Chapter 1353 "New Year's Gift"

Every year before the Gregorian New Year, Haoyu Technology will distribute a gift to the public. This gift can be a major system update, a new game, or a new conference.

So before and after this, the entire technology circle and interested people are looking forward to it. As early as a few months ago, all kinds of gossip had been flying all over the sky.

There are gossip that Haoyu Technology will release a new black technology product at the New Year's Eve conference, and some say it is a revolutionary new technology. There is also talk of a major system platform update, and there is even a saying that there will be no New Year's Eve conference this year.

And as the new year approaches, more and more news from the outside world is coming.

However, in the face of the news flying all over the sky from the outside world, Haoyu Technology has always been very calm and did not respond, very low-key.

Is it true that the rumors on the Internet are true, Haoyu Technology really does not have a New Year's Eve conference this year?

All of a sudden, the Internet was boiling, and while the netizens were disappointed, they couldn't help worrying and questioning. Could it be that there is something wrong inside Haoyu Technology, or is Wu Haojiang exhausted?

It is impossible for Wu Hao not to notice these noisy voices on the Internet. Even if he didn't see it, the company's public relations department would report to him.

However, in his opinion, these noisy voices will not affect them, and may use these voices to expand their popularity.

And Wu Hao and the others are also waiting for the opportunity before making any moves.

That's right, they have new products and/or gift releases this year. Although it is not a good thing, it can be regarded as a kind of feedback to the people who care about them.

Seeing that the time was almost up, an announcement was made on Haoyu Technology's official website, community public platform, and two virtual communities on December 15th.

The content is very simple, just a few words: "See you at eight o'clock in the evening on December 20th!"

This announcement has been released, and it quickly reached the forefront of the major search lists, was watched by many netizens, and occupied the front pages of major news media platforms.

A lot of concerned netizens, fans and the public are excited, here it is, finally here, I don't know what new products will be released this year.

When countless media reporters and netizens inquired about the content of this year's press conference, no matter it was Haoyu Technology's publicity department or high-level leaders, they said little about it and were unwilling to reveal more.

Moreover, this year's New Year's Eve conference was held ten days earlier, and it was only held on the virtual platform, and no physical conference was held.

This made everyone doubtful, but they couldn't help wondering whether there were no new technologies and new products released this year, or there were no press conferences at all.

With everyone's strong attention,

At eight o'clock in the evening on December 20th, the official website of Haoyu Technology, the cooperative video live broadcast platform, and the two major virtual network platforms started the live broadcast at the same time.

After a review video about Haoyu Technology's publicity and press conference, Wu Hao appeared in the video.

In the video, Wu Hao is sitting in a cafe in the central area of ​​Haoyu Technology Headquarters Park. Through the glass, he can see the beautiful night view of the park outside.

Wu Hao was wearing a dark blue shirt, jeans, and a pair of canvas shoes, and sat on a chair, looking at the screen with his iconic smile.

"Hi everyone, I'm very glad to meet you in this way. In fact, we have felt everyone's expectations very early, but for this year's end of the year gift or the New Year's Eve conference, we didn't plan it at the beginning.

However, everyone's enthusiasm was too high. In order to live up to everyone's expectations, they immediately started to prepare.

Personally, I am unwilling to hold this year-end gift or New Year's Eve conference. Why, because such hastily prepared gifts and press conferences are not in our annual plan, and we have not prepared too much, so the effect may not be very good. "

"In addition, for me, all the employees of our company, and Haoyu Technology itself, everyone's expectations and concerns are not a good thing for us, but will make us suffer a lot invisibly. pressure.

This kind of pressure is also constantly urging and motivating us. If we cannot live up to everyone's trust and support, we must continue to innovate and come up with better technologies and products, so as to repay everyone.

In order to live up to everyone's trust, we can only be more cautious. The technology we want to release and the products we sell must be carefully polished and confirmed to be perfect before they can be released for sale.

This has virtually increased our overall R\u0026D progress, and of course, will also consume more related R\u0026D costs.

As for today's press conference, after some urgent preparations, we will release several of our latest technologies and related products for you.

First of all, we will release a new product to you, which is also a new year gift we promise to give you, an interesting little toy. " Wu Hao said with a smile.

Toy? All the viewers who followed the live broadcast of the press conference couldn't help being curious and puzzled. The first product released by Wu Hao was actually a toy.

In this regard, many people who watched the press conference were a little disappointed. Could it be that this press conference was really prepared impromptu, without any valuable new technology, and relying entirely on some gadgets to cope with everyone?

But for most young viewers, hearing this news, they couldn't help but get excited. Haoyu Technology actually released a new toy. You must know that their last toy was a cross-age smart VR glasses. This brought large-scale games from the flat era to the three-dimensional era.

So for this little toy in Wu Hao's mouth, these young audiences can't help but look forward to it.

"That's right, it's a little toy, and it's a very cute little toy."


While the audience was wondering, Wu Hao picked up this little toy that everyone was looking forward to from the tray presented by the staff around him.

what is this?

bunny ears?

This is a new toy?

Facing everyone's confusion and doubts, Wu Hao smiled, and then put the rabbit ears directly on his head.

Of course Wu Hao was unwilling to do such a shameful thing. But who let him be the host of the press conference, so he had to sacrifice himself.

Sure enough, when Wu Hao put on these rabbit ears, the audience swiped their screens in the live broadcast room of the press conference on all platforms.

This is too cute.

cute, think!

I didn't expect Wu Hao to be so ashamed, I must take a screenshot and record it.

It's so cute, look carefully, Wu Hao seems to be blushing.

Hahahaha, what a cute little brother, I want to include him in my harem.

Brother, do you want to be a face-to-face? The treatment is favorable.

I'm full with this meal, come?


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