Military Technology

Chapter 1366 Make money, not shabby

Chapter 1367 Make money, not shabby

As the end of the year draws near, the city begins to feel the atmosphere of the New Year, and people who have been busy for a year also start to buy new year's goods cheerfully.

Although the taste of the New Year has been diluting in recent years, the blood flowing in the bones of our people and the recognition of our culture allow people no matter how far away they go, no matter how many difficulties and obstacles they have experienced, they still have to go home.

As the Spring Festival approached, the company's various affairs also began to be suspended. Except for some relatively tight projects, in order to catch up with the progress, there will be no holidays during the Chinese New Year.

For example, the first unmanned experimental spacecraft they will launch soon, the spacecraft has been assembled and will be shipped to the Northwest Space Launch Center to enter the final testing stage.

If all goes well, there will be a window of choice in the spring for the launch.

Therefore, Haoyu Aerospace and the researchers of this project may have to spend this Spring Festival in a busy way. Of course, for them, hard work is hard work. Not only can't go home for the New Year, but also put into intense work.

However, although they are tired and hard, they are also happy. After all, this is a career they are passionate about. The critical moment is coming soon, how can they let go. Even if they are allowed to take a break, I am afraid they are not willing.

In addition to the scientific research department that is catching up with the progress, there is also a marketing department. The unexpected popularity of rabbit ears has also led to a new sales peak for other products of the company.

So these days, the marketing department is still very busy, and it will definitely not stop until the day before the Chinese New Year.

Similarly, Zhang Jun, who is the general manager of the company, is also very busy and needs to deal with various problems. Except for Wu Hao's decision on the big direction and big decisions, some daily affairs are handled by Zhang Jun, so he has been extremely busy these days.

As for Wu Hao, contrary to Zhang Jun's recent situation, he became more relaxed. There is no major event at the end of the year, so naturally he doesn't need to worry about it.

So these days, apart from being busy with some things in the company, Wu Hao will also take people to the various departments below, the scientific research department, the production factory, and the official offline new product experience store to give condolences.

Of course, besides eating, he also has another important job, which is to buy the new year's goods at home. This is the first year they have lived in their new house, so they will not go home for the holidays this year, and they will spend the New Year here.

So there are a lot of things to buy. Although there are assistants to help, many things need him to do it himself.

As the CEO of Wei Media, Lin Wei is approaching the end of the year, so she is naturally very busy, so it is impossible for her to take charge of the family affairs, so Wu Hao can only go into battle by himself.

I came to the company in the morning, finished processing the documents in hand, looked at the schedule, and went back with nothing to do. Wu Hao was about to pack up and leave, but Zhang Jun unexpectedly appeared at this time.

Looking at Zhang Jun's tired expression,

Wu Hao poured him a cup of tea with a smile, then handed it to him with a smile: "Why, what's wrong?"

Zhang Jun took the teacup, shook his head slightly and said, "It's nothing, it's just that I've been too busy in the past few days. I'm too busy with various things."

Speaking of this, Zhang Jun couldn't help complaining to him: "I said that you are also the chairman of the company after all, you can't ignore everything, just leave it all to me."

Hehe, what you said. Wu Hao said with a smile: "I'm busy too, no, these documents have just been processed."

Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk about you. Zhang Jun waved his hands after hearing his words, then looked at him and said, "The medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system customized by Princess Anani has come out. Princess Anani is very satisfied and wants to order five more."

This is a good thing. Wu Hao said with a smile when he heard the words.

This kind of custom-made medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton is very expensive, each costing millions of dollars. In the face of Princess Anani's exclusive custom-made high-end products, the price has risen even higher, reaching millions of dollars each. Now Princess Anani proposed to order five more, which is not a small number. After Wu Hao heard the words, he was naturally very happy.

It's a good thing, but it's more difficult to do. Zhang Jun shook his head with a smile and said: "I have a request. I hope we can beautify the customized medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton to make it more in line with their aesthetics, more fashionable, and more suitable for women. In addition, they We also hope to create a golden medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton.”


Wu Hao couldn't help shaking, it really is inhumane. In these rich countries in West Asia, the love for gold is really deeply rooted in their bones, and everything should be decorated with gold.

"Gold plating is okay, gold is too heavy and soft to fit at all."

Zhang Jun shook his head with a smile and said, "Of course our engineers have proposed it, but they have a strong will and expressed their willingness to pay more."


Wu Hao immediately hung several black lines on his forehead when he heard the words, it really is the usual style of a big dog.

So they caved. Wu Hao asked a little speechlessly.

Zhang Jun smiled helplessly and said, "The engineers agreed."

Make money, not shabby.

Wu Hao said something with a smile, and then asked: "How is the examination result of Princess Anani?"

After hearing his words, Zhang Jun nodded and said: "It's okay, it's similar to the inspection report they sent before, and the situation is better than we expected.

She is a princess, even if her status is relatively low, she is still a princess, and she is also a favored princess. So after the car accident, he was immediately sent to the hospital for treatment, and then he invited world-renowned orthopedic and neurological experts for treatment.

Therefore, the recovery of the injured part of Princess Anani is much better than that of many patients we have taken over. The only headache is that she is a patient who has been paralyzed for a long time and has a serious spinal injury, so the recovery period of treatment will be longer.

And we are not sure whether this Princess Anani can persist in cooperating with our recovery treatment. If we can't persist, we can't force it. "

Whatever it is, the money has already been given anyway. If she can't keep going, that's her business and has nothing to do with us. Wu Hao shook his head slightly.

As for Zhang Jun, after hearing his words, he frowned and shook his head, "No, now the whole world knows that this princess has come to our company for treatment.

If the treatment effect is not good, it will easily affect the promotion of our product image, which will directly affect the promotion of our technology and this medical product around the world, especially in West Asia.

So we not only took over a local tycoon, but also took over a trouble. Not only can we not take it lightly, but we must try our best to cure her. "

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