Chapter 1388 "Slow Life" in the Sun

Judging from the current cooperation agreement, Wu Hao and the others have achieved the goal they set at the beginning, with 24.5% of the shares, which is the largest shareholding ratio among all partners.

The power grid followed closely with 22% of the shares, SDIC and State-owned Assets each held 10% of the shares, and the remaining shares were divided up by car companies and banks.

This news quickly shocked the entire auto industry, and successfully made the headlines of major media sections, attracting the attention of the world.

As the time enters March, the weather gradually starts to warm up. The willows began to grit their teeth, and some flowers and plants couldn't bear it anymore, and they rushed to open the lovely flowers one after another.

And the glass corridor under the seven high-rise buildings in the core area of ​​Haoyu Technology Company Park has become a sea of ​​flowers. All kinds of flowers are in full bloom, competing for splendor, and related rare butterfly species artificially bred are also dancing in various flowers. Some birds and small animals are also walking happily among the flowers on various branches, which is a vibrant spring scene.

On the side of the glass corridor facing the lake, there will be many protruding platforms and spaces, on which are placed relevant seats for employees to rest.

Standing on such a protruding platform, you can see the lake scenery of the company park very clearly.

But at this moment, on a platform with a beautiful scenery, all the relevant employees were invited away, only Wu Hao, Zhang Jun, Tong Juan, and Dong Yiming, the executives of the four companies, were sitting here.

One chairman and CEO, one general manager, two deputy general managers, these are all the senior leaders of Haoyu Technology.

They are sitting here now because of Wu Hao's invitation.

As the service staff served them freshly ground coffee, everyone picked up the hot coffee, asked about the aroma of coffee beans and milk, and then basked in the sun and looked at the beautiful scenery in the distance.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been here, and it’s the first time I have such an opportunity to bask in the sun, sit here leisurely, and enjoy the scenery in the park. Tong Juan said with a smile.

Haha, this is all thanks to Mr. Dong for his hard work, otherwise there would be such a beautiful scenery. Zhang Jun praised with a smile.

Hearing Zhang Jun's praise, Dong Yiming showed a proud expression, then shook his head with a smile and said, "I just did what I should do, and the builders are the ones who really worked hard."

Alright, old Dong, don't be too polite. Wu Hao waved his hands with a smile, and then said to everyone: "Hand over everyone today, on the one hand, because the weather is good today, I want everyone to bask in the sun and enjoy a slow life.

Our life is not just about work, but also about enjoying life. Work and life are by no means contradictory to each other, the two can be reconciled and harmonious with each other, and we need to weigh it ourselves.

Of course,

The three of you are older than me. I believe you all know the truth about this, so I won't go into details. "

That's right, all three of them are older than him. Dong Yiming and Tong Juan didn't say anything, they are much older than Wu Hao. And Zhang Jun is also one year older than him.

hey-hey! Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun smiled triumphantly.

Wu Hao glanced at this guy angrily, and then said: "The other thing is to come over and chat with everyone about our next work."

Hearing his words, Dong Yiming and Tong Juan immediately sat up, and Dong Yiming even prepared to take out his notebook and pen.

However, Wu Hao waved his hand with a smile and said: "Don't be so serious, this is just an informal private conversation, let's chat casually, and it will not be recorded in the meeting minutes."

Dong Yiming and Tong Juan looked at each other, then relaxed. But Zhang Jun smiled and scolded at Wu Hao: "I knew, you kid wouldn't call us here to bask in the sun."

Hehe, Wu Hao smiled, then looked at Dong Yiming and said, "Old Dong, you have rested for such a long time, it's time to move."

Dong Yiming smiled and said, "I've been waiting for your words for a long time, otherwise my bones should be rusted."

Wu Hao smiled and asked, "You may be busy next time. How is your body? Can you handle it?"

No problem, I'm in good health, and I won't have any problems working for another thirty years. Dong Yiming raised his chest and raised his voice.

it is good! Wu Hao nodded, then looked at him and said, "There are three aspects to your next work, the first is the construction of our resettlement apartment and talent resettlement community.

I told you about these two projects before, and now that we have moved here, these two projects must be started as soon as possible. "

After Wu Hao's words fell, Zhang Jun also nodded and said: "That's right, many people have already asked about it, and it's time to start it."

Dong Yiming responded after hearing the words: "Currently, the construction land for these two projects has been cleared and can be started at any time. If it goes well, we can guarantee that the construction will be officially started before May 1st."

it is good. Wu Hao nodded, and then continued: "You preside over these two projects, and let the people below take charge.

In addition to this, you are also responsible for two things. One is the ultra-large battery pack energy storage power station project we built in the northwest. You have to pay more attention to this project. This is our first official entry into the new energy field. a big project.

Whether it is successful or not will determine our series of plans in the future, so it must be completed with quality and quantity. "

Hearing his words, Dong Yiming couldn't help showing a bit of embarrassment and affection: "But I'm not professional enough for this kind of large-scale industrial project, and I'm afraid I can't do it well."

Don’t worry about this, there will be someone responsible for you, you just need to control the quality of the project and make the project better and faster. Wu Hao comforted with a smile.

Seeing what Wu Hao said, Dong Yiming had no choice but to respond: "Well, I will do my best to ensure that this project is a success."

Well, Wu Hao nodded at him and continued: "This third project is still related to the new energy company. You should know the 100 billion project we reached a few days ago. We will cooperate with the power grid and various parties. Initially, we will Construction of super wireless remote charging stations for new energy vehicles in first- and second-tier cities across the country.

I want you to participate in this project to oversee the construction of these super wireless remote charging stations for new energy vehicles. "

Are you worried? Hearing his words, Zhang Jun couldn't help asking.

Wu Hao nodded and said: "Projects involving 100 billion yuan, we can't let others say what they are, right? We have to monitor them all the time."

Hearing what he said, Zhang Jun, Tong Juan and Dong Yiming all understood. Obviously, this is hoping to have one of their own people participate in this project and monitor the progress of this project at all times.

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