Chapter 1375

The New Year's Eve dinner was held in a joyful atmosphere, and all kinds of delicacies filled the entire solid wooden round table of the Chinese restaurant. This table of delicacies is the result of the efforts of Zhang Xiaoman, Lin Wei, and Lin's mother. There are also some steamed bowls prepared by Wu Hao and special New Year's goods sent by others. Anyway, it is very rich. .

As the parents of the two families, Wu Jianhua and Lin Honghan naturally sat at the top table, Zhang Xiaoman and Lin's mother sat on the other side, and Wu Hao sat next to his father-in-law for the convenience of toasting. Next to Wu Hao is the author Lin Wei, and the next seats opposite the two parents are the authors Wu Tong and Lin Lei.

Come on, it's rare that our family is so together, let's take a family photo. Zhang Xiaoman suggested.

it is good! Everyone smiled and nodded when they heard the words.

I'm going to get the camera! Wu Tong made a gesture to get up.

Wu Hao hurriedly reached out to stop him: "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, as long as you do well."

Immediately Wu Hao raised his voice and said, "Ke Ke, take a group photo for us."

All right, sir, just a second! The voice of "Coco" came from the built-in speaker on the ceiling mobilization.

Soon, an intelligent mechanical arm moved in holding a high-definition camera, stretched and stretched, and looked down at the crowd sitting around the big round table from a higher angle.

Photo countdown, please keep smiling, 3, 2, 1, eggplant!

With a very anthropomorphic voice, everyone kept smiling and quickly ended the photoshoot. A photo that has been intelligently processed in post-production is displayed on a large screen hanging on the wall in the Chinese restaurant.

It's really well done, look at it! Mother Lin couldn't help but smile when she looked at the photos on the big screen.

Hmm, yes. Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoman and Lin Wei couldn't help but nodded.

Only Wu Tong looked at the photos on the big screen and couldn't help but pouted and said in disgust: "The photos are not as good as mine."

Xiaohao, did it take this photo randomly, or did it adjust the angle? Lin Honghan on the side asked him.

Seeing this, Lin's mother was dissatisfied and said: "Look at you, you are eating, what's the matter, you two go chat after the meal."

Come on, let's have a toast and wish everyone a happy new year. Wu Jianhua raised his wine glass and saluted everyone.

cheers! Everyone raised their glasses of white wine, red wine, or drinks together and congratulated in unison.

happy New Year!

After a toast, Zhang Xiaoman greeted immediately: "Come, come, eat!"

After Zhang Xiaoman's words fell, Wu Tong and Lin Lei, who had been impatient for a long time, had already stretched out their chopsticks.

What about Lin Honghan and Wu Jianhua,

But he also extended his chopsticks with a smile.

Xiaohao's wine is good! Lin Honghan agreed.

Wu Hao said with a smile: "The Moutai in 2002 was also given by a friend in the business world. He made a fortune in his early years, so he has a lot of collections. Isn't this congratulations on my move to a new house, so I gave two pieces.

If you like it, take one with you when you leave. Anyway, I keep it here, and I don’t usually drink it much. "

No, keep it for yourself. I have a lot of this wine in my house, and I'll bring you some later. Lin Honghan waved his hands and smiled.

Moutai in 2002 has a price but no market. It does not mean that you can buy it with a lot of money. In recent years, the price of Moutai has risen, setting new records constantly. Over the past twenty years, the wine has also been hyped to be inflated, which is exactly the case, and it is very rare in the market. As for Wu Hao, he didn't feel reluctant at all, and just opened his mouth to give away a box, which made Lin Honghan very happy.

Lin Wei, who was sitting next to him, said with a smile, "When my dad had some money, he sold dozens of them and stored them all in the basement. There are still many more."

How did you buy so much. Zhang Xiaoman couldn't help asking curiously.

Mother Lin smiled and replied: "In those days, one drink and one cigarette were more popular as gifts for business affairs. This cigarette can't be put away, so I found a relationship and pulled a car back from Guizhou Province at once.

In the early years, no one realized the preciousness of this wine, so they gave it away openly, two bottles here, and one bottle elsewhere. It was not until later that someone reminded us that it was a pity to give away wine that had been stored for many years.

So, keep it all the time, there should be about a dozen pieces in the wine cellar now. "

Speaking of this, Lin's mother said to Wu Hao: "Your uncle is old, and he is a little high. Now he is not allowed to drink alcohol, only let him drink a little during the New Year and holidays.

Now we don't need to give gifts, so the wine is piled up in the wine cellar. In addition to Moutai, there are many others, both at home and abroad. That day you asked a car to pull a car back. "

Uh, no need, I still have a lot of them here. Wu Hao quickly thanked him.

Although Lin Honghan was a little bit reluctant, after all, he had saved these wines little by little over the years. But seeing his wife's intentional or unintentional gaze, Lin Honghan couldn't help but shudder, and then waved at Wu Hao and said, "I can't drink now, these are all yours and Xiaolei's, you two will be separated later." .”

What kind of wine does the child drink, Xiao Hao, you take it away when you turn around, so as to save him from worrying about it. Mother Lin spoke decisively.

Uh... Lin Honghan opened his mouth, but he still didn't speak out.

The others at the table wanted to laugh, but because of Lin Honghan's face, they never showed it.

Okay, okay, let's drink less for Chinese New Year today. As he said that, Wu Jianhua, who deeply felt Lin Honghan's pain, added a glass of wine to his in-laws and said with a smile.

Let me see, don't drink these wines, just wait until Xiaohao and Weiwei get married. Zhang Xiaoman suggested with a smile.

This is a good note, major events in life do require good wine. Lin Honghan also responded with a smile.

Well, I also keep a lot of good wine there, and I can send it back later. While talking, Wu Jianhua focused his gaze on Wu Hao and Lin Wei.

Facing the eyes of their parents, Wu Hao and Lin Wei were speechless at the moment. Although they knew that the parents of both parties would bring this up, they didn't expect it to be so soon.

Hey, mom, aunt, uncle, dad, eat vegetables, eat vegetables, it will be cold in a while. Lin Wei greeted quickly.

You don't change the subject. Mother Lin glared at her daughter, then looked at the two of them and said, "The two of you have been dating for several years. Your relationship is stable and you have all the conditions. Shouldn't you consider getting married?"

That's right, Zhang Xiaoman followed closely and looked at the two of them and said, "You two are not too young anymore, it's time to consider getting married and having a baby, now that the birth restriction has been lifted, then you should have a few more children . While the two of us are young, I can help you take care of them."

Your mother and your mother-in-law are right, you can't delay this matter, express your opinion quickly. Wu Jianhua also looked at his son and urged him.

Even Lin Honghan, the father-in-law, looked at his daughter and Wu Hao and asked: "In this regard, what do you two think, tell us."

Wu Hao and Lin Wei looked at each other, and then...

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