Military Technology

Chapter 1384 Attention from the opponent

Chapter 1385 Attention from the opponent

【Unmodified version】

"Hi, Elon!"

Accompanied by a voice, a middle-aged man with a bald head and beard came over, wearing a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.

Another middle-aged man in a floral t-shirt, shorts, and slippers stood up, clapped his hands at the bald and bearded middle-aged man and said with a smile, "Ignaz, hey, buddy, recently how are you?"

I'm doing fine, how about you, Elon! The bald-headed and bearded man Ignaz replied with a smile.

The middle-aged man named Elon then greeted Ignaz to sit down and said, "What would you like to drink, Coke, or tea from Country Z?"

Have a Coke, remember to add ice. Ignaz sat down and said casually.

Alright, Elon nodded to the waiter next to him, and then smiled at Ignaz: "Man, you are not sunbathing on the white sand beach, or surfing on the tide of the Pacific Ocean, why are you back?"

Ignaz showed a wry smile when he heard the words: "Elon, haven't you heard the news that is being rumored in country Z and even in the entire auto industry. The kid in country Z made a big commotion, They are going to team up with several domestic new energy vehicle companies in country Z, and they are going to join forces for a big project."

Elon glanced at the bald-headed and bearded man, and said with a smile, "Ignaz, did you end your vacation just because of this?"

Isn't this matter important? Ignaz was a little puzzled, and even more anxiously said: "That kid named Wu is very ambitious, and he has seriously threatened us in many fields. So far their new lithium battery products have not been opened to us, and other With this large battery, the automakers in country Z have had a great impact on our auto market.

In addition to the new lithium battery, their self-driving technology, car-machine interaction system, intelligent voice system, and transparent display windshield.

Elon, this kid is no longer your admirer, he has grown into someone you have to look at and pay attention to.

The super wireless remote charging technology they are planning, if implemented smoothly, will have a serious impact on our new energy vehicles.

We have to take relevant measures, I don't want to be defeated by this yellow-skinned kid. "

Elon smiled and waved his hands when he heard the words: "Hey, buddy, take it easy, things are not as bad as you imagined. I have also paid attention to the movement in country Z, but the specific content is subject to investigation. But from now Judging from it, they should want to enter the field of public wireless remote charging stations.

From this aspect, it is beneficial to all our new energy car companies. I have sent Jason (Jason) to Anxi in country Z,

Ask him to contact that kid, and see the result of the contact first.

You are right, this kid is indeed a great threat to us now. Not only in the field of energy vehicles, but also in the field of aerospace.

Soon, they will launch their own manned experimental spacecraft in the middle and late next month, and they will use a new rocket. "

We must take measures so that it cannot continue to develop, otherwise it will pose a serious threat to us. Ignaz said seriously.

Of course, Elon nodded, but then shrugged his shoulders and said: "But you should be clear that our influence in country Z is limited, that is their territory, and the actions we can take are limited.

So what we have to do is to trap him in country Z, surround and block him, and prevent him from going abroad. Once the other party enters the Western world, it will bring a devastating blow to our market by virtue of its huge cost and price advantage. "

Ignaz shook his head when he heard the words and said: "The western world is our territory, we can completely shut it out by lobbying countries, but other than that, we can do most of the markets around the world. In fact, our reach is very limited, and our influence in some areas is far less than theirs."

"Hey, Ignaz, don't worry, as long as we can hold on to the western world, it is a victory. The markets in other developing regions and even poor regions are still very immature, and we can let them cultivate slowly. , and then we use other means to receive and occupy the market achievements they have established.

you know! Elon showed a playful smile.

Ignaz also naturally understood what Elon was talking about, so he smiled knowingly.

However, their technology is good, especially in the field of new batteries and autonomous driving technology, they are already far ahead of us. Ignaz showed a hint of greed.

Sure, but they don't make cars, which is why I sent Jason to Anzai. If we can reach a cooperation, they will become an important help for us to occupy the global new energy vehicle market. Elon nodded and smiled.

However, they may not do so. That yellow-skinned kid has great ambitions, and he won't be willing to be your dream angel. Ignaz laughed.

Huh, that's because they don't get enough benefits. Elon said confidently.

In his opinion, the other party can't be a threat at all. On the one hand, Wu Hao and the others don't make cars at all, they are just low-level technology suppliers, so they can seek cooperation in this regard.

There are not many conflicts of interest between the two parties, so more in-depth related cooperation can be carried out, which is completely a win-win situation.

On the other hand, he was sure that this kid should very much hope to gain his friendship. And he thought that the sincerity he brought over this time was enough to make Wu Hao tempted.

As one of the few private enterprises in the world that is relatively successful in the aerospace field, they and Haoyu Technology do have a lot of room for cooperation and huge development prospects.

This is the sincerity he expressed to Wu Hao. If Wu Hao agrees and makes concessions, they can lobby to help lift the relevant cooperation restrictions, so as to start the cooperation between the two parties in private commercial space projects.

You know, both parties have a lot of room for development in satellites, deep space exploration, moon and Mars projects. He firmly believed that this yellow-skinned kid who had the same dream as him should be able to see this.

In contrast, project cooperation in other areas is not a problem.

However, he obviously underestimated his opponent. Wu Hao is not as greedy and philistine as he thought. Compared with him as a businessman, Wu Hao is more pure.

Although both of them have the dream of exploring deep space, Wu Hao's ideal is more far-reaching and grander than his.

While he was still making money with some immature and defective products, Wu Hao was already silently developing his own high-tech cutting-edge technology, and also handed over a satisfactory and convincing report card to the public.

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