Military Technology

Chapter 1368 serious problem

Chapter 1369 serious problem

"what happened?"

Hearing his words, Zhang Jun's expression turned ugly. How come there are problems in all three branches? This is obviously a lack of leadership, so he, the general manager, is naturally to blame.

"Are you sure?" Zhang Jun looked at Wu Hao and asked seriously. Obviously up to this moment, he still doesn't quite believe it.

Wu Hao met Zhang Jun's gaze and nodded to confirm: "There are names and surnames on the report letter, so we can basically confirm it."

"Who is there?" Zhang Jun's face changed, and then he showed an angry expression.

"It's not certain yet, but judging from the report letter, it includes two vice presidents, a branch general manager, and several department managers below. Especially the marketing department, this aspect is more serious." Wu Hao shook his head and said.

To be honest, when he saw this report letter, he was also very angry, he couldn't believe it, and even had the idea of ​​going to the end himself. But after calming down, he gave up again, and three branches were involved, which showed that there was also a problem with the head office, and he had to stay here to prevent problems. And if he goes down, it will be difficult to control the situation. For him, the stability and normal operation of the company comes first.

And just taking advantage of the new year, Zhang Jun can take people to investigate secretly, collect evidence, and then take all these people down after they officially go to work. Otherwise, it would be easy for these people to become vigilant if they continued to be so aboveboard, and in the end nothing would be worse, or a few scapegoats would be thrown out.

"I see, I'll prepare now and then go." Zhang Jun nodded solemnly.

Seeing this, Wu Hao shook his head and said: "It's not possible now, going now is like scaring the snake, let's wait until the New Year and continue to express condolences.

I first asked the supervision and auditing working group to secretly go to three locations to conduct investigations and collect evidence. Wait until you arrive, and then make a decision based on actual actions. It must be clean and tidy, so as not to affect its normal operation. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun nodded thoughtfully, looked at him and asked, "Isn't your former secretary Zhang Xiaolei in Shanghai? Does she have any problems?"

Wu Hao immediately understood what Zhang Jun meant when he heard the words, and then shook his head: "There is no her name in the report letter, but it doesn't mean that she has no problems. So you can investigate her first when you arrive at this point, and then contact her As the general manager of the branch, she is fully responsible for such problems among her subordinates.

And judging from the content of the report letter, these people started a long time ago, and it's impossible for her not to notice it for such a long time. So what made her not report to the company to me in time? Is it someone at the headquarters who has her scruples, or is she also involved. "

"I understand." Zhang Jun's face also became extremely serious, realizing the seriousness of this matter.

"Three branches were involved,

Not counting overseas offices and branches, the scope is so large, so there must be a high-level person involved in the headquarters, at least a department head. "

"You and I definitely won't. It's impossible for Tong Juan to be in charge of overseas market operations before. It's even more impossible for Old Dong. Then it will be the heads of several departments." Zhang Jun analyzed.

Regarding Zhang Jun's analysis, Wu Haowan looked at him and asked, "So you already have a preliminary suspect?"

Zhang Jun hesitated for a moment, then looked at him and nodded and said: "It turns out that the director of the marketing department is now the general manager of our new energy company Huang Zhihua. As the original director of the marketing department, he has the ability and convenience to do things behind the scenes. What's more, Huang Zhihua has a criminal record, and he has been restrained and changed a lot after our conversation and warning before. But looking at it now, he has a big problem.

In addition to Huang Zhihua, Qu Qingqing, the chief financial officer, also had this suspicion. and also……"

Zhang Jun hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Zou Xiaodong, if he is the mastermind or involved in the case, then it makes sense. Even if Zhang Xiaolei knew the reason, she didn't report to the company and you in time. Based on Zou Xiaodong's She must be more afraid of her transcendent identity."

"Okay, as you said, there are no good people in the entire management of the company." Wu Hao interrupted Zhang Jun angrily and said, "This kind of thing can't be guessed, you must come up with real evidence. And you can't go to war, you must keep a low profile Go ahead, I don't want everyone to make a fuss about this matter, it will be very detrimental to our company's image.

Moreover, it is easy to cause panic within the company and make people panic, which is not conducive to the stability and development of the company. "

"I understand, after I go there, I will do it in a low-key way." Zhang Jun nodded in response, then looked at Wu Hao and said, "If it's really Zou Xiaodong."

Wu Hao shook his head and said decisively: "Basically, there is no such possibility. He can't do this. The annual dividends for his shares are enough for him to spend."

But when it comes to this, Wu Hao paused for a moment, then looked at Zhang Jun and said: "If it is really him, then do whatever you want. Some things can be muddled, but some things must not be touched. This is the bottom line .”

"I understand." Zhang Jun showed a cautious expression, thinking silently.

Seeing Zhang Jun's expression, Wu Hao smiled and comforted him: "Maybe we are all thinking too much. This report letter is fabricated out of thin air. The contents of the letter are all false. There are no such things at all."

"Or, this is the individual matter below, which has not been involved too deeply."

"I hope so." Zhang Jun forced a smile.

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Wu Hao changed the subject with a smile: "How is the purchase of new year's goods going?"

"I don't know. I've been too busy these days, so I didn't care about it at all. The one at home is in charge." Zhang Jun smiled and shook his head.

"You, you can't throw everything at others. You should also care when you should care. He is a good engineer, and now he has sacrificed so much for you, so don't let him down." Wu Hao persuaded.

Hearing his words, Zhang Jun waved his hands with a smile and said, "Don't worry, I know what's in my heart."

Seeing this, Wu Hao shook his head. He can't say too much about this kind of thing, otherwise it's easy to make people feel wrong inside and outside.

So he immediately stood up and smiled and said, "Okay, I won't keep you anymore. Go and do whatever you need to do, and go home early when you're done. That Xijiang sent me some mutton. Give it to your driver and take it back."

"Haha, then I will be unfairly treated." Zhang Jun responded with a smile, and then strode outside.

Wu Hao glanced at it, then sat down and snapped his fingers, "Shen Ning, come to my office."

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