Military Technology

Chapter 1379 Plotting to enter the new energy vehicle market

Chapter 1380 Plotting to enter the new energy vehicle market

With a worried face, Huang Zhihua walked out of Wu Hao's office. Glancing at a beautiful new girl from the secretariat next to him, he quickly calmed down, then smiled at the girl, and walked out quickly.

And this girl looked at Huang Zhihua's leaving figure, couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing, then looked around vigilantly, and found that no one was paying attention to her, and then laughed again.

The sound insulation of Wu Hao's office is very good, but it can't stand up to his scolding, so the girl who is closely separated by the door can hear clearly.

What are you doing, what are you thinking. Chu He, have you forgotten what I taught you during the training? Shen Ning couldn't help reprimanding.

Director Shen, I was wrong. The beautiful girl Chu He quickly stood up and admitted her mistake.

Shen Ning walked up to Chu He on high heels, looked at her, and then said seriously: "If it happens again, don't do it here. Also, any voice you hear must be rotten to me. In the stomach, if I hear a little gossip, you can pack up and leave by yourself, understand?"

Ming, I understand! Chu He nodded quickly in response.

For this immediate boss, the person in charge of the secretariat, and Wu Hao's most trusted personal secretary, Shen Ning has too much mystery. As a newcomer, Chu He was naturally in awe of Shen Ning.

Ok, let's get on with things. Seeing this, Shen Ning nodded, then straightened up her attire and knocked on the door, then walked in.

Seeing that Shen Ning was able to enter this close but extremely mysterious door at will, Chu He's eyes showed endless envy. When will she be able to do this.

I heard that Zhang Xiaolei, the current general manager of Shanghai Branch, also went out from here. Now Zhang Xiaolei has become the envy of countless young girls.

After entering the office, seeing Wu Hao who was still standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking down at the outside, Shen Ning began to tidy up the living room, and asked Wu Hao softly: "Mr. Wu, it's time for lunch soon, are you going to the restaurant to eat? There are other arrangements."

Hearing Shen Ning's voice, Wu Hao thought for a while, and then said: "Go to the restaurant and eat something casually, there will be a meeting in the afternoon."

don't go! I saw the office door opened again, and Zhang Jun hurried in, beckoning to the two of them.

How did you come? Wu Hao asked with a smile

Zhang Jun unceremoniously walked to the rest area and sat down, then smiled at Shen Ning who was standing on the side: "You and I, Mr. Wu, won't go down to eat, you can order some for the two of us and hurry up Bring it up. Not to mention, I have been tossing all morning, and now I am a little hungry."

Wu Hao laughed when he heard the words, then nodded at Shen Ning and said, "Go."

Yes! Shen Ning poured Zhang Jun a cup of tea,

Then walked out quickly. Looking at Chu He who was still sitting there, he immediately said, "Chu He, there is a very important task entrusted to you now, and you must complete it quickly with quality and quantity. How about it? Do you have confidence?"

Guaranteed to complete the mission! Chu He stood up and stood at attention.

Seeing this, Shen Ning nodded and said: "Now you run to Restaurant No. 1 and find Manager Chen of the restaurant over there. He is already preparing. When he is ready, you quickly bring your things and ask for Guaranteed to be safe and understand?"

Understood! Although Chu He was a little puzzled, he still complied.

OK, let's go. Shen Ning nodded.

Yes! Immediately, Su Ho stepped on high heels and walked outside quickly, while Shen Ning took Su Ho's place, picked up the phone and dialed the No. 1 restaurant number.

The reprimand is over? In the office, Zhang Jun joked to Wu Hao with a smile.

Wu Hao said in a bad mood when he heard the words: "When did you gossip like this? You came here not long after you left, and you are pinching your watch?"

Hehe, he is also a general, how can he not care about it, how is the talk going? Zhang Jun asked with a smile.

Wu Hao returned to the rest area and sat down: "It's okay, his attitude is quite sincere, let's see his future performance.

I set a time limit of three years for him. If he still can't make achievements in his current position, then he will resign automatically. "

Three years, isn't it a little short? Zhang Jun frowned when he heard his words.

Wu Hao shook his head slightly: "Three years is not short. If he still can't make achievements with such a good foundation, then he is really hopeless. And this kid, you have to put some pressure on him, otherwise there will be no improvement."

Well, first observe and observe. Although he is responsible for new energy, we can't just ignore it, and we still need to strengthen supervision in this area. Zhang Jun nodded, and then said a little uneasy.

Wu Hao nodded: "You are right. Not only can we not relax in this regard, but we must pay close attention. Especially in the field of new energy applications, we must step up our pace."

Yes, this aspect does have great development prospects, especially in the field of new energy vehicles. Zhang Jun nodded, and then said to Wu Hao: "Currently, our intelligent driving technology has been applied to many car companies such as B Asia, Anqi, Chengqi, etc., as well as our new lithium battery technology, transparent display glass Technology, as well as remote wireless charging technology, etc., have gradually expanded in the domestic and even international auto markets.

From the perspective of external development trends, the field of new energy vehicles may become the second smartphone market, ushering in an era of melee.

Instead, those of us who have mastered the core technology can get a share of the competition. "

Wu Hao glanced at Zhang Jun, then said with a smile, "I was chatting with Huang Zhihua just now, and there is a project that we think is pretty good."

oh what project Zhang Jun's eyes lit up involuntarily, and he immediately became interested.

Wireless remote charging technology for cars. Wu Hao said with a smile.


Hasn't this technology been used in some car companies for a long time? Zhang Jun couldn't help asking.

It is used, but there is no unified standard. You say, we are entering the game now, how about doing this? Wu Hao smiled at Zhang Jun and said.

Um? Hearing his words, Zhang Jun was a little surprised at first, and then he couldn't help showing an excited smile on his face.

Just when he was about to speak, the door of the office opened, and Shen Ning led Chu He and two restaurant chefs in chef's attire pushing carts in.

Mr. Wu, lunch is here! Shen Ning said to Wu Hao.

Seeing this, Wu Hao got up with a smile and said, "Okay, let's eat first, and chat while eating."

Well, I'm already hungry. Zhang Jun got up and smiled.

Looking at Su He who was secretly looking at Wu Hao and Zhang Jun with a curious face, Wu Hao asked with a smile, "He just came here?"

Shen Ning nodded and introduced: "I just finished the training and came in not long ago."

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