Chapter 1374 "Trapping" into the set


"What are you arguing about? I heard your voices in the kitchen." Lin Wei came over with a plate of cut fruit, and asked everyone.

"Sister, help me, my brother-in-law is bullying me!" Lin Lei rushed over to Lin Wei as if he saw a savior when he saw Lin Wei, and cried while hugging Lin Wei.


Seeing this, Wu Hao's head was full of black lines, why is this little bastard so hateful.

Next to them, the biological father of the two, Lin Honghan's face also turned dark. In front of Wu Jianhua's in-laws, this bastard completely humiliated him. Now he wished that there was a latrine next to him, and then he would push this bastard into the latrine and drown him.

"What's the matter, tell me how he bullied you." Lin Wei glanced at Wu Hao, then smiled at her younger brother.

Facing Lin Wei's smile, Lin Lei couldn't help but shudder, but he still bit the bullet and spoke emphatically.

After Lin Lei finished speaking, Lin Wei went to Wu Hao's side, then fed Wu Hao a piece of fruit with a knife and fork, then looked at Lin Lei and said, "Your brother-in-law is right, if you really plan to start a business by yourself , This is the only way, otherwise you don't want to take a penny from me. I decide this matter, even if your brother-in-law agrees."


"But, I don't know anything." Lin Lei begged for mercy with a sad face: "Sister, you can help me. In this way, I can do it for one year, but my pocket money is deducted and I am not allowed to go home. Is this right? Some are too much. I have never been so independent since I was a child, can you and my mother rest assured?"

"Why don't you worry, you are such a big man, you can still run away." Lin Wei said angrily at him: "I tell you, this matter is not discussed. Dad, we must unite the front on this matter, I will give it to you in a while." Mom also said that she would not give him a chance."

"Don't worry, I fully support Xiaohao's decision." Lin Honghan smiled at his precious daughter, then looked at this useless son and said seriously:

It is difficult to be an adult without being poor, and to be innocent without being hit.

Since ancient times, heroes have come out of purgatory, and have always been rich and noble.

"Mencius said: Therefore, when heaven will send a great mission to (S) people, they must first suffer their minds and wills, exhaust their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skins, empty their bodies, and disturb their actions. impossible."

"Nothing can be successful casually. We all come from this road. You only see our successful side, but you don't see the hard work we have put in and the sweat we have left behind."

"Back then, in order to save two yuan for the car, your mother insisted on walking more than ten miles to go to work and run business. In order to save a bowl of noodles,

The two of us made a bowl of instant noodles and bought two pancakes for lunch. "

"Our age is far away, and you won't realize it if you tell me. Then tell me about your brother-in-law, how old is he compared to his age?"

"When he started his business, he ate takeaway food for several months to save money, and stayed in a broken classroom for several months. If it were you, would you be able to persist?"

"Our purpose is not to make you suffer, but to let you experience the difficulty of making money and the hardships of starting a business. The competition in the market is intriguing, and people without a little experience will simply die when they come in."

"To put it inappropriately, we have today's success, all dripping from the sea of ​​corpses, what do you think?"

Hearing Lin Honghan's words, Lin Lei became even more silent. At this moment, he stood there like a helpless child, very pitiful.

Seeing this, Wu Jianhua immediately smiled and said in a relaxed atmosphere: "Okay, okay, this kid Xiaolei is very smart, he must be able to understand our good intentions, let him think about it."

After his father spoke, Wu Hao also smiled and said to Lin Lei: "Don't worry about this matter, you should think about it first, and then come to me or your sister after you think it through, your parents are fine.

In this way, I will raise the price again. As long as you can persist for one year according to our requirements, I promise you that I will give you another good car on your birthday next year. "

"Really!" Lin Lei's eyes lit up and he exclaimed excitedly.

"A gentleman!" Wu Hao stretched out his hand and said.

Snapped! Lin Hao clapped his hands with him excitedly and said, "Hurry up!"

"Just get used to him." Lin Wei couldn't help complaining to Wu Hao.

"Hehe, as long as he grows up, a car is nothing." Wu Hao said with a smile.

His words were also approved by Lin Honghan: "As long as you can persist for a year according to your brother-in-law's request, I will allow you to drive the car your brother-in-law gave you and the cars at home."

"Thank you Dad, I've decided, I'll go!" Lin Lei said with high spirits.


Everyone present looked at this kid and laughed.

Seeing the boy leave, Lin Wei took the lead in holding Wu Hao's hand and said tenderly, "Thank you!"

Wu Hao shook his head slightly with a smile and said, "We're all a family, what are you talking about?"

"This kid, we have been used to watching since we were young. If he can really use this opportunity to go on the right path, no, as long as he can be more sensible, then your aunt and I will be at ease." Lin Honghan said to Wu Hao He let out a sigh of relief.

"This child is smart, he will understand your hard work." Wu Jianhua comforted his in-law.

Lin Honghan shook his head with a smile, and then begged Wu Hao: "Xiao Hao, this kid needs to trouble you a little more. Clean him up and train him, and don't let him get by easily. Tell me anything, and I will Your aunt will always be by your side."

"Don't worry uncle, Xiaolei is also my younger brother, I will take care of him." Wu Hao promised with a smile.

Of course he has to take care of it, this is his brother-in-law, if he doesn't get rid of this stinking problem, and doesn't let him become sensible, then if he gets into trouble in the future, he must be implicated as well.

In the future, if something big happens under his guise, it will definitely be a lot of trouble for him. It may even be because this matter affects the relationship between him and Lin Wei, so it must be properly arranged.

Wu Hao has already made up his mind, he can't arrange this kid in Anxi, he is too familiar with this area, it is easy for him to get away with it.

So I have to think about it and arrange this kid far away so that he has no support. Only in this way can his potential and fighting spirit be stimulated, and he can be trained to grow.

Moreover, in order to prevent this kid from cheating and messing up, it is necessary to find a reliable person to watch him and give him a hand at critical moments.

But in terms of this candidate, he was a little embarrassed. It is necessary to find someone who can take care of this kid, so women must not be able to do it. You have to find a man who can take care of this kid.

Thinking of this, a candidate suddenly appeared in front of him, and a smile appeared on Wu Hao's face.

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