Chapter 1392 "Walker", we have been on the way!


In addition to these family members and media reporters, Wu Hao also invited many friends from the business world to watch the entire launch process.

Some of these friends were Wu Hao who really wanted to take this opportunity to invite them to get together and catch up. Some of them, of course, have another purpose.

As the host, Wu Hao also tidied up very energetically today to welcome these guests. In addition to Xiao Ma and the increasingly low-key old horse, Tao Zhengyang and Tang Fusheng were among these people. As well as Li Yahong from Qiandu, Snow Soldier from Corn Group and so on.

Except for some summits where these people can gather together, it is difficult to have the time and opportunity to meet each other. So as soon as everyone met, they chatted all over the place.

Of course, what everyone talks about is more about commercial projects. As the hosts, Wu Hao and Haoyu Technology naturally became the focus of everyone's discussion.

The old horse who hadn't shown up for a long time seemed a little happy, and immediately complained to Wu Hao: "I said you are too mean, you didn't even think about pulling us to do the super wireless remote charging station project for new energy vehicles a while ago. .”

"That's right, it's a bit unreasonable that such a good project didn't think of us." The little Ma brother on the side also said.

And Tao Zhengyang next to him immediately said: "We have been working on fast charging technology for new energy vehicles for so many years. As a result, once your technology is released, all of our technologies will be eliminated. The loss to us is too great."

Li Yahong of Qiandu stepped forward to join in the fun after hearing the words: "Yes, Mr. Wu, you must explain this matter to us all."

"No problem, I'll be the host tonight, and I'll treat everyone well, and we won't go home until we're drunk." Wu Hao replied with a smile when he heard this.

Explain, what to explain, why should I explain to you. There are no fathers and sons in business, let alone these friends. Everyone was polite on the surface, but when they really fought, it would be like knocking their heads until they were bloody, and they would never stop dying. They all wished that the other party would die sooner.

Tang Fusheng on the side, as one of the important participants in this project, naturally had to stand up and rescue Wu Hao at this time. After all, they are in the same boat, and explaining for Wu Hao is naturally explaining for themselves.

"This project mainly involves the real industry and involves the interests of many parties. It is not easy for Internet companies to get involved. That's why I didn't bother everyone."


Everyone present chuckled, and they would not take Tang Fusheng's words seriously.

At this time, a staff member came to inform that the time was almost up.

Upon hearing this, Wu Hao smiled and greeted everyone to the VIP reception area on the second floor of the Tianshu Activity Center. This is specially set up for these guests,

Separated from the family members downstairs and media reporters. On the one hand, it ensures safety, and on the other hand, it is also convenient for everyone to communicate.

At this moment, in the live broadcast hall of the Tianshu Activity Center, there is a huge screen in front of it, which is composed of countless modular borderless high-definition screens. On both sides, there are also several smaller large screens, which are also playing various content.

With a burst of applause, Wu Hao and the family members in the audience took their seats, and the activity began immediately. First, there was an introduction video.

The video introduces Haoyu Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. under Haoyu Technology in detail, as well as related rocket projects and space manned spacecraft projects.

Among them, many research and development and experimental images are also announced for the first time, such as the high-altitude throwing experiment of the return capsule, and the zero-altitude escape experiment and so on.

Finally, a sentence was displayed on the screen: "Walker", we have been on the way!

"Walker" number!

This is the name of Wu Hao's manned spaceship. According to the naming rules, this unmanned experimental spaceship is Voyager 1.

"Xingzhe, that's a good name. I remember Sun Wukong is called Sun Xingzhe." Little Ma nodded and said.

The old horse said with a smile: "Haha, a somersault is a hundred and eight thousand miles, which is quite suitable for a manned spaceship."

Wu Hao nodded and explained with a smile: "There are factors in this aspect, but it is more about the latter sentence, we have been on the road.

We hope that this unmanned experimental spaceship is a beginning, and we will continue to explore and explore this vast and endless sea of ​​stars.

This process will inevitably be very long and arduous. It's like Monkey King protecting Tang Monk from the west to learn the scriptures. After ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, he trekked to Lingshan to get the scriptures. "

"It can be seen that your kid has great ambitions." While looking at Wu Hao in admiration, Lao Ma couldn't help showing admiration and a hint of envy.

It's good to be young. If he was a few decades younger, he might have such a dream.

"This kid, when we were still fighting for life and death on this earth, he had already set his sights on the vast universe." Little Ma smiled and sighed: "This is really a beginning for them." , This autumn, they will also launch a lunar exploration vehicle to make preliminary preparations for the next step of exploring the moon and settlement on the moon."

"Thirty minutes to prepare!"

While everyone was talking, a familiar voice of a male announcer came from the speaker in the hall.

The large screens in the hall also switched to images from various angles of the scene, including the launch tower, the head-up view from a distance, and the launch command and control hall, etc.

It started, and everyone couldn't help turning their eyes to the big screen.

"Mr. Wu, how long will this experimental spacecraft stay in space?" Li Yahong asked him.

This is not a secret, so Wu Hao replied with a smile: "It will probably stay for about three days. We will be on the space orbit to verify a series of equipment and related technologies on this unmanned experimental spacecraft. And this time , We also carried some experimental equipment in the return capsule, which will be used for some related experiments.

After the relevant tests and experiments are completed, this unmanned experimental spacecraft will return as planned, and finally land at the Mongolian space landing site in our country.

Our staff guarding there will immediately search for the landing return capsule, transport it directly to the nearby airport, and then transport it back to the Northwest R\u0026D Center for warehouse opening and related research work. "

"So, when do you plan to send people up?" the old horse turned to him and asked.

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile and said: "There is no rush, we must first fully verify the related technologies of this spaceship to ensure that its performance is reliable enough and the spaceship is safe enough before we consider the first manned flight.

According to relevant plans, we will conduct two more unmanned experimental spacecraft launch missions this summer and winter. If all goes well, we will have our first manned launch as soon as next year. "

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