Military Technology

Chapter 1386 Reaching a Cooperation Framework Agreement

Chapter 1387 Reaching a Cooperation Framework Agreement

In addition to the leaders of the power grid, Wu Hao also met with the leaders of SDIC and State-owned Assets who came to visit, and had in-depth talks.

Both SDIC and SAM are very interested in such a project, and are urging the project to succeed, so the two companies seem to be more active in this regard. Even the two companies are in competition with each other. Although they are both state-owned group enterprises, they also compete with each other. After all, it concerns many interests of both parties.

As for these banks, Wu Hao put Zhang Jun in charge. For such a company with great development prospects, these banks are basically rushing to send money. So they don't need to worry too much about this aspect, and they can choose which one to cooperate with when they see the time.

As for other car companies, although they have responded one after another, and many car company bosses lead the team in person, everyone is still skeptical about this 400KW super wireless remote charging technology.

These car companies are obviously hesitant about the super wireless remote charging station project jointly developed by Wu Hao and so many giants. Because they know that once this technology is promoted and this project is rolled out, it means that they will lose control over the charging technology.

For some commercial companies that purely manufacture cars, this is no problem, it is nothing more than changing a technical solution. However, for many large car companies that have been working in the field of new energy vehicle charging and fast charging technology for many years, it is somewhat unacceptable.

If they accept this technology, it means that what they have invested so much in the past and spent so many years developing has become worthless.

But what if you don't accept it, they have come up with much more advanced technology than them. 400KW super wireless remote charging technology, which is even faster than the wired fast charging technology many of them are using. Of course, it is also more advanced.

Facing the hesitant attitude of these car companies, Zhang Jun immediately announced to these car companies their sincerity in cooperation under the benefit of Wu Hao.

As long as these car companies can accept the relevant terms, Wu Hao and the others will authorize them to use the relevant patents in this technology. And also promised that it will provide limited supply of relevant super wireless charging equipment modules for these car companies.

At the same time, they have announced two super wireless fast charging technologies, one is the 120KW super wireless fast charging technology applied to ordinary car owners.

The other is to apply the 210KW super wireless remote charging technology in ordinary public spaces.

In this way, these three super wireless remote charging technologies with different powers can meet the power consumption needs of users in various environments.

For example, the 120KW super wireless remote charging technology can be used in public charging parking spaces in the community, or in personal parking spaces.

And the 240KW super wireless remote charging technology,

It can be used in some small parking lots, or in the parking lots of large shopping malls, cinemas, hotels, etc., which is convenient for customers to park.

As for this 400KW super wireless remote charging technology, it can only be used in some large professional parking lots, or professional fast charging stations, and servers and other places.

All of a sudden, all the car companies couldn't help but feel excited. If they can cooperate with Haoyu Technology, then they can have this fast charging technology. In this way, the biggest problem that plagues new energy vehicles can be solved. In this way, new energy vehicles can make up for the previous disadvantages, and truly surpass traditional fuel vehicles in terms of performance and practicality, energy saving and environmental protection, and economics, and truly occupy a dominant position in the automotive market.

And, for these car companies, they have no other choice. If they refuse to cooperate, it is very likely that other car companies will surpass them because of this technology, or decompress their market share.

So cooperation is definitely necessary, but these car companies are not fuel-efficient lights. Immediately, they jointly put forward a request, that is, to formulate related exclusion and exclusivity clauses.

That is to say, related technologies and all super wireless charging stations in this project can only be used and opened to all cooperative car companies. Other car companies cannot use this technology, and other car companies cannot use wireless devices for charging.

Naturally, Wu Hao and the others couldn't agree to this kind of request, not only them, but also the power grid. In addition, the two state-owned assets and state-owned investment companies obviously will not support such exclusionary and exclusive terms.

As a result, many parties began to start difficult negotiations around this aspect. It is said to be a negotiation, but it is actually a quarrel, and sometimes it is better to quarrel.

Who is on the screen today, who had dinner last night, who went for a walk together, who climbed a mountain together. In the city of Anxi, it seems that there have been too many intrigues and vacations, fighting openly and secretly.

Although Wu Hao and the others are firmly seated on the Diaoyutai, in the face of such a situation, they have to participate in it to prevent these partners from uniting and jointly exerting pressure on them.

In fact, for this project, everyone has reached a consensus, that is cooperation. Although for each side, there are different pros and cons. But overall, this is a very promising project, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Under such a major premise, although the parties are arguing endlessly, it is not without results. On the contrary, one consensus and one content clause are constantly being reached.

Finally, after half a month of difficult negotiations, Wu Hao and the CEOs of other parties made a collective appearance in Anxi, and signed the cooperation framework agreement under the witness of many media.

This is not a formal contract, but a cooperation framework agreement. To put it simply, the general framework has reached a consensus, and then it is time to talk about the content and details of the cooperation.

All parties agreed to set up a new company to be responsible for this project. The investment scale of the company will reach 100 billion yuan. The progress of the project is continuously injected.

And all parties agree that they will make additional investment according to the shareholding ratio according to the progress of the project.

Judging from the current cooperation agreement, Wu Hao and the others have achieved the goal they set at the beginning, with 24.5% of the shares, which is the largest shareholding ratio among all partners.

The power grid followed closely with 22% of the shares, SDIC and State-owned Assets each held 10% of the shares, and the remaining shares were divided up by car companies and banks.

This news quickly shocked the entire auto industry, and successfully made the headlines of major media sections, attracting the attention of the world.

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