Military Technology

Chapter 1335 Seeking technology, big orders beckon

Chapter 1336 Seeking technology, big orders beckon

"In addition, this full-body individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system can be equipped not only with some combat companies, but also with other arms and even logistics.

For example, if it is equipped with artillery, it can help run and carry ammunition, thereby improving the response and preparation speed of artillery. And also because of this whole-body individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system, the continuous combat capability of artillery can be enhanced.

In this way, the combat effectiveness of the artillery unit will be qualitatively improved.

Another example is the logistics force. The logistics force needs to transfer a large amount of materials and equipment. It is definitely not enough to be close to heavy construction machinery, and it also requires a lot of manpower. At this time, equipped with this full-body individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system, it can solve this problem very well and play a huge role in logistical support.

Another example is that some security forces usually carry out some counter-terrorism tasks and are on the verge of danger for a long time.

Then this full-body individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system can greatly protect the safety of our security forces soldiers. The anti-aircraft armor it is equipped with is much stronger than our ordinary body armor.

Because of the support of this full-body individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system, we can equip soldiers with stronger body armor, bullet-proof helmets, and bullet-proof masks without considering the weight of the body armor itself.

As you all know, many bulletproof vests and bulletproof helmets in the past had excellent ballistic performance, and many combat troops liked them very much.

Why did they all switch to this kind of Kevlar and composite fiber materials later, because they are too heavy. The burden on the wearer is very large, so body armor and these armors are also becoming more and more lightweight.

But even so, the body armor currently equipped by the armies of various countries basically achieves the maximum range that we can bear.

More than a dozen kilograms of light body armor and dozens of kilograms of heavy body armor are a very heavy burden on the soldiers.

However, if equipped with this full-body individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system, these considerations are completely unnecessary, and it can continue to strengthen and aggravate.

In this way, in the face of fierce combat, we can defend our combatants from more dangers and further guarantee their safety.

Finally, in the field of engineering technology, the use of this full-body individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system will be very ordinary.

We will launch related civilian models in the future, welcome to continue to pay attention. "

Speaking of this, it happened that the two testers who were demonstrating on the field also finished the entire demonstration subject, then ran to the rostrum to salute everyone, and then returned to the team to stand up.

clap clap clap...

Immediately there was a burst of warm applause,

More people cheered and jumped up.

Wu, my friend, I think we have more room for development in this area. General Abou said to Wu Hao while applauding.

Of course, we look forward to cooperating with you very much. Wu Hao smiled.

General Abu glanced at the four people standing in front of the rostrum, and then asked Wu Hao: "My friend, is it possible that we can purchase this technology and then put it in our country for localized production."

Technology for market?

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile when he heard the words: "The reason why this individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system performs well is mainly due to two aspects of technology, one is its support system, and the other is its intelligent control system. .

Just like the key core equipment such as the drive components that control various key activities in the support system, only we can process and produce this aspect at present.

According to your country's industrial strength, processing and production cannot be carried out at all.

Secondly, it is on the intelligent control system, which is the key to control the whole set of individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system and the human body. Without this intelligent control system, then this individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system will not change. so light and flexible.

Regarding the technology of this intelligent control system, including maintenance and upgrading, optimization and modification, our core technical team is required to be competent.

At present, we are the only ones who have mastered this technology. I think you are not willing to let one more country master this system. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone couldn't help but look serious.

Yes, according to their domestic situation, if this technology is really given to them, can they hold it.

The answer is no, they firmly believe it. So it is better not to buy it than to leak it to others, let others find loopholes or even control these systems with certainty. In this way, it will be safer in comparison.

After glancing at everyone's serious expressions, Wu Hao smiled and comforted him: "But you don't need to be too disappointed, although it is impossible to complete the production in your country, it is still possible to carry out assembly and maintenance in your country.

If you want, we can cooperate in the assembly plant and maintenance plant. We provide the key core components, and then you assemble them. "

Sure enough, after hearing his words, the expressions on everyone's faces improved a lot.

General Abu smiled and said: "How about your production capacity of this kind of exoskeleton equipment, we need at least one team, or even more.

How long will it take you to meet our initial needs. "

Wu Hao was slightly surprised when he heard General Ah Bu's words. Sure enough, he is a big dog, this opening is a group.

According to the lowest regiment level organization, there are more than a thousand people. As far as the price of each full-body individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system is one million U.S. dollars, the whole regiment adds up to more than a dozen U.S. dollars.

So when he thought of this, Wu Hao was happy.

Of course, in front of so many people, he definitely couldn't express the joy in his heart.

So he pretended to think for a while, then raised two fingers towards General Abou and said, "In two years, we can deliver them all to you."

"No, it's too long." General Abu shook his head, obviously not satisfied with Wu Hao's answer.

For Wu Hao, the longer the time, the better for them. They not only have to consider the orders of General Abou's family, but also other customers, so there must be enough time in the production cycle.

Besides, he had already expected that the other party would definitely have objections, so he deliberately added some time, so that there was room for bargaining.

So seeing General Abu shaking his head, Wu Hao, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately showed a sincere smile to General Abu and explained.

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