Military Technology

Chapter 1367 The Launch Plan Advances

Chapter 1368 The Launch Plan Advances

Zhang Jun was right. From this point of view, they had indeed taken over a trouble. But who makes people rich, even if it is troublesome, you have to hold your nose and admit it.

And this is not necessarily a bad thing. If the treatment is successful and Princess Anani can stand up and walk again, then for their technology, the promotion of this medical product around the world will play a major role in promoting it.

So Wu Hao waved his hands with a smile and said: "Don't worry, a person who has been paralyzed for more than ten years suddenly has a chance to stand up again, then she will definitely grab it desperately."

I hope so. Zhang Jun sighed.

The company is developing well this year, so I think if there is nothing to do, we should arrange a holiday early, let the employees rest at home for a few more days, spend more time with their families, and have a good year. Wu Hao said to Zhang Jun.

Hearing his words, Zhang Jun nodded and replied: "We have already started to proceed, and some departments of the company have also started to prepare for the holiday.

It's just that there are still several departments, and I'm afraid they won't be able to go on vacation until before the 30th. There are still a few departments that are in a hurry and are more important, and they will definitely not be able to leave this year. "

"Since we can't let them go, we should ensure the work and life of these people, especially those who can't go home on vacation. Take care of this aspect. Not only work, but also life."

"Focus on taking care of young people. Many of them are single, have no partners, and have no families. Their homes are not here, and they basically live in rented houses. Therefore, as the Spring Festival approaches, many shops and restaurants are closed. The lives of these people Be careful with your diet."

"In addition to our company restaurant providing three meals a day, we also distribute more instant food and snacks to these people. I heard that many people have nothing to eat when they return home, and they either eat takeaway, instant noodles, or frozen food. "

"In this regard, you let the administrative department take the trouble to see if you can customize some products from the manufacturer and distribute them to everyone. Pay attention to quality control and safety."

"In this way, after these people go home, they can also cook something hot by themselves to warm their bodies." Wu Hao ordered.

OK, I'll start to arrange it right away. Zhang Jun nodded. These things are not worth much, but the help to these young people is huge.

More importantly, in Zhang Jun's view, this is a heart-warming measure that can increase employees' sense of identity and loyalty to the company.

I heard that the launch period of our unmanned experimental spacecraft has been fixed? Zhang Jun asked him.

Wu Hao nodded and said, "Tentatively, it will be in late March. The exact time will depend on the weather."

"That's not too soon, it's already February, and it won't be long." Zhang Jun was a little surprised.

"The area at the Northwest Space Launch Center,

April has its own fever task, so we can only adjust it to late March. If you miss this window, I am afraid you will have to wait until June. " Wu Hao explained to Zhang Jun.

This is also the news he just received. The space system will formulate a launch plan at the beginning of each year. Especially in the past few years, the annual launch tasks are relatively heavy, and there is basically no free time. In China, these launch sites basically need to queue up.

This is not counting some temporarily added launch missions, so as a private enterprise, they naturally have to make concessions.

This also brought forward the launch plan originally scheduled for mid-April to late March, which was the result of many negotiations. It was originally postponed until June, but with Wu Hao and his team's efforts, it was brought forward to early March.

Is it too late? Don't force it. If you can't, just postpone it for a few months. Zhang Jun was a little worried. After all, after spending so much money, investing so much manpower, material resources, and various resources, it would be a pity if it failed, and the loss would be huge.

Not only that, but this will also directly affect commercial aerospace projects, so we have to be cautious.

Wu Hao can naturally understand Zhang Jun's worries, but the matter has come to this, how can he back down. So he waved his hand and said: "New arrows and new ships, the first joint launch, the success rate is less than half, which is an international practice. No matter how many months we delay, the probability of success is the same.

So instead of suffering and waiting, it is better to make a quick decision. I spoke to project team members and their opinions were the same.

In any case, it cannot affect the progress of the project. Even if it fails, that's okay, let's sum up experience and continue researching.

Look at how many times Musk's interstellar spacecraft has been blown up. "


Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun couldn't help grinning. Indeed, Askar had set off fireworks many times in order to study his starship. But people are not discouraged, and they still insist on continuing to release it.

That's it? Zhang Jun asked with a smile.

It's decided, sooner or later we will come this time. Wu Hao nodded in confirmation.

Zhang Jun nodded when he heard the words, then looked at him and asked, "Will you go to the scene then?"

Wu Hao thought about this question for a while, then shook his head: "I won't go, I'll just sit and watch at the company."

Zhang Jun was a little surprised by his answer, but he still nodded and smiled and said, "That's fine, if it fails, you won't look good at the scene."

What are you talking about, Wu Hao scolded with a smile, and then explained: "I am worried that my going will increase their pressure.

And when the time comes, I would also like to invite some people to come and watch together. It is obviously inappropriate to invite them to the Northwest, so let's put them in Anxi. "

Also, it's definitely not appropriate for these people to go to the Northwest. Zhang Jun nodded. He knew what Wu Hao was planning, so he didn't ask any more questions.

That's why you don't plan to go home this year. Zhang Jun asked with a smile.

Wu Hao nodded, then looked at the gloomy weather outside the window and sighed: "I won't go back, there are a lot of things going on here.

And I am planning to go to the Northwest to greet everyone in the second day of junior high school. These people have not rested for more than half a year. "

It's time for condolences, or I will follow. Zhang Jun nodded and suggested to him.

Wu Hao glanced at this guy, then smiled and waved his hands and said: "No need, you have your work to do, I plan to let you go for a trip after the new year. We still have Shanghai in Shenzhen City, as well as three What about the branch office?"

"What's the matter?" Zhang Jun became a little puzzled, why did he have to go to three branch offices for such a good thing.

Wu Hao glanced at Zhang Jun, and then said with a serious face: "I received a report that the internal corruption of these three branches is relatively serious. I plan to send a monitoring and auditing team to conduct an audit investigation. I need a leader to sit in there. I It is definitely not suitable to go, Tong Juan has just taken over the domestic market, obviously it is not suitable, after much deliberation, it is only you."

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