Military Technology

Chapter 1327 Our Satellites Are Not Space Junk

Chapter 1327 Our Satellites Are Not Space Junk


"Mr. Wu, this kind of martial arts, Wu..." A dark-skinned middle-aged man in a suit and floral tie asked Wu Hao.

"'Wu Qu Xing' general-purpose satellite platform." Wu Hao reminded the other party.

"Yes, Wu District Satellite General Satellite Platform, how long is its service life?" The dark-skinned middle-aged man nodded at him and asked eagerly.

Hearing this person's question, everyone immediately turned to Wu Hao, waiting for his answer. Indeed, this is also a question of concern to everyone. Although the price of satellites is cheap, the quality should not be too poor and the service life should be too short.

Regarding this question, Wu Hao was not surprised when he heard the words, but replied with a smile: "This cannot be unified, satellites in different ways of use, and satellites in different orbits have different service life.

If it is a satellite equipped with a communication module and it is in a normal orbit, then its lifespan can generally last for about four to six years.

But if it is the kind of reconnaissance satellite that needs orbit change, because the orbit change requires fuel and the orbit is relatively special, the service life will be greatly reduced, ranging from two to five years depending on the intensity of everyone's use.

Of course, if it is a scientific experiment satellite equipped with a scientific experiment module, a special orbit is required, and the service life may be shorter, only a few months, or even a few weeks, etc. "

A satellite weighing 115 kilograms is a small satellite, so its service life will not be too long. Under normal circumstances, the service life of satellites of this level is just such a short time.

So after hearing his words, everyone couldn't help but nodded, showing a satisfied look.

But at this time, someone suddenly spoke.

"Mr. Wu, is this kind of satellite reliable? Don't it break down within a few days after launching into space, and eventually become space junk. You know that there are too many kinds of junk in space now, which takes up a lot of precious orbital resources. And these space junks Uncontrolled and scattered everywhere, it is easy to pose a threat to satellites and spacecraft of other countries and even manned spacecraft."

The speaker was a typical westerner with fair skin, high nose bridge, blue eyes, and yellow hair. He spoke to Wu Hao about the strange yin and yang, with a hint of sarcasm in his expression.

Hearing these words and looking at this person, although Wu Hao remained calm, he was obviously not very happy. This person obviously came to tear down the situation.

As for the people present, they all showed an interested look, thinking that it was no big deal to watch the fun, and they all stood by and watched, becoming melon-eating crowd.

At this time, the business people behind came up to Wu Hao and introduced in a low voice: "Mr. Wu, this is Thomas, the senior vice president of Kester Defense Company.

Part of our business overlaps with his,

So he must be a little bit unconvinced in his heart, this is deliberately looking for trouble, do you need us to drive him away. "

Zhang Jun, who was negotiating over there, also frowned when he saw this, stopped communicating, turned his head to look this way, and then frowned.

Wu Hao shook his head slightly when he heard the words. In front of so many people, if he drove the other party away, wouldn't it be true for the other party's statement, and he would not be self-inflicted.

"Mr. Thomas, yes, nice to meet you."

Seeing this person greeted with a smile, Wu Hao said with a smile: "Everyone can rest assured about this issue, our 'Wuquxing' general satellite platform is very reliable, we assure you of this.

And we will also give a certain warranty time, if there is a problem within the warranty period, we will help customers to solve it for free. If it can't be solved, then we will promise to help the customer launch a new satellite to replace the old satellite for free.

Of course, we are not responsible for related accidents caused by human beings.

This is not to shirk responsibility, but because accidents caused by some human manipulation errors abound, so if it is caused by stupidity, we will not bear the responsibility in this regard.

In addition, we reserve 10 percent extra propellant for each satellite. When the service life of the satellite is about to end, ground personnel will manipulate the satellite to actively adjust its orbit, and then fall into the atmosphere and burn up.

In this way, these dying satellites will not fail to float in orbit, continue to occupy precious orbits, become space junk, and threaten the safety of other spacecraft. "

Hearing his explanation, everyone present nodded their heads and showed approval.

As for this Thomas, he was obviously a little angry when he heard the words, and then he asked another question: "You helped to manufacture these satellites, will you leave a back door like H did for the mobile phone, and then steal the secrets of these customers , and even secretly manipulate these satellites to achieve your own ulterior motives.”


This question is hot enough and sensitive enough. While arousing everyone's strong attention, it also caused everyone to discuss it involuntarily.

Logically speaking, there is such a risk. Who can guarantee that there will be no backdoor on this satellite, not to mention that Wu Hao and the others have arranged everything from manufacturing to launch, so how can you trust them.

So after asking this question, Thomas showed a proud look, wanting to see how Wu Hao would deal with such a problem.

This is indeed a trap, a question that Wu Hao is very unwilling to answer. Because no matter how you answer this question, it will not satisfy everyone.

Besides, there is no guarantee for this thing.

So thinking of this, Wu Hao put away his smile, showed a serious expression and said to everyone solemnly: "First of all, I have to correct you a little, that is what you said that H is the back door of the mobile phone, and it has not been conclusive and effective until now. Can you come up with convincing evidence, or is it just your groundless speculation and slander.

We have an old saying that if you are close to vermilion, you will be red, and if you are close to ink, you will be black. Maybe you have been in the West for a long time, and the kind of person you are is what you think of others.

Secondly, our company's reputation has always been very good, which is well-known in the industry. Especially in terms of maintaining customer secrets, we have been doing very well, which has been unanimously recognized by the majority of users.

So far, our company has not had an incident of leaking the personal privacy of customers. I think this is something that no other company in the world can do.

Then, according to what you said, as long as you don't build your own satellites, then there is such a risk. In this way, it is self-evident who is the country that helps other countries manufacture satellites and launches the most satellites.

You are talking about me, why not talking about it. "

Seeing Thomas' gloomy face, Wu Hao smiled, and then said to everyone: "We are just a commercial company, what good is it for us to steal these secrets.

We can promise that once the final test work is completed, we will unconditionally hand over the control of the satellite to the customer himself. "

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