Military Technology

Chapter 1381 Multi-party cooperation to expand the plate

Chapter 1382 Multi-party cooperation to expand the plate

Super wireless remote charging station Yes, this project is indeed very large, and it is difficult for our family alone to support it. Wu Hao nodded and said: "Since we want to do it, we must form a scale, and small fights won't make a big deal.

Not to mention other things, just talking about this kind of super wireless remote charging station, I think there must be one in the first-, second- and third-tier cities across the country, and some first- and second-tier cities even need more than one.

As for the overseas market, it should also be dispersed to important cities around the world, and gradually develop and expand downward. Based on this calculation, the first batch of our project will have to build a thousand such super wireless remote charging stations. "

"One thousand seats, based on an average of 100 million per seat, would require 100 billion." Zhang Jun sighed.

Although he was very optimistic about this project, but it needed so much money at once, and it was the most conservative estimate, he couldn't help feeling sad and regretful.

He knew that such a huge project could not be supported by his family alone, and he could only find someone to cooperate with. At the thought of giving up such a big benefit to others, he naturally felt pain in the flesh.

So ah, we have to find a partner. This pie is too big, and there are too many interests involved. Our family alone can't eat it, so we have to find a few helpers with good teeth to come in and eat it together. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Who are you going to find, Penguin or Ali, or B Yaqi? Zhang Jun asked immediately.

Do not!

Wu Hao waved his hand and said: "If you want to find us, you can find Yakou, which is strong. Isn't the State Grid also planning public charging stations? I believe they will be interested in this project. In addition to the State Grid, SDIC and State-owned You can find it, there are several major banks, and then these new energy car companies.

As long as they join in, the project will be smoother and real-time. Some of the problems and resistances for us now are no longer a problem. "

"But with so many giants joining in, the share we can get is relatively small." Zhang Jun couldn't help but feel distressed. After all, this is a profitable project, so many wolves are recruited at once, and the share that can be distributed to them is naturally relatively small.

Wu Hao looked at Zhang Jun and shook his head with a smile: "Looking forward, we must know that what we are facing is not only a huge domestic market, but also an international market that is even broader than the domestic market.

At present, the competition in this area is fierce, so we must find some strong partners to come in, so that with their support, we will not feel alone.

Although there are so many giants participating, our proportion is small, but if we make this plate bigger, then we will eventually be able to share much more than we would if we fought alone.

More importantly, these are towering trees. Having them to rely on and enjoy the shade is definitely very beneficial to the long-term development of our company.


I understand.

Zhang Jun nodded and said: "I understand the reason why children can't be tied to wolves. And I think not only this kind of super wireless remote charging station, we can also cooperate with some shopping malls, commercial centers, and local public facility management agencies. Cooperate to divide this super wireless remote charging station into pieces and distribute it in these shopping malls, commercial centers, and public parking lots, and even in the public parking spaces of the community. In this way, the entire market can also expand the number of times."

Wu Hao nodded and said: "This is indeed a good development idea, but how to do it requires detailed research and discussion. If this super wireless remote charging station is broken into parts, then our newly built Will these super wireless remote charging stations be affected. And will the business centers around the super wireless remote charging stations be affected?

All these must be considered comprehensively, and we cannot pick sesame seeds and lose watermelon. "

You're right, I didn't think about it. Zhang Jun nodded.

Wu Hao waved his hand with a smile and said, "Actually, your idea is not impractical, but how to implement it requires detailed investigation and research to get the answer.

I think so, let Huang Zhihua organize a professional team to take charge of this project. However, the new energy company has just been established and is not very proficient in business, and there are still some deficiencies in capabilities, so you should take the lead in this regard. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao said to Zhang Jun seriously: "You have two things to do now. First of all, you want Huang Zhihua and the others to form this project team as soon as possible. If necessary, they can deploy elite troops from the head office to strengthen the past. team strength.

After the project team is established, it must be familiarized with and put into work immediately. And the first thing to do is to come up with a detailed project feasibility study report and implementation plan.

And the second point is that you need to communicate with State Grid, SDIC, State-owned Assets, several major banks, and new energy vehicle companies.

I believe they will be interested in this project, so we will hold a cooperation meeting as soon as possible to discuss the multi-party cooperation of this project. "

Okay, the focus of my next work will be shifted to this project, and I will strive to promote the implementation of this project as soon as possible. Zhang Jun nodded, then looked at Wu Hao and said.

With so many giants, how much can we eventually occupy?

Hearing this question, Wu Hao thought for a while, and then said: "Let's fight for three guarantees and two guarantees. Anyway, don't let it be less than 20% in the end."

A little difficult. Zhang Jun couldn't help but smiled wryly.

Wu Hao nodded and said with a smile: "With so many giants, it must be difficult to seize food from them. But don't be afraid, the technology is in our hands, so we must firmly occupy the initiative of this project sex.

I think we can find an ally before the specific negotiations, so that we can take care of each other when we negotiate. "

Allies, who do you think is more suitable? Zhang Jun asked.

Wu Hao thought for a while, and then replied: "Anyway, he must be the one who cannot be missing."

"In this case, it can only be the State Grid, but our interests conflict with theirs. It is difficult to reach a consensus and form an alliance in this regard." Zhang Jun frowned worriedly.

Wu Hao also nodded in agreement and said: "That's right, but you can use state-owned assets, SDIC, and even those big car manufacturers to clamp down.

At present, they are also facing a lot of pressure in this area, especially in competition with these new energy vehicle manufacturers, so they must not be absent from this project. You can make good use of this aspect to strive for greater benefits. "

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