Military Technology

Chapter 1377 Accusations and Anxiety

Chapter 1378 Accusations and Anxiety

With a look of apprehension, Huang Zhihua followed Shen Ning into Wu Hao's office.

A few days after returning from the Spring Festival holiday, he was summoned by Wu Hao and asked him to go to the chairman's office.

Huang Zhihua naturally knew the reason. In the past few days, the vice presidents of several branches and even the general manager of the Shenzhen branch were handed over to the police by the company's inspection and audit department. Many department heads were fired or resigned voluntarily. All were punished.

This made Huang Zhihua, who was originally the director of the marketing department and is now the general manager of the new energy company under Haoyu Technology, sleepless and extremely anxious.

He didn't need to read the company's internal bulletin, he knew what was going on. Because at that time someone recruited him into the group, and someone gave him something, and he even received something from these people.

So he has been on tenterhooks for the past few days, worried that the personnel from the inspection and audit department will find him, and even more worried that the police will come to him. But there has been no movement, which makes him even more worried. After working for so many years, he will not naively think that this matter is over and it has nothing to do with him.

For him who followed Wu Hao and Zhang Jun all the way, he knew the character of his two immediate bosses too well. Zhang Jun is okay, everything is on the bright side, he looks fierce, but in fact he is easy to get along with, and he also misses the past. As for Wu Hao, he usually smiles at everyone, is amiable and looks easy to get along with. But in fact, once Wu Hao gets angry, no one can stop him. Once he made up his mind, no one could keep him back.

Today, I received a call from the chairman's secretariat asking him to go to the chairman's office. His heart suddenly hung up, and he couldn't even stand up.

After a long delay, he finally gained some strength. Originally, he wanted to run away, but he felt a little unwilling in his heart, so he plucked up his courage and came to Wu Hao's office.

With trepidation, he walked into the chairman's office. Wu Hao was at his desk processing documents, and didn't make a sound. Under Shen Ning's guidance, he came to the reception area and sat down.

As for Shen Ning, after getting him a cup of tea, he immediately walked out and closed the door behind him.

Glancing at Wu Hao who continued to bury his head in processing the documents, Huang Zhihua couldn't help becoming nervous as he sat there.

As for Wu Hao, he saw Huang Zhihua as early as he came in, and he kept quiet on purpose, so let him hang out first.

After an hour of silence like this, Wu Hao stretched his waist, tidied up the documents facing the desk, and then pressed the button on the desk and said.

"Shen Ning, come in."

Huang Zhihua, who was sitting on the sofa in the reception area over there, was startled when he heard his voice, exchanged a glance with Wu Hao, and then lowered his head.

Wu Hao glanced at this guy, and then ignored him.

Shen Ning walked in,

He glanced at Huang Zhihua who was still sitting in the rest area, and then went straight to the desk: "Mr. Wu."

Wu Hao put down the water glass, then motioned to the documents on the table and said, "These are all dealt with, hurry up and send them down, it's time to collect opinions, and it's time to execute."

Yes! Shen Ning responded, then picked up a stack of documents, stepped on high heels and walked out, closing the door behind him.

Wu Hao glanced at Huang Zhiyong who was sitting with his head bowed over there, and then walked to the reception area with a water glass.

Mr. Wu! Seeing this, Huang Zhihua quickly stood up and shouted.

Without saying a word, Wu Hao picked up the low teacup on the coffee table in front of Huang Zhihua, went to the water dispenser, took a cup of water, and walked over to put it in front of him.

Then he turned around and walked to the side sofa and sat down, then pressed his hand to Huang Zhihua who was still standing at a loss, motioning him to sit down.

Seeing Huang Zhihua sit down very anxiously, Wu Hao said, "Do you know what I asked you to do?"

Knowing that, Huang Zhihua nodded quickly and said, "Mr. Wu, I didn't participate in this matter, not at all."

Wu Hao shook his head slightly, then looked at Huang Zhihua and asked, "Do you know these things?"

Seeing that Huang Zhihua was about to speak, he immediately interrupted: "Let's think it through!"

Huang Zhihua glanced at Wu Hao, struggled a little, then sat down slumped, nodded weakly and said: "I probably know something, because in the marketing department, this kind of thing is too common. If you don't understand these ways of the world, Can't get along, the whole industry is like this, not just us.

But I really didn't know they would be complicit, let alone deserve it. I've also knocked and warned them before, telling them not to go too far. But I didn't expect that these people still didn't listen. They really deserved what they deserved.

Mr. Wu, I was wrong. I am responsible for this matter. Please punish me. "

Wu Hao ignored him, but looked at him and asked, "How many years have you been in the company."

I joined the company within a few months after you returned from the Hangzhou Internet Plus Technology Exhibition. Huang Zhihua replied honestly.

Wu Hao nodded slightly when he heard this, and said, "That's also a veteran, how have I treated you these past few years."

it is good! Huang Zhihua quickly said: "You have treated me very well, and you have given me the grace to reinvent me. It is you who brought me to this road. Everything I have today is due to you. Although I am a few years older than you , but I regard you as my own brother, my boss, and my spiritual leader. If you don’t dislike me, I am willing to follow you for the rest of my life and be your loyal subordinate and devout follower.”

Where did such a set come from. Wu Hao waved his hands when he heard the words: "Because of some of your minor problems, I told you about you. You have also been taught sincerely and actively corrected it. I am very pleased with that.

Our company has more than 40,000 to 50,000 employees, and not many veterans have really followed us from the beginning. Except for Zhang Jun and Zou Xiaodong, the three of them belong to you.

Compared with Dong Yiming and Lin Jianliang, you are older than them, and you are the most trusted by me. The reason why I put you in the marketing department is because the marketing department is an important department of our company.

Our company has a research and development department and a marketing department, which are equivalent to two human feet, without which one cannot walk well.

I arranged Yang Fan for the R\u0026D department, and you for the marketing department. Do you know how much I rely on and trust you? "

I know! Huang Zhihua nodded quickly in response.

You know shit! Wu Hao couldn't help raising his voice and getting angry.

"Let you be in charge of the marketing department. Look at what you have done. The overseas market is in a mess, and the domestic market has not made any progress. You can still keep the business, but you have nothing to do in terms of development. I have no choice but to pay someone from the outside. , I wanted to let Tong Juan come in to stimulate you and promote your growth and progress.

But what about you, how did you behave. Although you didn't break the jar, many people are dissatisfied with your passive attitude towards work. I thought you would change, but I was wrong, you are so muddy that you can't support the wall, I am very disappointed in you. "

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