Chapter 1370 Family members come together

As the New Year's Eve approached, all the companies in Anxi began to have their holidays one after another, and the number of people on the street began to decrease, making the entire Linghu business district appear relatively deserted.

After all, it is a new development zone located in the suburbs, so the number of residents is not too many. Most of the people here live in the urban area, and they will naturally return to the city or their hometown after vacation.

As for Wu Hao and Lin Wei, they also started their new year holidays. This year is the first time for them to celebrate the New Year independently in their new home, so the two of them attach great importance to it and have purchased a lot of New Year's goods.

And just as they were preparing, they didn't expect their family members to arrive.

Looking at the excited Wu Tong, his father Wu Jianhua who was getting something from the trunk, and Zhang Xiaoman who was holding Lin Wei's hand and talking, Wu Hao's eyes couldn't help but moisten.

What are you doing in a daze, come and get something quickly. Wu Jianhua waved at his son.

Oh, here we come. Wu Hao quickly responded, and then ran over.

Dad, why are you here. Wu Hao couldn't help asking Wu Jianhua while moving things out of the car.

Wu Jianhua glanced at his son, and said angrily: "Why, can't we come? If you don't go back to celebrate the New Year, we will have to come."

Speaking of this, Wu Jianhua glanced at Zhang Xiaoman and Lin Wei over there, and then reprimanded him: "You have grown up, and now you won't go home during the Chinese New Year."

Um, isn't it busy? This year's situation is special. I have to fly to the Northwest in the second year of junior high school. Wu Hao quickly explained.

snort! Wu Jianhua snorted, and then said to him: "Your sister and your mother insisted on coming, I was worried and they followed."

Speaking of Wu Jianhua moving things, he walked in with ease. Wu Hao looked at his father's arrogant back, couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

Zhang Xiaoman and Lin Wei, who had finished chatting over there, also came over with a smile and helped them get things up together.

Let me tell you, these are all bought by your father himself. This is a farm pig that eats food in our countryside. Your father ordered it half a year ago. One end was slaughtered earlier and used to smoke bacon and sausages, and the other end was slaughtered later, so we can eat it ourselves.

Also, the chickens, ducks and geese are all free-range in the countryside, without any feed. Zhang Xiaoman smiled and introduced to Wu Hao and Lin Wei while tidying up.

Aunt Zhang, Nini probably moved all the things in the house. Wu Hao looked at the whole cart, and couldn't help but wryly smiled.

Zhang Xiaoman shook his head with a smile and said: "No way, there are still some left at home for us to entertain guests when we go back. I have brought you a lot, you can eat slowly, and if you can't finish it, you can also give it away. It is a green and pollution-free good thing, we make it by hand, it is clean, safe and rest assured."

look at you

Didn't I say, when I'm back for a few days after I've been busy for a while, why are you here? Wu Hao couldn't help being moved when he saw Zhang Xiaoman. His stepmother really regarded him as his own son and loved him very much since he was a child.

It's a pity, when he was a child, he was very ignorant, always confronted her, and made her cry many times. After going to university, he seldom went home, that is to say, he has changed a lot in the past few years.

Thinking of the past, he couldn't help but show an expression of indebtedness to this woman.

Zhang Xiaoman obviously felt this, and then showed him a kind look, and comforted him with a smile: "Silly boy, you can't go back because you're busy, we're not busy, then we'll just come.

I was supposed to come a few days earlier to help you prepare the new year's goods. There are so many people in the family that we can't leave. We went to worship our ancestors yesterday to visit the grave, and we took Wu Tong to pay homage to your mother by the way, and then we came here.

Chinese New Year is all about reunion. If you are not here, this family will be incomplete. "

Hearing Zhang Xiaoman's words, Wu Hao's eyes turned red involuntarily, a word stuck in his throat but he couldn't utter it.

Okay, okay, how old are you. Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoman couldn't help comforting her.

Hehe, Wu Hao smiled awkwardly, then walked home with a large box of sausages in his arms.

Several people did not ask the security personnel to help, but moved all these things in by themselves. After vacating the car, the family has piled up into a hill.

Facing her future parents-in-law, even though they were so familiar, Lin Wei seemed a little attentive, and began to tidy up quickly. As for Zhang Xiaoman, he also came to help him when he saw the situation.

Wu Hao wanted to reach out, but was blocked. Seeing this, he could only make tea for his father.

Wu Jianhua saw the teacup handed over by Wu Hao, glanced at him, took a sip, and said with a smile: "The tea is not bad."

"Hehe, the gift from my friend in Hangzhou is only half a catty. You can take it with you when you go back, and it would be a waste to leave it here." Wu Hao said with a smile, this tea was given by Lao Ma before the Chinese New Year. Now the old horse has gradually faded out of people's realization, and began to concentrate on self-cultivation.

This tea was ordered by himself from the tea garden, and he asked the master to fry it, and then packaged it for some close friends, and Wu Hao was naturally one of them.

You can keep it for entertaining guests, what do I need these for, the tea at home is enough to drink. Wu Jianhua said to him without curiosity.

Yes, old man. Although Wu Hao was a little helpless, he still responded with a smile: "Don't worry, I have so much good tea that I can't finish it.

You don't know that Chinese culture has suddenly become popular in business circles in recent years. Many bosses have become masters as soon as they turn around.

This New Year's gift is all these elegant things, I'm afraid it will be cheap and vulgar. The tea leaves are the ones that are given a lot by people, such as green tea, black tea, Pu'er, black tea, white tea, etc.

In addition to tea, there are also tea sets, pottery, and local souvenirs. There is also a boss who directly gave me two bags of rice grown by him. "

Hearing his introduction, Wu Jianhua also widened his eyes, moved his mouth, and finally told him seriously: "You are now the boss of a big company, pay attention to influence, don't take advantage of these small things, To accept these things is to engage in unhealthy tendencies."

Yes, education again. Wu Hao explained with a smile after hearing the words: "Don't worry, it's normal interpersonal communication before the Spring Festival. They give it to me, and I give it to them. They are all things that are not worth much. No one will accept the real valuables. .

This is the culture of the business district, and I can't avoid it, otherwise it would be too unkind. "

Well, seeing what he said, Wu Jianhua didn't say anything more. Putting the finished teacup on the tea table, Wu Hao quickly poured another cup when he saw this.

I heard you're going to launch a manned spacecraft in the spring? Wu Jianhua looked at his son and asked.

Wu Hao poured tea, then said with a smile, "It's an unmanned experimental spaceship, and it's still far away from being manned. It's just an experiment now."


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