Chapter 1386

【Unmodified version】

In contrast, project cooperation in other areas is not a problem.

However, he obviously underestimated his opponent. Wu Hao is not as greedy and philistine as he thought. Compared with him as a businessman, Wu Hao is more pure.

Although both of them have the dream of exploring deep space, Wu Hao's ideal is more far-reaching and grander than his.

While he was still making money with some immature and defective products, Wu Hao was already silently developing his own high-tech cutting-edge technology, and also handed over a satisfactory and convincing report card to the public.

As representatives of various manufacturers and enterprises gathered in Anxi, the whole of Anxi became lively immediately. It is said that the prices of high-end business hotels in Anxi have also increased a lot, and the demand is strong.

Although this project was handed over to Zhang Jun and Huang Zhihua, as the chairman and CEO of the company, Wu Hao was also the object of these people's visits. And they knew very well that Wu Hao's words could play a very important role, so various visit invitations continued.

Although most of them politely refused, there were still a small number of visitors, and he had to come forward to receive them personally. For example, Tang Yunchuan, the vice president of the power system, as the leader of the young men, Tang Yunchuan has a great say in the power company, and is in charge of the business market, and has achieved very brilliant work results.

Especially in recent years, Tang Yunchuan has been promoting the power system to enter the field of new energy and overseas markets, and has achieved very good results. It can now be basically confirmed that he is the next generation of imperially appointed head.

Faced with the visit of such a heavyweight person, Wu Hao naturally had to personally receive him.

Mr. Tang, welcome, welcome! Wu Hao met Tang Yunchuan and his entourage in the living room.

Mr. Wu, I finally saw your true face in Lushan, you are younger than I imagined. Tang Yunchuan held Wu Hao's hand and said kindly.

Haha, you have won the prize, please take a seat! Wu Hao beckoned the other party to sit down, and sat down himself.

As the host, Wu Hao naturally gave a welcome speech first, and then Tang Yunchuan said some polite greetings. After saying such high-sounding words, he sent a few reporters out.

The people who had been stretched for a long time relaxed immediately, Tang Yunchuan smiled at Wu Hao and said, "I have long wanted to meet you, a young hero, but I never had the chance.

This time is just right, let's have a good time together. In this way, I will hold a banquet in the evening, how can I have a good drink. "

According to what you said, you have already arrived in Anxi, and you are still allowed to host a banquet. Isn't this a slap in the face for us? That's it, we've already made arrangements. We'll be at the business hotel in the evening. We'll have a good drink. Wu Hao replied with a smile.

Ha ha,

Then I will be unfair. Tang Yunchuan smiled, then slowly put away his smile at Wu Hao and said, "When I heard about this project, to be honest, I still didn't believe it. The 400KW super wireless remote fast charging technology, you can come up with it as soon as you say it. Yes, it is indeed very powerful.

Our group company attaches great importance to the relevant project cooperation letter sent by you. After a meeting and research, we decided to let me personally lead the team to discuss relevant cooperation matters with you.

First of all, I want to know now, is this technology reliable, which is very important for our upcoming cooperation. "

Hearing this, Wu Hao smiled and said: "I think there should be relevant engineers in the team you came this time. Later, we can arrange for you to visit and verify this technology in our laboratory. I can ask You guarantee that the real performance and data of this technology are consistent with the relevant information we sent you, and you can verify this for yourself.”

Haha, it's good to have your guarantee. Tang Yunchuan smiled and said: "You know, in the past few years, our power grid has consistently built new public charging facilities, which have covered most of the country, and basically all prefecture-level cities have our public charging stations.

In addition, we have also actively deployed related public charging projects overseas, and have made good progress so far.

You have technology, we have resources, funds, and strong strength. If we can join forces, we will definitely be able to create a world in this industry. "

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile when he heard this. It was obvious that the other party was trying to test them, and he had already put himself in a very high position, and he didn't treat them equally at all.

He was not angry, and said with a light smile: "Of course, we know the strength of the power grid. But this project is large enough, and our two companies are obviously weak, so we also found the State Investment Corporation, State Assets, There are also several banks and related car companies.

Each of them has unique advantages, and we must gather everyone's advantages to jointly promote the implementation of this project as soon as possible.

You know, what we are facing is not only the domestic market, but also the huge overseas market. With the development of the new energy vehicle market, public charging systems will surely become an important part of the basic service facilities in major cities and regions, just like gas stations. And the majority of new energy vehicle owners will rely more on and need such a super public charging system.

And with the implementation of this project, it will definitely promote the rapid development of the field of new energy vehicles, help them defeat fuel vehicles, and thus achieve the dominance of the automobile market,"

The meaning of Wu Hao's words is very clear. It is to tell the other party that this project is so huge that they cannot handle it alone, and it requires the cooperation of multiple parties.

In addition, it is also euphemistically telling them that the project can still be carried out without them, and it does not have to be done by them. And the focus of this project should be this super wireless remote charging technology, not their electricity.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Tang Yunchuan glanced at him, then nodded with a smile: "Of course, this project is very large and requires a lot of funds. In this regard, banks have joined in and can help us solve many problems.

And the participation of state-owned assets and state-owned investment can also win many favorable policies for us and clear away related obstacles and resistance.

As for these car manufacturers, if they want to agree, they must be given some benefits, so they also need to join in.

But the core of this project is the two of us, so we should strengthen cooperation in this regard. "

Of course, Wu Hao smiled and said: "In this project, the two of us have many common interests, and we should cooperate more closely.

Only in this way can we obtain our own satisfactory benefits in the subsequent series of negotiations. "

Wu Hao's words are very straightforward, but also very clear. The meaning is very clear, that is, the two of them must cooperate, otherwise they can only benefit others.

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