Military Technology

Chapter 1329 Air Target Field Interception Demonstration

Chapter 1329 Demonstration of Field Interception of Air Targets

The outdoor ground equipment demonstration area in the afternoon was very lively, and many people sat on the audience stage in the demonstration area. In addition to many customer representatives, there are also many observers from various countries, media reporters, and representatives of some other exhibitors.

The first thing to show was the newly developed armored anti-mine vehicle brought by a domestic automaker. This tall armored anti-mine vehicle was mainly used to deal with some post-war security patrols and a series of lightweight combat missions.

It has a certain defensive ability and can resist the attack of light weapons. And the biggest feature is that it can resist the attacks of landmines and roadside bombs.

Inside the automaker's showroom, a static display of the test vehicle after an attack with small arms and some explosive mines, covered in yellow tape.

Wu Hao had already visited it when he was browsing with Zhang Jun.

And this time, what they showed was the off-road and climbing capabilities of the two new armored anti-mine vehicles.

Equipped with a large-displacement engine, the off-road performance and climbing performance of this armored mine protection vehicle are naturally good. However, this is not a bright spot, it can only be said to be a basic performance display.

Even so, there are still several customers who have shown strong interest in this. This kind of armored mine protection vehicle may not be appreciated by big countries, but for those small countries, they can't afford tanks and armored vehicles. It is more than enough to buy a few of these armored mine protection vehicles to support the scene and deal with some militants.

Next is the stage of a certain company. As the largest exporter of defense equipment in China, these products of a certain company have always been representatives of domestic weapons and equipment in various exhibitions, and have also attracted the attention of some customers.

However, these equipments haven't changed much, they are all old equipments that have been unveiled for a long time. Wu Hao even suspected that the equipment exhibits used in these displays might have just been brought back from another defense exhibition.

Seeing these iron bumps galloping in the entire ground equipment demonstration area, Wu Hao couldn't help but sigh. As the use of unmanned smart weapons becomes more and more common, these iron bumps will gradually withdraw from the stage of history.

As for the swarm unmanned attack aircraft, these armored targets suffered a devastating blow. Under the attack of bee swarms covering the sky and the sun, no matter how hard the iron bumps are, they cannot withstand the successive attacks of the swarm drones.

So from this point of view, Wu Hao seems to have become one of the culprits who made these iron lumps withdraw from the stage of history.

Even so, the appearance of these iron lumps galloping on the demonstration field was still very shocking, and many people at the scene cheered.

It lasted for about half an hour, and the demonstration subjects of these iron bumps were finally over.

Next it was Wu Hao's turn. Zhou Yonghui and the others, who had been waiting for the stage for a long time, began to enter the stage to prepare.

At the same time, the customers, exhibitors, observers, and some media reporters who were looking forward to this exhibition became restless one by one.

As for Wu Hao, who was sitting on the rostrum, he introduced it to the customers sitting next to him with a very relaxed smile.

"Because the site is limited, for the sake of safety, we mainly test the process target test of this lightweight field short-range air defense laser interception system.

This time, we will test the interception of a small target in the air within a range of 500 meters. We will release multiple drones from different angles, and then attack the red balloons in the lime white circle of the demonstration site at a swooping speed.

These red balloons are regarded as the targets of these small drones, and the task of this light field short-range air defense laser interception system is to guard the surrounding air and attack relevant incoming targets in the air.

In addition, there are many people at the scene, and there are planes taking off and landing not far from us.

Therefore, in order to ensure safety, we conducted this test in a semi-automated manner. As for the intelligent control system that everyone wants to see, there are no demonstration conditions on site.

If you are interested, we can invite you to our test field in Northwest China to participate in related live-fire interception test subjects later. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present nodded their heads.

General Ah Bu became a little impatient: "Wu, my friend, let's start quickly, I can't wait."

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, and then motioned to the staff next to him.

After receiving Wu Hao's order, the staff immediately started to get busy.

On several large screens in front of the rostrum, multiple video surveillance images were also displayed, showing the real-time situation of the demonstration site and the light field short-range air defense laser interception system throughout.

Demo begins!

As the host's voice appeared in the live broadcast, a drone on the big screen rushed to the slide rail and took off quickly with the help of gunpowder, and then rushed straight to the demonstration site.

From the first perspective of the drone, you can see that the drone has locked the balloon in the lime circle of the demo field, and launched an attack.

At this time, the radar scanning screen was displayed on another large screen, and there was always a red circle on the visual screen that fixed the drone, and then followed it.

Capture the target, lock on, attack!

Following the simple and powerful password, the laser cannon on the light field short-range air defense laser interception system quickly aimed at the target, and then burned.

In fact, these laser beams cannot be seen with the naked eye, but through special polarized lenses, everyone can still see a beam of green light emitting and flashing continuously.


I saw two flashes of fire on the drone target locked by the red frame, and the drone quickly caught fire and smoked and fell down.

it is good!

clap clap clap...

The scene couldn't help but think of the warm applause.

Hehe, Wu Hao smiled, and then said to the applauding customers: "For the first time, we simulated the interception of a single incoming target.

For the second time, we will simulate the interception of small-scale formation targets. This time, we will launch five drones in a row from different angles, and then launch an attack on the balloons in the lime circle in the field.

This time it depends on the rapid response capability of this light field short-range air defense laser interception system and the interception capability against such small-scale group targets. "

Shua, Shua, Shua...

On the big screen, a flash of fire flashed, and five small attack drones slid out from the slide rails, adjusted their posture, and rushed towards the demonstration field.

The speed was so fast that all the onlookers on the sidelines of the demo heard the drone's hissing sound.

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