Military Technology

Chapter 1371 Brother-in-law's

Chapter 1372 Brother-in-law's "Business Plan"

After some pleasantries, Lin's mother also went to work in the kitchen with Zhang Xiaoman and Lin Wei. As for Lin's father, Lin Honghan and Wu Jianhua, they were sitting in the living room watching the news and chatting.

Wu Hao was by his side, and Lin Lei, the bastard, walked over to Wu Hao's side with a smile after turning around: "Brother-in-law!"

Hearing this, Wu Hao glanced sideways at the kid, then ignored him.

As for Lin Lei, he was not discouraged, but moved closer to him, and then said to Wu Hao: "Brother-in-law, I have business to see you this time.

Don't you guys always say that I'm not doing my job properly? I've thought of a very good business plan for this one, and I hope to get your support. "

Business plan?

This time not only Wu Hao, but also Lin Honghan and Wu Jianhua became interested.

As for you, what business plan do you have, it must be a trick to cheat money, Xiaohao, don't talk to him. Lin Honghan said angrily at his bastard son.

I love this son very much, and I have great hopes for him, but now it seems that this kid is so muddy that he can't support the wall.

Of his two children, Lin Wei can be said to have perfectly inherited his and her mother's excellent genes, and has a very high talent in business. Although it is said that Wei Media was vigorously supported by Wu Hao, it is undeniable that Lin Wei played a decisive role in the establishment and development of Wei Media.

Now it is impossible to control a new media technology giant like Wei Media without any ability, and Lin Wei is also known by the outside world as a beautiful president and a strong media lady.

Originally, they expected their daughter to come back to inherit the family business and take over their company. But now that her daughter's company has developed much better than them, she naturally looks down on their small business.

As for his own son, he is really an asshole, messing around all day, causing trouble, and the mud can't support the wall at all. He and his wife have given up hope.

I plan to work for a few more years, and when I can't do it anymore, I will dispose of the company, and then leave some money and property for this bastard, let him eat and wait until he dies.

Now listening to what this kid said about entrepreneurial opportunities, based on his understanding of this bastard, he is completely looking for Wu Hao to cheat money again.

After all, he was his brother-in-law, and Wu Hao couldn't refuse him directly, so he smiled and asked, "What kind of business plan, let me hear it."

Come on, just wait for your words. As he said that, Lin Lei jumped up and ran out quickly.

Not long after, this kid ran in with a few documents, and then handed a carefully printed project book and materials to Wu Hao, and then to Lin Honghan and Wu Jianhua.


This is my entrepreneurial project plan and information. Let's see, uncle, too. "

Ah. It's quite well prepared! Wu Hao took the entrepreneurial project plan and flipped through it. The same goes for Wu Jianhua and Lin Honghan, who took it and looked at it very curiously.

As you watch, I will introduce it to you again. Lin Lei introduced to the three of them.

Wu Hao and the three of them, while reading the project plan and listening to Lin Lei's introduction, finally had a general understanding of this entrepreneurial project.

This kid's ambition is really great. He actually wants to build a virtual reality racing track, combining the real racing track with virtual reality technology to create a virtual reality racing theme park.

"...Through the projection of virtual reality technology and smart MR glasses, we can move the tracks in many famous racing games to reality and arrange them, so that we can experience the same tracks in the game in reality Contest.

The real track can also be changed according to the track in the game. Such a virtual reality racing theme park can attract many young people who are looking for excitement.

On the basis of this racing car, we can also extend various themed services and try to build it into a comprehensive racing theme park, which I believe is very competitive. "

After listening to Lin Lei's introduction, Wu Hao put down the business plan, then looked at Lin Lei with a half-smile and asked: "The contents of this business plan and what you introduced are all Did you think of it yourself?"

Of course I thought of it myself, why, you still don't believe me. Lin Lei quickly replied.

But Lin Honghan glared at Lin Lei and said angrily: "You said it was you who wrote such a professional project plan. If you wrote it, I will trust the company to you now. Honestly, Who the hell wrote it?"

I had an idea and had someone write it for me. Lin Lei answered with a stiff neck.

Hmph, I was sold and still counting the money, how did I give birth to such a worthless thing like you. Lin Honghan left the project proposal on the coffee table, and hated Lin Lei for the lack of steel.

Uncle Lin, don't worry, don't get angry, let's ask first, maybe Xiaolei wrote it. Wu Hao quickly comforted him.

Him, hum! Lin Honghan glared at his bastard son, then turned his head to one side.

As for Wu Hao, he asked Lin Lei: "Xiao Lei, this project proposal is very professional and targeted. It is thoughtful and sophisticated in many aspects. This is not your age at all. For the things that can be produced, you tell me honestly, who gave this thing to you, and who asked you to give it to me."

I, I wrote it myself, I wrote it myself, what's wrong, can't it? Lin Lei stuttered when he heard his words.

Lin Honghan was furious when he heard the words, he glared at his bastard son and said, "It's all up to now, and you still haven't confessed honestly. With your little ability, you can make something like this.

Do you really think we are fools, this is what they want to give to your brother-in-law through your hands. How did I give birth to such a bastard like you, you don't understand anything. When will you be able to have a snack? If someone sells you, you will still count the money for them. "

I, I... Hearing Lin Honghan's words, Lin Lei's mouth grew wide, and he was stunned for a long time before he said: "Impossible, they won't lie to me."

All right, hurry up and say it! Lin Honghan urged with a big head.

Lin Lei glanced at his father with some fear, then moved closer to Wu Hao and said, "Brother-in-law, some of my friends gave it to me."

What are some friends doing? Wu Hao also wanted to find out who exactly wanted to use Lin Lei to hand this thing into his hands.

Judging from Lin Lei's reaction, I'm afraid that this group of people had already set their minds on Lin Lei, and then let this kid introduce him to him like a treasure.

Facing the scrutiny of the three people, Lin Lei hesitated for a moment, and then said weakly: "We usually know each other when we play cars together, and then we get to know each other after playing together for a long time. Recently, Yan, There was no place to play, so we came up with this idea in a small chat, and then wrote this business project plan, wanting to set up our own racing track."

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