Military Technology

Chapter 1382 The wolf is coming~!

Chapter 1383 The wolf is coming~!

"Haoyu Technology will enter the field of new energy vehicles, aiming at the super wireless remote charging station."

Once this news was released, it attracted the attention of the whole world. For a while, the technology sector, automobile sector, new energy sector, and financial sector of major media all reported this news on the headlines, and some even The media also set up columns.

Of course, compared to other sectors, the auto sector is the most touched and most affected. For a moment, the entire automobile field was like a bomb being dropped in a calm lake, with rough waves. Within a few days, almost all car companies that can be named have expressed their views and attitudes on this news.

Of course, more car critics, auto media reporters, and experts called out: "Wolf is coming~!"

Everyone has heard the story of the wolf coming, but comparing Haoyu Technology to a wolf, obviously these experts, media reporters, and car critics have given Haoyu Technology great praise.

Of course, this kind of praise is not groundless, or malicious praise. It is everyone's judgment based on this news and a series of previous news about Haoyu Technology and the car.

Although the new energy vehicle market is now full of competition, major automakers and some established companies, Internet and technology product manufacturers have entered the game, but there are not many companies that really occupy important core technologies in this industry. Except for a few technology giants with strong technological strength, there are only those traditional automakers, as well as the underlying technology suppliers in the automotive industry, such as Bosch, Magna, Rexroth and other manufacturers.

As for Haoyu Technology, although it has not been established for a long time, it has been involved in the field of new energy vehicles very early, especially the fist-level products launched by Haoyu Technology, the new lithium battery technology and products, have gradually occupied the field of new energy vehicles. Half of the car is gone.

It is also official that this new lithium battery product has made the battery reserves of these new energy vehicles equipped with it collectively exceed 100 degrees, and enter the 120 mark. Such an excellent battery naturally greatly increases the cruising range of new energy vehicles, making it capable of continuous cruising up to 1,000 kilometers.

Even in the actual trial, after deducting the wasted part, its real battery life can reach 600 to 800 kilometers.

Such excellent battery life has also promoted the rapid development of new energy vehicles, and has even begun to threaten the dominance of traditional gasoline vehicles.

If it is not because of the limited production capacity and the supply price has not dropped, I am afraid that their new lithium battery will have a higher market share in the field of new energy vehicles.

Even now, there are still a large number of new energy vehicle manufacturers urging production capacity and competing for order share. There are even some companies that are directly guarding the factory for fear of being robbed of orders.

And, now there is news that Haoyu Technology will launch a safer industrial-grade solid-state battery, so that. If the news is true, it will once again shake the entire auto industry.

In addition to this new type of lithium battery, Haoyu Technology also involved earlier in intelligent autonomous driving technology. Various companies are now researching on autonomous driving technology, and many companies have come up with excellent technologies and solutions.

However, Haoyu Technology's intelligent autonomous driving technology is definitely a leader in this field.

Haoyu Technology's intelligent automatic driving technology is derived from the automatic control and automatic obstacle avoidance technology in Haoyu Technology's drone technology. This technology was originally cooperated with B Asia Automobile, and B Asia Auto obtained a lot of new technologies in autonomous driving from the cooperation, and applied them to a variety of models, successfully seizing a considerable part of the market.

As for Wu Hao and the others, they also perfected their car intelligent autonomous driving technology through cooperation, and immediately opened it to all car companies as a supplier of autonomous driving technology solutions. At present, more than a dozen car companies have used their intelligent autonomous driving technology solutions, and have achieved very good results.

And this technology has not only won the affirmation of the industry, but also won the favor and trust of consumers, becoming one of the few mature technical solutions in the field of autonomous driving technology.

Compared with the automatic driving technology of other manufacturers and enterprises, Haoyu Technology's intelligent automatic driving technology has unique advantages. First of all, it is intelligent enough, and its automatic driving style is more anthropomorphic, which means that it is not like an intelligent system at all. It is controlled like a human being, and it is more intelligent and flexible, and can promptly and quickly deal with current road conditions and sudden problems.

In addition, Haoyu Technology's intelligent automatic driving technology is also excellent in high-speed obstacle avoidance technology. After actual driving tests and feedback from users in use, this intelligent automatic driving technology can avoid the sudden appearance of triangle warning signs on the road and the falling of the vehicle in front at a high speed of 120 kilometers per hour. Small obstacles such as tires.

And it can still carry out precise automatic driving in the case of slippery ice and snow roads.

In addition to high-speed obstacle avoidance technology, it is still very experienced in dealing with complex urban roads, especially roads with mixed people and vehicles. Some car owners have uploaded relevant driving test videos more than once, and they still maintain the automatic driving mode in narrow streets with mixed people and vehicles, as well as school streets, and perform with ease.

Although this test method is a bit risky and inappropriate, it has shown everyone the advanced, reliable and precise automatic driving technology of Haoyu Technology, and won everyone's unanimous praise.

In addition, this set of intelligent autonomous driving technology is also increasingly used in large vehicles, such as large transport vehicles, large public transport vehicles, and special operating vehicles, such as sprinklers, garbage trucks, urban road cleaning vehicles, etc. Wait.

At present, Albatross Intelligent Logistics Technology Co., Ltd., which is jointly held by Haoyu Technology and ali, has a logistics and transportation company based on Haoyu Technology's intelligent automatic driving technology. It installs intelligent automatic driving technology on many freight vehicles, thereby improving the vehicle. High transportation efficiency, lower transportation costs, thus seizing a large number of logistics and transportation markets.

There are also large-scale public transport vehicles. At present, more than a dozen cities have used the large-scale new energy buses produced by B Asia Automobile and equipped with Wu Hao's self-driving technology. These self-driving buses have also begun to operate normally in these cities. with.

There are also these special operation vehicles, sprinklers, garbage transport permits, urban road sweepers, and ice-breaking vehicles in the north, etc. These vehicles also travel on urban roads and serve the people of the whole city.

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