Military Technology

Chapter 1375 New Year's Eve, Dumplings

Chapter 1376 New Year's Eve, Dumplings

In fact, on the matter of marriage, Wu Hao and Lin Wei have already reached a consensus, that is, after this period of busy work, we will talk about it after everything stabilizes.

Now that the two of them are in a period of rapid career growth, neither of them has much time to do other things. At their stage, getting married is no longer a simple matter. There are many issues involved in all aspects, so this aspect must take too long and too much energy.

Some people even need to start preparing one or two years in advance to get married. For example, custom-made dresses and wedding dresses, find international famous brand designers, and start ordering one or two years in advance.

For them, money has not been a problem for a long time, the problem is still time.

And it's better for Wu Hao, but for Lin Wei, she has no time to accept this marriage, let alone the energy and time to conceive and have children.

Once pregnant, it means that she has to say goodbye to her current job temporarily, and then she can raise her baby with peace of mind. Moreover, pregnancy and childbirth, until the child is one or two years old, or even a long time, will take her too much time and attention.

So now even if it's Wu Hao's reason, Lin Wei is more hesitant.

Of course, in the eyes of the two, this matter is not urgent, they are still young.

So in the face of the urging of the parents of both parties, the two cooperated tacitly, spent a lot of talking, and finally coped with it.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, after sitting for a while, the old man's family was about to say goodbye and leave. As a daughter, Lin Wei hasn't married yet, so according to the tradition, she can't spend the New Year here, so she had to go back with her father-in-law's family.

There were only four of them left in the huge villa. My father Wu Jianhua and stepmother Zhang Xiaoman were sitting in the living room watching the Spring Festival Gala unshakably, holding dumplings.

According to the tradition of their hometown, these dumplings are eaten on the morning of the first day of the new year, so they are usually made on the evening of the 30th of the new year.

So making dumplings to watch the Spring Festival Gala has almost become a tradition in their family.

As for Wu Hao, he carried a large box of firecrackers, came to the open space outside the villa, and set them off. Although in the early years, due to environmental pollution problems, major cities have issued regulations on the prohibition of fireworks and firecrackers. But setting off fireworks and firecrackers to celebrate the New Year is also one of the traditional cultures, and there are no firecrackers during the Spring Festival, which seems to be not lively enough to celebrate.

Therefore, in the past few years, various places have gradually released the control of fireworks and firecrackers, and allowed people to set off fireworks under conditions.

These fireworks and firecrackers were all bought by Wu Hao. They were all colorful toy fireworks and firecrackers, nothing big.

But even so, the two had a very happy time, because they hadn't set off fireworks like this for many years.

According to tradition, they will stay together until the New Year's Eve at zero o'clock,

Let's count down together.

At a certain moment of the countdown, Wu Hao and Lin Wei's family celebrated each other via video.

Of course, at this moment, a lot of messages of blessings and greetings also began to hit. Fortunately, his personal smart assistant "Ke Ke" was there, and all of them were blocked and replied.

In addition, some important information was filtered out, and a special reply was made in person.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Wu Hao woke up naturally. After washing up, he started today's morning run. This is also a tradition he has cultivated for a long time, that is, he runs for half an hour in the morning, either on the treadmill or out for a run.

Since moving to Shangxiyuan, Wu Hao has been running around the huge artificial lake in the middle and along the lake.

And many people who are running will greet him one after another. There were even people who deliberately chose to run on the road during this time period to strike up a conversation with him.

After running back home, I found that Zhang Xiaoman had already started working in the kitchen. Seeing Wu Hao enter the kitchen, Zhang Xiaoman said with a smile: "Going for a morning run again, go take a shower and change clothes, then wake your sister up, I'm going to start cooking dumplings."

OK! Wu Hao nodded, then went upstairs to Wu Tong's door, knocked but nothing happened, so he opened the door and walked in. Developing that the girl was sleeping with her head covered at the moment, Wu Hao was a little speechless, then he patted the girl and found that there was no response.

So he raised his voice and shouted: "Ke Ke, let's play a more celebratory song, amplify the volume."

yes sir! Immediately, exciting music came from the speakers.

"Congratulations on getting rich, I congratulate you on being wonderful! Please come here for the best ones, and go away for the bad ones. Don't blame why you are so polite..."

Ah, ah, it's annoying!

Such a loud voice suddenly caused Wu Tong in the quilt to complain and churn.

Coco, turn off the music! Wu Tong shouted loudly.

Sorry, you do not have permission.

Ah, ah, Wu Hao...

Seeing Wu Tong's distraught look, Wu Hao was satisfied, and then went back to the bathroom of his room to take a hot bath.

After he took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and came downstairs, he found that Wu Tong was wearing pajamas at the moment, and then sat there with a sleepy face and dozed off.

Seeing this, Wu Hao went over and patted it a little angrily: "Have you washed up? It's early in the morning, so be more energetic."

Ah, I'm fighting with you, smelly brother, bad brother, I'm not done with you! Wu Tong made a gesture, and was about to jump up and beat him. Naturally, Wu Hao would not give him this chance, and then dodged into the living room.

Looking at Wu Jianhua who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, Wu Tong restrained himself a lot, and then threw himself beside his father to complain.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoman came out with the food: "It's time to eat!"

it is good!

Wu Hao immediately rolled up his sleeves and went into the kitchen to help, saying that he was helping, but in fact he was helping to serve the dishes. Zhang Xiaoman had all these things ready.

After walking to the dinner table to finish, before moving their chopsticks, Wu Jianhua and Zhang Xiaoman each took out two red envelopes, and handed them to Wu Hao and Wu Tong.

Dad, Aunt Zhang, I'm already this old, so I don't want it anymore. Wu Hao gave way with a smile.

As long as you are not married, you have to keep the red envelope. Speaking of which, Zhang Xiaoman stuffed his own red envelope and Wu Jianhua's red envelope into Wu Hao's pocket, and then announced.

"Have a meal!"

The protagonist of this morning is of course the dumplings. Zhang Xiaoman prepared four dumplings with fillings, such as big meat with cabbage, big meat with radish, three fresh mutton, and eggs with leeks.

As for Wu Hao and Wu Tong, they had a great time eating. In the end, I just gave up when I couldn't hold on anymore.

After the meal, Zhang Xiaoman went into the kitchen to clean up the mess, Wu Hao wanted to help, but was kicked out again.

It meant coming to the living room to sit down and watch the news with his father Wu Jianhua.

Going out in a while? Wu Jianhua asked while watching TV.

Wu Hao nodded and replied: "There are still many employees who are on duty and overtime in the company today. I have to go over to express my condolences."

Well, Wu Jianhua nodded after hearing what he said: "It's not easy for those who are celebrating Chinese New Year to go to work, so please express your condolences. If you can have a holiday, give them a holiday and let them spend time with their families."

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