Military Technology

Chapter 1322 A Whimsical Idea

Hearing his introduction, old Suha couldn't help asking: "So, Mr. Wu, if we want to launch a satellite, how much will the price be?"

For such a direct question, Wu Hao was stunned for a moment, but then responded with a smile: "Depending on the height of the orbit, and the weight and volume of the satellite, the relevant prices are also different.

If you want to launch tiny satellites that weigh only a few tens of kilograms and are in low-Earth orbit, then we can control the launch price of these satellites to around US$1,000 to US$1,500. "

"One thousand dollars?" Everyone couldn't help being surprised.

This is a very low price, unbelievably low.

Wu Hao nodded and said: "Of course, there are also requirements for this. We can't use a rocket just to launch such a tiny satellite. The launch cost is too high.

Therefore, we have to use the multi-satellite launch method to send multiple satellites up together. In this way, the price per kilogram that is evenly distributed to the respective satellites is relatively low.

But if what you need to launch is a medium-sized and large satellite, weighing hundreds of kilograms or even several tons, and requiring a special orbit, then the launch cost will rise sharply.

So I can't give you a very accurate quotation, which must be combined with your requirements to make an accurate estimate.

But because the cost of a single rocket is here, even for such a launch mission, the launch price will be much cheaper than that of a normal rocket. "

Seeing everyone nodded, Wu Hao continued to introduce.

"For this Jianmu-2 carrier rocket, in addition to the recovery and reuse of the first-stage rocket, we also recovered and reused the fairing of the rocket. And we used a technology that is different from the recovery technology of the Falcon rocket fairing. A more advanced and more reliable recovery technology uses helicopters to recover in the air.

This fairing recovery technology is even lower than the cost of the Falcon rocket using a tugboat for recovery. In this way, the launch cost of the rocket will be further reduced.

In addition, we are studying the recovery technology of the rocket's second-stage rocket body, and have successfully conducted experiments. Once successful, the cost of the rocket will be further reduced, thereby providing customers with cheaper launch vehicle launch services. "

"This one here is the Jianmu-5 medium-sized launch vehicle that we are developing, and will soon launch our first unmanned experimental spacecraft launch mission in the spring of next year.

The biggest feature of this rocket is to use our existing mature technology to bind the first-stage rocket bodies of two Jianmu-2 rockets to one Jianmu-2 rocket, thus forming a new bundled carrier Rocket.

Its low-earth orbit carrying capacity reaches 15 tons, and the geosynchronous transfer orbit carrying capacity reaches 8 tons, which also makes this rocket capable of undertaking most of the spacecraft launch tasks of our relevant customers.

From low-Earth orbit to high orbit, small satellites, large spacecraft, and even spacecraft can be launched. And because it adopts mature technology, its reliability is very high, and it is suitable for launching some important spacecraft.

Of course, its biggest feature is recycling and reuse. Its first-stage rocket and two boosters can be recovered. During the recovery, everyone can also see the spectacular scene of three first-stage rocket bodies landing at the same time. In addition, its fairing can also be recycled.

The Jianmu-7 single-body carrier rocket here will be the main force of our future commercial launch vehicles, and it will be the main rocket to undertake our future commercial payload launch missions. It will also be the main rocket for the commercial launch projects we promote to customers all over the world, and it will also be the main rocket for a series of space exploration projects in the future.

As for the Jianmu-9 heavy-duty bundled launch vehicle, its principle is the same as that of the Jianmu-5 rocket, and it is also a bundled recyclable and reused launch vehicle.

It is a heavy-duty launch vehicle, and it mainly undertakes some heavy-duty launch tasks. In addition, it will also undertake our exploration of Mars and other exploration projects in remote space.

For example, we have an idea, that is to use this Jianmu-9 carrier rocket to launch related spacecraft to the asteroid belt, capture precious metal asteroids in the asteroid belt, and then drag them back to Earth for sale. "

Hearing his words, everyone's eyes lit up, and they showed expressions of interest.

And Wu Hao immediately smiled and said in a calm tone: "Of course, this is just our idea. It is still very difficult to capture and bring these asteroids back."


After hearing his words, everyone present laughed.

Indeed, this is a very whimsical idea. It cannot be said that it cannot be realized, but there is still a long way to go if it is to be realized.

Wu Hao didn't care about everyone's laughter. He smiled and walked to the model of the smart lunar patrol rover, looked at everyone and said.

"It's too far away to say that project, so what we have to do now is to do what we want to do at the moment.

At present, what we are going to do is one is the commercial manned spaceflight project, and the other is the lunar exploration project. "

Wu Hao pointed to the model of the intelligent lunar patrol rover in front of him and introduced to everyone: "This is the scale model of the intelligent lunar patrol rover independently developed by us. It will be the world's first commercial lunar rover. Land on the moon and carry out lunar exploration projects.

Unlike other official lunar exploration projects, our smart lunar patrol rover mainly undertakes two tasks.

First of all, the first one is to find suitable human landing sites, lunar scientific research stations and human settlements.

Do the preparatory work for our next manned moon landing and lunar tourism projects.

As for the second mission, it will carry out the exploration project of lunar minerals. As you know, the moon is rich in mineral resources, not only the clean energy resource helium-3 that we all know, but also many other rich mineral resources.

The main purpose of this mission is to explore the distribution of these resources on the moon and prepare for the next mining mission. "

"Is the moon mining still a little immature now? With the current technology cost, can it make money?" Prince Maiha couldn't help asking.

Wu Hao nodded with a smile: "Aerospace technology is constantly developing, and with the continuous application of new technologies, future moon mining is not impossible.

And compared to the earth, moon mining has its unique advantages. "

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