Military Technology

Chapter 1328 The victory of the war depends on the logistics support

Chapter 1328 The victory of the war lies in the logistics support

After explaining this, Wu Hao stopped talking.

He has already guaranteed what he can guarantee, and what else is asked him to do, in this matter, they can only do so much.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present couldn't help but nodded. Indeed, Wu Hao was right. In comparison, cooperation with commercial companies like them is simpler.

Moreover, the reputation of Haoyu Technology is also well-known, and it is relatively reliable in this respect.

What's more, people's technology in information security is very good, so far there has not been a leak. In this way, instead of believing in others, it is better to believe in Haoyu Technology.

Thomas, who was standing at the back, looked ugly when he saw everyone's reaction, but in the face of Wu Hao's sharp eyes, he finally stopped talking.

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled.

"Mr. Wu, what's the price of this 'Wu Qu Xing' general-purpose satellite flat?" It was old Suha who spoke. For him, this kind of satellite is also very suitable for them, so he can't help but care about the price.

"The price is very transparent. If you are interested, we will provide you with a preparation table. You can choose and match, and then we will give you a more accurate quotation based on the track you choose and the relevant price. .”

Wu Hao didn't directly mention the price, but gave an explanation. Everyone knows that in such an occasion, even the price is a kind of confidential information, which cannot be made public.

At this point, the entire aerospace technology product exhibition area has been introduced, and the next step is the comprehensive exhibition area. However, Wu Hao did not give a detailed introduction to the exhibits in this exhibition area. After a rough overview, he ended the introduction immediately.

After all, after this lap, everyone was tired enough, and Wu Hao also felt that his voice was a little hoarse. It doesn't make much sense to go on, so I ended this introduction immediately. In addition, many products in this exhibition hall have been displayed before, and basically everyone who should know is understood. Even those who don't understand understand after his brief introduction. If you are interested, you will naturally ask them next, so there is no need to waste time here.

But the people present were a little unfinished, and wanted to pull him to communicate. Wu Hao could only deal with this patiently, who made these all their potential customers.

He finally sent these people away, he was also relieved, and then hurried to the bathroom. There is no way, in order to moisturize my throat, I drank too much water, my bladder is already full, and I have been holding back.

When he came out of the bathroom and returned to the exhibition hall, Zhang Jun had already finished the meeting and sent the last group of customers away.

Seeing Wu Hao approaching, Zhang Jun handed Wu Hao a bottle of water and said with a smile, "Thanks for your hard work."

Wu Hao felt his throat a little itchy,

After receiving the water, he unscrewed it and asked Zhang Jun, "It seems that you got a good harvest this morning."

Zhang Jun nodded with a smile when he heard the words: "It's okay, the two sides have initially reached a consensus on some projects. But if we want to reach an agreement and sign a contract, I'm afraid we need to continue to work hard."

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao smiled and said, "Then you should try to finalize these projects as soon as possible, so that it's not in vain for us to make a special trip here."

"Don't worry." Zhang Jun gave him a reassuring look, and then continued to Wu Hao: "There are still some customers who have doubts about the performance of our weapons and equipment, so let's see how the effect is after the field demonstration in the afternoon. Really If it doesn’t work, let’s invite them to go to the Northwest to shoot a target on the spot, so that they can experience the true power of this weapon.”

Wu Hao patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Anyway, I will leave the negotiation and cooperation to you.

It's almost time, we go back to the hotel to have a meal and rest. "

"Don't tell me, I'm really hungry." Zhang Jun touched his stomach and replied with a smile.

Immediately, surrounded by the staff, everyone left the exhibition hall and went to the business hotel where they stayed.

"Mr. Wu, the leaders of the exhibition organizer, the leaders of several major domestic exhibitor companies, and the leaders of Zhushi City would like to treat you to lunch." After getting off the car, Shen Ning greeted him, and then said softly to him.

Wu Hao smiled when he heard the words, it is like this every year, so there is no way to change it to something new. Is it really a meal? These people are probably drunk.

Wu Hao smiled and said: "Reply to them, I don't have time for these two days. After the exhibition is over, I will invite them to dinner."

"Okay!" Shen Ning nodded immediately, knowing what to do.

When we came to the restaurant of the hotel, we ordered some food casually. Wu Hao, Zhang Jun and the accompanying staff members ate together.

While eating, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun were still discussing and arranging related work for the afternoon. In fact, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun were the only ones who could rest for a while. The others probably wouldn't have the lunch break. They had to start preparing.

After bidding farewell to Zhang Jun and returning to the room, he checked the time and could still sleep for a while, so he had to hurry up and rest.

After sleeping for about half an hour, he woke up automatically. I was thinking about things in my heart, so I didn't sleep well.

I took a shower and changed into clean clothes. Wu Hao came to their temporary office in the hotel, which was actually another suite.

Seeing him coming in, these busy people stood up and greeted him.

Wu Hao pressed his hand and signaled everyone to do it. He also went straight to the sofa and sat down, then looked at the crowd and asked, "How are you getting ready?"

Shen Ning nodded and said: "There are two main aspects of work in the afternoon. On the one hand, it is our outdoor field demonstration project. This time we mainly demonstrate our light field short-range air defense laser interception system on-site shooting subjects, and our The field demonstration project of the intelligent individual mechanical exoskeleton system.

In addition, depending on the situation, we will demonstrate some subjects of the second-generation battlefield sweeper miniature unmanned attack aircraft.

On the other hand, it is the work of Mr. Zhang, which is mainly related to business negotiations.

At present, customers are quite satisfied with the performance of our products, but they still have some doubts about the authenticity of the promotional content of these products.

Therefore, the focus of the next business negotiation is to eliminate the doubts in the hearts of customers, and then strive to get the order as soon as possible, so as to prevent nights and dreams from being intercepted. "

"Hehehehe, don't worry about this." Wu Hao waved his hand with a smile and asked, "Where's Mr. Zhang, go and see if you're awake?"

Yes, a staff member nodded and walked out quickly.

Wu Hao turned his head and looked at the staff on the other side and asked, "Where is Zhou Yonghui?"

"The General Manager Zhou is preparing for the field demonstration project in the afternoon, and he didn't come back at noon." The staff member replied to him.

Wu Hao nodded, then looked at Shen Ning and said: "Everyone must do a good job in logistics support. This is like a battle. The key to victory depends on the ability of logistics support."

Shen Ning nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will be responsible for the logistics support work personally, and I will definitely guarantee everyone's work and life."

Hmm, Wu Hao nodded slightly upon hearing this. But at this moment, the door opened, and Zhang Jun walked in from the outside in a hurry.

"Sorry, I overslept..."

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