed does not need to be used at the beginning of the design. Considering the internal members, therefore, the volume of the vehicle and the interior space of the vehicle can be greatly reduced.

The extra space can be used to store more ammo and fuel. In addition, because there are no crew members, the design of the vehicle can be more tailored to the battlefield environment. For example, reducing the volume of vehicles and turrets can not only increase the concealment of vehicles, but also reduce the impact area.

At the same time, this type of armored vehicle is easy to transport and deploy, and can even be airdropped directly. After being air-dropped, it can immediately go into battle, which is unmatched by traditional weapons and equipment.

This time, major weapons and equipment manufacturers have also come up with their own intelligent unmanned combat systems. Of course, most of them are combat vehicles.

Most of these intelligent unmanned combat vehicles are transformed and upgraded using traditional weapons and equipment, and there are also brand-new weapons and equipment specially designed, developed and manufactured.

There are many types, and their functions are also different. It can be said that they are very rich and diverse.

Obviously, these were all influenced by Wu Hao's previous related products and technologies, so these weaponry manufacturers followed suit.

To put it bluntly, this is imitation. In particular, related domestic companies are very good at this area and can be said to have played it to the fullest.

In this regard, Wu Hao and the others were also very helpless. In addition to helplessness, there is only helplessness. There is no way to talk about this, let alone to argue for justice.

So, after they smiled wryly, that was all they could do. Let them go, and only let them go. Fortunately, they came up with better things this year, otherwise, I really don't know how to deal with this situation.

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