Military Technology

Chapter 1323 Selling Commercial Aerospace Projects

Wu Hao nodded with a smile: "Aerospace technology is constantly developing, and with the continuous application of new technologies, future moon mining is not impossible.

And compared to the earth, moon mining has its unique advantages. "


Everyone present couldn't help but wonder.

Wu Hao nodded with a smile: "Yes, it is an advantage. Compared with the earth, the biggest advantage of mining on the moon is that the moon's gravity is relatively small, so we can transport these resources to space at an ultra-low cost come.

So since we spend such a high price to launch tens of tons or hundreds of tons of things into space, why not directly use the resources in space.

In this way, we can make larger space stations, spacecraft, and probe spacecraft in space, and even some satellites.

We can transport the relevant parts from the earth, and then manufacture these products in space. As a result, its manufacturing and launch costs will be greatly reduced, which will help us use space resources on a large scale and benefit the people of the world.

In addition, for us, whether it is a space station, a spacecraft, a scientific research station on the moon, or even the construction of settlements requires a lot of capital investment.

Instead of spending a lot of money to transport from the earth, it is better to get local materials and supply them from the moon.

Then we can sell relevant resources to these countries, on the one hand, help them save relevant capital investment and speed up the construction progress. On the other hand, it can also bring us considerable benefits. "

Having said this, Wu Hao stopped. Feeling his mouth was dry, he took the purified water from the staff behind him. While unscrewing it, he said to everyone: "In addition, for everyone, for this intelligent lunar patrol rover lunar exploration project, we will provide 20 kilograms of payload to all countries in the world free of charge, and help relevant countries carry out some lunar activities. probing items.

We will solicit design proposals for the 20kg payload from around the world, and select suitable proposals for cooperation. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, all the people present were excited.

Prince Maiha was the first to rush to Wu Hao and said: "Wu, I think we will have very extensive and in-depth cooperation in the lunar exploration and space exploration projects.

We are very willing to cooperate with you in this field, and we are also very willing to fund your related space exploration projects. "

Thank you very much. Wu Hao nodded and smiled.

General Abu, who was standing next to him, was not to be outdone, and said, "We attach great importance to space exploration projects, and we have also established the King's Fund for space exploration, aiming at independent space exploration projects that benefit all mankind.

So, my dear friend, in this regard, I believe our cooperation will be very pleasant. "

Wu Hao nodded with a smile and said, "Of course, I'm looking forward to it."

The old Suha on the far side did not follow the conversation, but looked at the manned spaceship next to him and said to Wu Hao: "Wu, tell us about your manned spaceflight program, I am very interested in it .”

"Okay, everyone this way please." Wu Hao brought everyone to the manned spaceship model next to him, and introduced to them.

"This is our manned spaceship, and it will also be our first commercial manned spaceship in Asia. Its main mission is to launch commercial manned spaceflight missions, sending astronauts into space.

Of course, in the future, we will also open it to ordinary tourists and send more tourists to space to experience a space journey. "

Does this space tourism have any requirements for tourists? Prince Meha showed great interest.

Wu Hao shook his head: "There are not too many requirements, on the one hand, you must have a little financial foundation and be able to pay for the ticket to space.

Of course, this must be no problem for you.

On the other hand, it is enough to require our tourists to be in good health.

The technology of our commercial manned spacecraft is very advanced,

Our tourists are not required to have the same excellent physical fitness as astronauts.

It will only ask tourists not to have any serious diseases, which will affect their own health. After all, this is going to space, it does not mean that if we let it stop, it will be able to stop. "


After hearing his words, everyone at the scene laughed lightly.

Wu Hao is right, indeed, the space launch does not just stop. It cannot be said that because you have a problem, the rocket that has been launched in mid-air is stopped, this is definitely not possible.

When will this manned vessel be able to carry out manned flights? While looking at the appearance of the manned spaceship, old Suha asked Wu Hao.

Wu Hao thought for a while, and then replied: "If everything goes well, we will carry out the first manned launch mission in the year after next, that is, in 2026.

Next spring we will conduct the first unmanned experimental spacecraft launch, and if it goes well, we will conduct two more unmanned experimental spacecraft launches next summer and next winter.

Among them, for the unmanned experimental spacecraft launch next winter, we will try to dock with our country’s space station and deliver a batch of living experiment materials to the space station.

If these three unmanned experimental spacecraft missions are all successful, then we will conduct the first manned spacecraft launch in the summer of the following year.

In addition, for these three unmanned experimental spacecraft, we will also try to dock with our inflatable expandable spacecraft to carry out a series of experiments and test tasks. "

Having said that, Wu Hao led the crowd to the inflatable inflatable spacecraft model, and then continued talking.

"In the future, we plan to build the world's first commercial space station on the basis of an inflatable expandable spacecraft. After the construction of this commercial space station is completed, it will be open to countries all over the world, attracting relevant space stations from countries all over the world. Crews and scientists traveled to the commercial space station to conduct a series of scientific experiments.

And, we will also open it to tourists from all over the world, attracting tourists to travel and live in the space station. At that time, we will also build the world's first officially operated space hotel, allowing tourists to live in space for a long time. "

General Abu on the side looked at the inflatable expandable spacecraft model and asked, "Is this inflatable expandable spacecraft really reliable?"

Of course. Wu Hao smiled and said to himself: "Many people will think that it is not strong enough and not reliable enough at first glance, but in fact it is very explainable.

Our first inflatable expandable test vehicle has been launched for several months and is still functioning perfectly in orbit without any issues. "

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