Military Technology

Chapter 1353 The Iron Man's Life-Saving Artifact

Chapter 1354 Steel Straight Man's Life-Saving Artifact

In fact, in order to be able to see the feedback of netizens, there is a huge screen behind the camera, which will display some excerpts of netizens' real-time barrage and comments.

Therefore, Wu Hao, who was sitting in front of the camera, also smiled when he saw the flood of barrage and comments.

Immediately, he used his fingers to press and hold the side of the headband under the bunny ears on his head. I saw the rabbit ears that had been hanging down instantly stood up, and then trembled twice, matched with Wu Hao's expression, it was really cute.

Damn, I can still move!

It's so cute, I think!

Is it electric? Interesting.

Toys to fool people, there are a lot of them in the Southern Toy Factory. If that's all it is, it's such a disappointment.

Wu Hao must have run out of talent.

For sure, so many black technology products and technologies have been pulled out in the past few years, they must be empty.

Impossible, if this is the case, it is not Wu Hao.

Seeing such bullet screens and comments, Wu Hao was not in a hurry, but immediately smiled at the camera, and the rabbit ears started to vibrate unexpectedly. Matched with Wu Hao's happy expression, it is actually very cute and smart.

Immediately, Wu Hao put away his smile and showed a sad and disappointed expression, only to see that the rabbit ears that were standing up and trembling a moment ago actually drooped down automatically with Wu Hao's loss and sadness.

While everyone was surprised, Wu Hao, who was originally lost, suddenly raised his head and looked at the camera vigilantly, only to see his drooping rabbit ears stand up instantly.

I rely on it, it can still be like this.

So much fun, this bunny ear can sense the mood of the wearer.

It's so cute, I want it, how much is it.

Let me just say, the new products released by Haoyu Technology are definitely not that simple.

It's amazing that such a small thing can capture people's emotions.

I formulated it, and this must be Haoyu Technology's latest achievement in mind control technology.


"Yes, this is the new product we released, a new toy for our players and fans, smart rabbit ears."

Wu Hao took off the rabbit ears and introduced them to the camera.

"Its biggest feature is that it can perceive our wearer's emotions, and show different postures by capturing the wearer's emotions. For example, when you are happy, you stand up and shake, and when you are sad, you droop down.

And when alert, it will be erected immediately,

There are more than 30 micro-movements written in our smart rabbit ears, which can change according to all your emotions.

His most powerful feature is naturally the smart sensors in the headband that he wears, which can capture the brain waves of our wearers at all times. Identify your current mood through brain waves.

This is the consciousness control technology we have been researching. In fact, this technology has long been used in our related products, such as intelligent robotic arms, intelligent bionic electronics, intelligent mechanical exoskeletons and other products.

But this time, we applied it to toys, allowing it to enter our lives, allowing everyone to experience the charm of consciousness control technology up close. "

Many people may ask, will this toy that captures brain waves cause damage to our brains and affect the health of our wearers?

After asking this question, Wu Hao paused for a while, then shook his head with a smile and said, "Don't worry, everyone, this technology and this product have been tested by a third-party organization after repeated tests.

We can assure everyone that it will not cause any harm to our brains and bodies.

These sensors all over the rabbit ear headband, it only passively accepts our human brain waves and does not wait for the emission function, so it will not affect our brains.

And its working power is actually similar to that of the head-mounted Bluetooth headsets we wear, and it will not cause harm to our bodies, so everyone can wear it with confidence. "

Having said that, Wu Hao unhurriedly took a sip from the water glass next to him, then continued to smile at the camera and said: "Actually, it is not only a toy, but also an emotional monitor, which can always display The mood of the wearer changes, so it can be applied to many fields.

Let me first talk about one of the simplest uses that is very suitable for many young people, and that is to buy one for my girlfriend to wear. In this way, you don't have to rack your brains to guess your girlfriend's mood at the moment, just look at the bunny ears on her head. "

I rely on it, it can still be like this!


Been taught a lesson.

How much is it, I need one urgently!

No matter how much money, online for help!

I'll go, this is a life-saving weapon for the straight man of steel.

Wu Hao understands us so well, he is really our savior.

It may be that Lin Wei usually does the same, so Wu Hao invented this thing.

Haha, it's hard to imagine Lin Wei, a beautiful CEO, at home.

This thing has been invented, one can imagine Wu Hao's situation at home.


Seeing the comments and barrage displayed on the screen, Wu Hao's head was full of black lines, showing embarrassment.

As for Lin Wei, who was also paying attention to the press conference at home, she couldn't help laughing after seeing these bullet screens.

This thing should not be to deal with me, right? As she said that, Lin Wei couldn't help picking up the rabbit ears on the side, looked carefully, and then put them on her head.

cough cough. Wu Hao coughed slightly, and then continued: "Besides, it can also be used to treat some autistic patients.

As we all know, the biggest problem for children with autism is that it is difficult to communicate. We don't know what he is thinking and what his emotions are.

Then wearing it, parents or doctors can observe the emotions of these autistic patients in real time, and then communicate selectively.

Such targeted communication can more effectively treat autism and help patients, especially children, get out of autism.

Similarly, it can also be worn on the heads of some depressed patients, mentally ill patients, and some children. This is all possible, and it can also help these wearers.

For patients and those in need, they can wear it to cheer everyone up, and they can also exchange for everyone's help for themselves.

Maybe a smile from others can make you feel better when you are depressed. "

Speaking of which, Wu Hao took out several other ears or headgears of various animals from the tray presented by the staff.

"You don't have to worry about this kind of ears being too childish. If you really can't afford to lose face, you can choose other headgear and ears, such as this mouse's ears, cat's ears, and donkey's ears, etc. .”

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