Chapter 1379

Faced with Wu Hao's scolding, Huang Zhihua blushed, but he didn't feel aggrieved or angry at all, and even felt a little joy.

The previously uneasy heart has also eased, and he knows his boss. If he still scolds you, it means that you are still alive. If he stops scolding you, then you have to worry instead.

But how could Huang Zhihua's thoughts be hidden from Wu Hao, so he put the quilt heavily on the coffee table, interrupting Huang Zhihua's luck, then looked at him and said: "As the person in charge of the original marketing department, it is another Insider, you bear an inescapable responsibility."

Yes, I am responsible, and I accept all your punishments. Huang Zhihua said quickly.

It is the punishment of the company's board of directors. Wu Hao reprimanded dissatisfied.

After glancing at Huang Zhihua, Wu Hao said, "The board of directors of the company has already made an opinion on how to deal with you. You will be fined for this year's annual bonus and this year's company option dividends. You will not be included in any list of commendations and promotions in this year's company. You will be punished. Criticisms were circulated within the company, and 20,000 words were checked."

Uh... Hearing Wu Hao's words, Huang Zhihua's face couldn't help crying: "Mr. Wu, boss, I can accept the previous few items. As for the internal criticism and 20,000-word inspection, I don't need it. Anyway, I Now I can be regarded as the person in charge of the branch company. This internal report has criticized me. How can I establish leadership authority in front of the employees in the future.

And the 20,000-word check is too much. I have misunderstood it, so there is no need to engage in this form. "

no. Wu Hao waved his hand and said: "The company's internal criticism is your punishment, otherwise you won't be impressed.

As for the 20,000-word check, I personally requested it. You must seriously write this inspection for me, and you are not allowed to copy the template. Afterwards, I will ask 'Ke Ke' to compare it on the Internet. If the similarity is high, go back and rewrite it.

Another 20,000 characters must be handwritten for me, with neat handwriting and no typos. Otherwise, go back and rewrite the same. "


Huang Zhihua was dumbfounded for a moment, deducting performance bonuses and option dividends would at most make his hands ache. Although I lost a lot of money, I still have a job, and I only work for one year, and I can live a decent life. It doesn't have much impact, it's just more money and less money.

However, this circular criticism undoubtedly affected his image in the company in the future, and might even become a hindrance to his future promotion. After all, there are still relatively few vice presidents in the company. He is so young, so it's not that he doesn't have ambitions in this regard.

As for the 20,000-word self-criticism, it was entirely Wu Hao who was punishing him. Only handwriting is allowed, and the handwriting must be neat, there must be no typos or typos, and you cannot copy the template. This is a double torture for him mentally and physically.

Not to mention writing from beginning to end, just copy 20,000 words according to the template,

For someone like him who hasn't written such a long thing for several years, it is a kind of torture.

But facing Wu Hao's stern gaze, Huang Zhihua didn't have the guts to object, so he could only nod in response.

Looking at Huang Zhihua who was like an eggplant, Wu Hao raised his voice and reprimanded: "Hold your head up for me, you are now the general manager of New Energy Co., Ltd., you must show me some momentum and determination to be at the helm.

At the beginning when you were asked to be the general manager of New Energy Co., Ltd., some people had different opinions. In the end, it was I who made the decision, so you don't want to lose this person to me. "

"Don't worry, I will definitely work hard to make some achievements in order to repay your trust and cultivation in me. I will not embarrass you." Huang Zhihua immediately raised his head and puffed up his chest.

Wu Hao nodded upon seeing this, and then stretched out three fingers to him: "Three years, I will only give you three years, if you can't make a result that convinces everyone, then you will automatically Get me off the top of this position.

At that time, you will either choose to resign yourself, or become an idle leader in an idle department, or go to a branch office. Anyway, don't bother me when the time comes, just don't hang around under my nose. "

Hearing Wu Hao's request, Huang Zhihua couldn't help feeling a lot of pressure. Although there is a resounding signboard and strong support from the head office, the New Energy Co., Ltd. has just been established, and he has been running around during this period of time to finally set up the structure of the New Energy Co., Ltd. There are still a lot of things waiting for them in the future, and there is still a lot of pressure and difficulty in making achievements that convince others within three years.

Huang Zhihua also knew that since Wu Hao made such a request, there was no room for bargaining, and he had to accept it.

If this goal cannot be achieved within three years, then he will have to resign. Wouldn't it be ridiculed by the whole company if he was asked to go to the second-line idle department for the elderly? As for going to branch offices or overseas offices, it is completely exile. At his age, these roads are obviously not suitable for him. So if he fails to achieve his goal within three years, he will have to resign automatically.

This also means that Wu Hao saw the wrong person at the beginning, and it is impossible to give him another chance in the future.

I will give you a military order, and I promise that within three years, I will make some achievements that will convince everyone. If I can't, I will resign myself. Huang Zhihua stood up and raised his voice to issue a military order.

"Okay, I'll see your performance." Wu Hao smiled, then pressed his hand to him to let him sit down, then looked at him and said.

"Although the New Energy Co., Ltd. has just been established and the company structure has just been established, it is definitely unrealistic to rush to make some achievements.

Now you have to recruit talents in related fields on the one hand, especially talents with rich experience in this field. The company's human resources department can help you in this regard, and you should pay more attention to this aspect.

In addition, we must strengthen the cultivation of new forces, which is our company's tradition, so you should also inherit the past, especially for the cultivation of many fresh graduates, you must work hard in this regard. These people will become the backbone and support of the future company. The development of this subsidiary really depends on the performance of these people. "

After glancing at Huang Zhihua, Wu Hao continued: "At present, what you want to take over is the super-large battery pack energy storage power station that we cooperated with J Quan City. This project is very important, and you must work hard on this project.

This project can be said to be the first project for us to enter the field of new energy and the power industry, and it is also a technology demonstration plant.

Mainly demonstrate our large-scale industrial solid-state battery technology and ultra-large-scale battery cluster management and control technology to the new energy field and the power industry.

Now there are a lot of people on this project, and the burden on your shoulders is heavy. "

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