Military Technology

Chapter 1351 Cat and Girl

Chapter 1352 Cat and Girl

Well, I don't mean to blame you. Go try and see if you can catch it. Wu Hao waved and said.

ok, ok. The girl responded quickly, then wiped her tears with her sleeves, then took out a can of cat food from her bag, opened it, and then slowly squatted towards the flowers.

Egg yolk, egg yolk, I brought you your favorite canned cat food, come out!


With a meow, the big fat cat slowly walked out of the flowers, squatted on the ground, put the parrot in its mouth on the ground, and looked at everyone curiously.

The girl looked at the bloody parrot on the ground, hesitated for a moment, and then slowly moved towards the cat. Seeing that it was about to get close, the big orange cat actually bit the parrot and jumped to a nearby step.


The girl dodged a little angrily, and then, impatient, flew to catch the big orange cat. However, although the big orange cat is fat, it stretched out its arms vigorously and quickly dodged it. The girl slammed into the steps and screamed.

It's okay, be careful!

When everyone saw this, they asked questions immediately. A nearby security guard went to help the girl up. The girl's hands were already bleeding.

Seeing this, the surrounding security personnel also knew that the girl was unreliable, so they quickly surrounded the orange cat.

Facing the siege of security personnel, Orange Cat slowly backed away until it reached a corner. The big orange cat bowed its body and its fur exploded, as if it was about to fight to the death.

The security personnel didn't care about this. A security personnel stretched out his hand, took the net bag, and used the net bag to press the big orange cat on the ground with the net bag.

The big orange cat caught in the net began to struggle in the net and screamed.

Slow down, don't hurt the egg yolk!

Please, egg yolks are usually very good. I accompany, how much is the parrot, I accompany! The girl became anxious all of a sudden, regardless of the pain in her body, she rushed over here.

Seeing this, Wu Hao waved his hand and said, "Slow down, no one wants to hurt it."

Despite Wu Hao's persuasion, the girl still ran to follow, regardless of the struggling big orange cat inside, trying to hold him down. But the already panicked big orange cat didn't know its owner, and struggled harder and harder. There were several bloodstains on the girl's hand.

Come on, help her. Wu Hao hurriedly greeted him.

After hearing the news, several security personnel rushed over quickly and helped the girl hold down the struggling big orange cat. Then slowly peel off the net bag and release the subdued big orange cat.

The big orange cat that was pressed to the ground by several people,

It seemed a little helpless, and while roaring, he twisted his fat body and moved his tail.

Okay, okay, leave it to me, everyone, let go, don't press it and hurt it. The girl held the cat in her arms with some distress.

Seeing this, the security personnel slowly released their hands one by one. The big orange cat struggled a few times in the girl's arms, but it didn't break free from the girl's shackles, and then fell silent.

As for the security personnel, they clapped their hands and looked curiously at the big fat cat in the arms of this thin girl. I don't know how the girl raised it. This big fat cat weighs more than ten catties. It was a little hard for the girl to hold her.

thanks, thanks! The girl bowed vigorously to the surrounding security personnel, while stroking the big orange cat's round, fleshy head with one hand.

Seeing Wu Hao standing there smiling, the girl hesitated for a moment, then walked up to Wu Hao and said shyly to Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, I will compensate for the loss. Sorry for causing trouble to you and the company."

Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand: "Forget it, be careful in the future. If you really want compensation, then take some time off work and come here as a volunteer to help take care of these small animals."

I am willing, thank you Mr. Wu. The girl bowed happily to Wu Hao.

Haha, Wu Hao smiled, then looked at the big orange cat in the girl's arms and said, "How did you feed this fat cat, it's so big."

Uh, hearing Wu Hao's exaggeration, the girl proudly said: "It's just cat food and canned cat food, and then what do I eat and what to feed it.

It's good, but it accidentally ran out this time. "

As she said that, the girl patted the big orange cat's buttocks softly and said softly: "Danyou, you got into trouble, you know, let's see how I deal with you when I go back."

Hehe, seeing the girl's doting look, Wu Hao couldn't help but smile. It can be seen that the cat has a deep relationship with the girl.

Sensing Wu Hao's smile, the girl was a little shy, but she still said to him openly: "After I graduated from university, Anxi rented a house for me alone. I was very scared. Only Egg Yolk accompanied me through that period. Hard times.

It's not just a pet, it's my family partner. "

Hearing this, Wu Hao didn't laugh at the girl, but nodded with a smile. I can imagine what kind of situation it would be like for such a thin little girl to enter the society after graduation and rent a house by herself in such a strange city.

She doesn't have many friends, she has to face difficulties alone, and the only one who accompanies her is this orange cat.

Sometimes a pet is really more than a simple pet, it is also the sustenance of the owner's heart, supporting the owner's belief and persistence.

It's hard to imagine what kind of blow it would be to the girl if the orange cat was lost or had an accident.

Then you should treat it well, our company has a special pet storage room, don't you know? Wu Hao asked.

The girl stroked the big orange cat in her arms, nodded and smiled, "It's usually there, but I asked for leave this morning and came at noon. It sneaked out before it had time to pass."

Well, go ahead, don't let him run out again. Wu Hao smiled.

Thank you Mr. Wu. The girl was about to turn around and leave, but suddenly thought of something, and then asked Wu Hao cautiously: "Mr. Wu, can I take a photo with you, you are my idol, and I came to the company because of you. "

Oh yes, thank you. Wu Hao responded with a smile.

The girl then handed her host of smart AR glasses to the security personnel over there, and then grabbed the big orange cat's front legs with both hands and approached Wu Hao.

Egg yolk, look at the camera and smile!


Wu Hao has black lines all over his head, are you telling me, or are you telling the cat.

Still, he smiled.

Thank you Mr. Wu! After taking the photo, the girl bowed to Wu Hao again, then took over the host of the smart AR glasses, ran out lightly, and showed a cheerful laugh.

this girl. Wu Hao shook his head slightly, then looked at the security personnel who were still standing beside him. He immediately waved his hands at these people, and then continued to walk.

With this episode of the cat and the girl, Wu Hao's mood improved a lot. Maybe he should have a pet too, he thought to himself.

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