Military Technology

Chapter 1336 On-site Field Attack Simulation

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【Unmodified version】

Wu Hao pretended to be embarrassed, thought for a while, and then said: "If it is a regiment's equipment, if we sign the contract now, I promise to deliver it to you in twenty months."

Seeing that General Ah Bu still wanted to speak, Wu Hao immediately interrupted him and said: "This is already our limit, even if it is replaced by those munitions giants, I am afraid it will not be better than this time period.

In addition, it is impossible for us to produce only your order and other customers' orders, so twenty months is really fast enough. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Prince Maiha on the other side showed a satisfied smile. Although General Abu was a little unhappy, he basically agreed.

Wu Hao looked at the time, and then said to everyone: "Next, according to the requirements of some customers, we will temporarily add a demonstration subject on site, which is a demonstration about our second-generation battlefield cleaner miniature unmanned attack aircraft. Live demo.

However, due to the limited space, we only demonstrated the smart grenade, a miniature attack drone, and only demonstrated some basic performance. "

While Wu Hao was speaking, the staff had already entered the venue and started to prepare.

I saw two testers wearing desert camouflage, one holding a grenade launcher, and the other walking to the front of the rostrum with a suitcase.

Under Wu Hao's signal, the two began to prepare.

One person opened the suitcase and began to take out the relevant remote control equipment, while the other put a smart grenade into the grenade launcher and waited for the order.

Because it was a live demonstration, the tester chose to use a transparent tablet for remote control, which is more convenient for us to watch on site.

"Everyone, please see that the screen of the transparent tablet has been connected to our big screen, so that everyone can watch the real-time remote control screen through the big screen.

We set up some simulated targets on the scene to see if this miniature attack drone can quickly find and identify them. "

On-site preparation continues, ready for launch!


Yes! With a single command, the tester holding the grenade launcher pulled the trigger, and the smart grenade was fired.


The sound is not loud and muffled, a bit like uncorking a champagne cork.

The smart grenade was launched and flew to a position about seven or eight meters away from the launching personnel. The warhead part, that is, the drone's wings and propellers, unfolded, then started, and flew into the air.


At the same time, the first-person view data transmitted by the miniature attack drone also appeared on the screen of the remote control tablet on the big screen.

When the miniature attack drone was flying in the air, the camera was constantly scanning to observe the ground situation.

Soon some information and data on the ground were scanned and identified, such as some armored vehicles parked on the side of the previous test, the surrounding crowd, and some construction fortifications in the site, etc.

"Everyone, please see that the drone has marked the ground targets. The red boxes in the video indicate threatening military armed targets, such as these armored vehicles. And these yellow targets are some ground fortifications. bunker.

There are also some green targets, which indicate that there is no threat to security, such as the people observed by drones, including us on the rostrum. "

"Wu, my friend, how does the drone determine those are threatening military targets and those are non-threatening civilians." Prince Mahah asked.

Wu Hao replied with a smile: "This depends on our pattern recognition technology. Through this technology, we can accurately identify all the objects in the shot and compare them with our database to confirm that those are threatening. Military targets, those are non-threatening civilians.

For example, what is the difference between militants and civilians,

First of all, the biggest difference is that one carries a weapon and the other does not. Another one might be wearing some camouflage while the civilians don't. One acts weirdly, while the commoner doesn't.

After continuous comparison, we can analyze which are civilians and which are militants. Of course, the final decision to choose the attack is still in the hands of the controller. "

Hearing Wu Hao's answer, everyone nodded in agreement, as long as the final control and decision-making power is in their hands, there will be no problem.

It's not that they don't believe in this artificial intelligence system, but that sometimes civilians and militants may have a fine line of difference, and there is no difference.

Many people were civilians one moment and militants the next. In this regard, it will be difficult for the system to identify, so the control personnel can only rely on the control personnel to make decisions on the spot.

Next, we chose to attack the dummy target of the simulated militants in the field. For the sake of safety, this miniature attack drone has no ammunition, so it is just a simulated attack.

"Everyone, please see that the operator has locked the target and clicked to confirm the attack."

At the same time as Wu Hao introduced it, the controllers also began to control it. I saw him select the target of this simulated militant dummy, then click to lock, and then confirm the attack.

Immediately, the drone hovering in the air began to attack the target, and with a 'buzz' sound, the miniature attack drone began to speed up and dive towards the target.

Because there are many obstacles in front of the target, I saw that the drone avoided these obstacles very flexibly, and then directly hit the dummy, and then crashed.

clap clap clap...

There was warm applause at the scene, and the simulation demonstration was very successful.

If it was a second-generation battlefield sweeper micro-unmanned attack aircraft equipped with ammunition, and the simulated militant was a real person, then this person would have no chance of surviving.

The ammunition carried by this miniature attack drone is also enough to kill the opponent. Even if he was lucky enough not to be killed, he would definitely be seriously injured and basically lose his combat effectiveness. Even if they are rescued in time, they will not be able to return to the battlefield in a short time.

"In addition to this kind of grenade launcher for launching, we can also use twenty-four, thirty-six, or even more turkey love you launch nests for short-term intensive launches.

Then use the cluster array control technology to form an air team and attack in a swarm.

The target will be confirmed by our ground controllers, and the drone swarm will attack the confirmed target. The whole process does not require human intervention at all, and the drone can complete the whole process of formation, coordination, cover, and attack by itself.

And the entire system will also evaluate the target damage effect after the attack, and suggest to the controller whether to launch a second attack. "

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