Military Technology

Chapter 1390 Unmanned Experimental Spaceship Reveals Its Truth

Chapter 1391 Unmanned Experimental Spaceship Reveals Its Truth

As time entered late March, after a message was released, it quickly attracted the attention of some netizens.

On the official social account of Haoyu Technology, a group of photos and related news were quickly forwarded and liked by netizens, and quickly became a hot search.

In the picture, the Jianmu-5 rocket, which was officially unveiled for the first time, lifted Wu Hao's first unmanned experimental spacecraft, came out of the vertical assembly plant, and then slowly transferred to the launch area.

In addition to photos from various angles of the Jianmu-5 rocket during vertical transfer, two very precious photos of the appearance of the unmanned experimental spacecraft during hoisting and photos of the interior of the unmanned experimental spacecraft were also released.

This internal photo is very interesting. There are two test models wearing spacesuits in the cabin and sitting on the seats. The red flags on the arms and the logo of Haoyu Technology are very bright.

The accompanying article stated that the Jianmu-5 rocket under Haoyu Aerospace carried the first unmanned experimental spacecraft to the launch area and entered the final test preparation stage of the launch area.

As soon as this news came out, it quickly aroused the interest of many aerospace enthusiasts, as well as technology and military enthusiasts. Although with the successful completion of our space station in the past few years, such ordinary spacecraft launches have become commonplace, and there is not much novelty.

But this time is different. This time it is a commercial unmanned experimental spacecraft of a private enterprise, and it is a new rocket and new spacecraft, so it attracts more attention.

This new Jianmu-5 rocket has the Jianmu-2 rocket in the middle, and there is a booster of the Jianmu-2 first-stage rocket on each side, so the rocket looks relatively majestic.

Although this rocket also had a static display of related models at the previous air show, but this time it can be regarded as the real product. In such a short vision, a new type of medium-sized launch vehicle was created, which also made many aerospace and rocket enthusiasts praise Haoyu Aerospace.

Although this is improved from existing related rockets and technologies, it is not as simple as one plus one plus one equals three, and many problems have to be solved to achieve it.

So it is really not easy to be able to launch its own medium-sized launch vehicle so quickly. Of course, compared with other people's advanced technology and rockets, there is still a big gap, but it depends on who you compare with.

The so-called more than the top is not enough compared to the bottom, compared with some other rockets, Haoyu Aerospace is far ahead.

Not to mention, the first unmanned experimental spacecraft that will be launched soon is a manned spacecraft. Although it is still in the stage of unmanned experiments, it can already be said to have entered the leading ranks of commercial manned spaceflight.

From this point of view, it can definitely surpass most countries in the world.

After this group of photos was released, the unmanned experimental spacecraft and the Jianmu-5 rocket fell into silence again. While everyone knows that this is the final test preparation phase before it happens, it won't be too long.

But there are still a lot of people's attention and attention. Even the relevant data and information about this unmanned experimental spacecraft and the Jianmu-5 rocket have become a topic that many aerospace technology enthusiasts and netizens talk about. topic.

Of course, for Wu Hao and the others, they have begun to pay attention to this unmanned experimental spacecraft and the Jianmu-5 rocket after they were transported to the Northwest Space Launch Center.

From the test of the unmanned experimental spacecraft, to the overall test of the Jianmu-5 rocket, to the hoisting combination of the ship and arrow, and the transfer launch area, etc., this series, not only Wu Hao and Zhang Jun, but also the grape employees of Haoyu Technology They are all honored and caring.

In Haoyu Technology's internal employee community, some employees have opened several posts, focusing on this news. And this has also become one of the main channels for the outside world to learn about Jianmu-5 and the unmanned experimental spacecraft.

With the completion of various test preparations, the Jianmu-5 rocket carrying the unmanned experimental spacecraft also ushered in the countdown to launch.

As for Wu Hao, in the Tianshu Activity Center of the Haoyu Technology Company Park, a live launch venue was specially set up to play the relevant real-time pictures of the launch.

The reason for setting up this launch live broadcast venue is that Wu Hao and the others plan to invite the family members of all the scientific research personnel who participated in the rocket and spacecraft development and launch missions in the Northwest to watch the grand event with them.

It is not easy for these scientific research and technical staff working in the depths of the northwest desert. Although the salary is relatively considerable, there are many unexpected difficulties to endure, and life and work are still relatively difficult.

This is nothing, but there is one thing, that is the long-term separation from the family. Differences from parents, differences from wives and husbands, differences from children, differences from objects.

These scientific research and technical staff working in the northwest desert can work with peace of mind, which is inseparable from the support of their families. Of course, not everyone supports their children, husbands and wives, parents, boyfriends and girlfriends to work in remote and barren places. Many of them have relatively serious conflicts with their family members, boyfriends and girlfriends, and there have even been cases of breakups and divorces because of this.

So this time, Wu Hao and the others invited these family members and objects to come. On the one hand, they wanted to share the launch mission of the rocket and spacecraft with them. The job content, achievements, and significance of scientific research and technical staff in Northwest.

In addition to these family members, Wu Hao and the others also invited many media members. In order to meet the needs of relevant publicity, the entire launch mission was broadcast live to the outside world. Except for a few heavyweight media who can go to the Northwest Launch Center, most of the other media are concentrated here to obtain relevant first-hand news through live broadcast.

And this time, in order to better show the entire launch process, the engineers set up many live broadcast angles. In addition to the various live broadcast cameras at the launch site, there are many cameras on the rocket, on the unmanned experimental spacecraft, and even inside the spacecraft. , so that the entire launch and flight process of the Jianmu-5 rocket and the unmanned experimental spacecraft can be displayed from various angles.

Of course, it is not only used for external display, but also a kind of technical monitoring and scientific research. Technicians will use these cameras all over the place to observe the launch and flight of rockets and unmanned experimental spacecraft in real time, so as to take corresponding measures to ensure the safety of rockets and unmanned experimental spacecraft.

These rocket and spacecraft flight data will also be used for the improvement and optimization of the next rocket and the next experimental spacecraft, so it is still very important.

In addition to these family members and media reporters, Wu Hao also invited many friends from the business world to watch the entire launch process.

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