Chapter 1373 "The Prodigal Son" Transformation Plan

【Unmodified version】

Xiaohao, is this business plan valuable? Lin Honghan asked Wu Hao. After all, it is his own son. Now that such a thing has happened, he is naturally very concerned.

Wu Hao glanced at Lin Lei who was sitting beside him with a worried face, then nodded to his father-in-law Lin Honghan and said, "It's still of some value, it's not all rhetoric, just talking on paper. It can be seen that the other party A lot of effort has been spent on this project, with data, research, and evaluation, it is very complete."

Hearing his words, Lin Honghan heaved a sigh of relief, and said to his son: "You are a useless thing, people use you as a weapon. Such a professional plan can be written in two or three days. .

They have already written it, but there is only one missing person to hand it to Xiaohao, so they value you. "

Me, I'll find them. After saying that, Lin Lei stood up, making a gesture to rush out.

In the end, Lin Honghan quickly stopped him: "What are you looking for? My goal has been achieved. Sit down for me."

Wu Hao pressed his hand at Li Lei, motioned him to sit down, and then said with a smile: "This business plan still has something to offer. If it is well controlled, it can be considered a good project."

real! Hearing this, Lin Lei leaned over to Wu Hao's side and asked.

Wu Hao nodded and said: "However, the key to the success of this project is not the funds, but the technology, which is also the key for them to find us.

MR technology is a kind of mixed virtual reality technology newly developed by us. This technology is currently in the experimental stage and has not really been put into commercial use.

These people put their ideas on it, hoping to use it as a gimmick to attract tourists. However, their wishful thinking was wrong, and they shouldn't have hit you with it. "

Why, isn't it a good project? Lin Lei didn't quite understand.

Wu Hao looked at Lin Lei and said: "If they find a breakthrough from you and succeed, then more people will come to you in the future, hoping to contact me through your channel.

This is very detrimental to you, so you should pay attention to this aspect in the future, don't give these people a chance, let alone promise casually. "

Seeing Lin Lei's half-understood and even unconvinced expression, Wu Hao was a little helpless, but who told him that this was his brother-in-law, so he patiently explained: "Even if this project is feasible, I can't Promise you. The most taboo thing in our business is not to distinguish between public and private. If you find me because of this matter today, then tomorrow someone else will find me with another matter. Do I agree or disagree?

If you start a business, I will support you, and your sister and your parents will support you, but let's take it step by step since childhood.

This project is just land acquisition and demolition, plus new facilities, and related technology investment adds up to hundreds of millions, you still can't get it right now. "

Lin Honghan also reprimanded at this time: "How old are you, please take care of yourself. Your mother and I are getting old, and we will depend on you for everything at home. Look at you now, how can we rest assured."

"I, I just want to find something to do. I don't know that they have ulterior motives. I really don't know about this." Lin Lei said a little aggrieved.

Seeing this, Wu Hao waved his hands and comforted him: "Okay, okay, don't worry about this matter, I will let people go past these people. No matter what their purpose is, whether they are malicious or not, but if they hit your head, Certainly not."

Having said that, Wu Hao said fiercely. Logically speaking, the information of his family and relatives is kept strictly confidential, and the average person can't miss it. But this group of people knew about the relationship between Lin Lei and Lin Wei, which made him vigilant.

Xiaohao, leave this matter to me, it won't be good for you to do it. Lin Honghan persuaded Wu Hao.

Wu Hao waved his hands and said, "Don't worry, Uncle Lin, I won't do anything outrageous. I just asked someone to bring a lawyer to find this group of people and give them a little warning. If they are smart people, they will understand me. intention."

Having said that, Wu Hao looked at Lin Lei and said, "If you really want to do something, I'll give you an idea."

What attention? Lin Lei, who was still depressed just now, suddenly became interested.

Wu Hao said with a smile: "Go to our offline official product experience store to be an ordinary sales and service person, and work for one year, learn something and experience it.

After one year, you can conduct an in-depth investigation based on the aspects you are interested in, and write a feasible business plan by yourself, and then you can give it to me. If I can see it, I will personally sponsor you 2 million yuan as your start-up capital. "

It's only two million, brother-in-law, you are too picky. Lin Lei said with a look of disgust.

What do you know, your brother-in-law is doing this for your own good. Lin Honghan hated iron but said: "When we started our business, who gave us two million. Your mother and I started from scratch with a few thousand dollars. When your brother-in-law and the others started their business, they started their business with the pocket money they saved. .

You have two million, which is more than 90% of the entrepreneurs in the world, and you are not satisfied. "

Well, thank you brother-in-law. Lin Lei thanked him, and then started haggling again: "If I really want to be a salesperson, will it take another year? The time is too long, can it be shorter?"

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile: "There is no room for bargaining with me, if you don't want to do it, forget it."

Willing, willing, who said I don't want to. Lin Lei quickly said, how could he not be willing to give him two million for free. Although the family is rich and his sister and brother-in-law are rich, he has been strictly controlled since he was a child, especially when it comes to money.

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and said: "Okay, since you agreed, I have a few requirements. First of all, you have to go to and from get off work by yourself during this year. You must not be late, let alone leave early. You must be serious and responsible for your work. Don't deal with it.

Secondly, your identity, especially your relationship with me, your sister, and your parents cannot be revealed. Once it is exposed, then our agreement will be terminated, and you can do whatever you want, and don't come to me. "

This is too difficult, if someone recognizes me, then I am too wronged. Lin Lei complained.

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile and said: "Then I don't care, I will let people watch you all the time, if you let me know that your identity is exposed, then over."

It's so unfair. Lin Lei said with a mournful face.

Hehe, my two million yuan is not easy to get. Wu Hao then stretched out his finger and said: "This year you will come out to live independently, and I will tell your parents and your sister that the family will not give you a penny.

In other words, you have to live on your salary. "

Lin Lei: ...

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