Military Technology

Chapter 1397 Those who learn from me live, those who resemble me die

Chapter 1398 Those who learn from me live like me and die

why? Tao Zhengyang said anxiously.

Brother Xiao Ma on the side also nodded and asked: "After hearing your introduction, the comprehensive performance of this photonic chip should be beyond the ages, and if it is put into the market, it will definitely bring huge economic benefits.

Of course, more important than economic benefits is the right to speak and status in the field of future computer technology. If we can break the foreign monopoly and blockade, it will definitely bring you huge benefits. The benefits I am talking about here are all-round, not just economic benefits.

In addition, it has a huge positive impact not only on you, but also on our entire domestic computer industry, the entire Internet industry, and even national security. "

Hearing Brother Xiao Ma's words, everyone nodded in agreement, and some even began to persuade him.

Seeing this, Wu Hao nodded with a smile and replied: "You are right. Putting it into the market will definitely bring us huge benefits. However, it is not the time yet. The technology of this photonic chip is not yet mature enough. There are still many problems above that we need to improve and optimize.

So for now, it is still an experimental product, and there is still a long way to go before it goes on the market.

Of course, even if it is listed, it cannot completely subvert and replace existing chip products. In many fields, it is even inferior to existing chip products.

In addition, this photonic chip is still in the confidential stage, and it will be first used in some key projects. I say so, you can understand. "

Hearing what he said, everyone immediately understood. The so-called key projects are probably those official large-scale sensitive projects. From this point of view, it may take quite a while for this photonic chip to go on the market.

From this, they also understood why this photonic chip was developed, but they did not receive any news.

Looking at the regretful and pitiful people, Wu Hao smiled and comforted him: "Of course, don't be disappointed, this photonic chip will still be on the market, but it will be a little later.

Moreover, the lithography machine project we cooperated with has already produced results, and I believe that the core shortage problem that plagues everyone will be solved soon. "

Hearing Wu Hao's comfort, everyone couldn't help feeling better. The lithography machine project has indeed achieved great results, which made everyone involved in the project smile.

Let's go, I'll take everyone to the control center upstairs.

Immediately, everyone came to the control center on the top floor. Compared with the previous shock, everyone here was relatively calm. Under the introduction of the technicians, everyone also knew about this control center.

Of course, there are also superficial things, and the core things are well hidden.

Come out of the Shake Light Building,

Wu Hao led everyone to the company restaurant. This is also a part of the visit itinerary. Everyone wants to experience the legendary restaurant and food of Haoyu Technology.

At the moment, there are not many people in Restaurant No. 1, only a few employees, some family members and media reporters.

The arrival of Wu Hao and the others naturally attracted everyone's attention. Most of them took out their smart mobile devices to take pictures, and some wanted to crowd up, but they were blocked by the staff.

Looking at the people who were looking at them curiously, Wu Hao said with a smile: "We have pre-stored a certain amount of money in everyone's guest card, and everyone can use the guest card to swipe the card for consumption.

There are still many delicacies in this No. 1 restaurant, and everyone can choose freely according to their own interests and preferences. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone also smiled.

Lao Ma picked up the guest card he was wearing around his neck, and said with a smile: "Then let's experience this canteen that has been widely praised by Haoyu Technology."

Hehehe, let's choose separately and gather here later.

With that said, everyone immediately walked to the window that everyone was interested in. Wu Hao also went shopping with Lao Ma and Xiao Ma.

Sure enough, the reputation of your restaurant is very high. Brother Xiao Ma said with a smile while holding the dinner plate.

Wu Hao nodded with a smile and said: "It's okay, it's actually similar to yours, not much higher. For us, this is a drop in the bucket. But for the employees, this is indeed their harbor of happiness, happy Heaven.

The role it plays is far greater than the investment in it. "

I heard this point, your company's employee loyalty is very good, and the voluntary turnover rate is also very low. I heard that a large part of it is because the food is so good that everyone is reluctant. The old horse said with a smile.


Hearing Lao Ma's words, Wu Hao, Brother Xiao Ma and the people around them all laughed.

Wu Hao said with a smile: "There is a part of the reason, but it is not comprehensive. In fact, it has something to do with the loose corporate culture of our entire company.

It will be difficult for employees who are used to our relaxed environment to go to a new company after leaving. So many people went out for a trip, and finally Yuan came back. "

Did I just say, you kid must have no good intentions. The old horse pointed at him with his fingers and said in a bad mood.

As for Xiao Ma, he sighed with a smile: "However, we also have to admire their loose management model. It can not only win the support of employees, but also improve employees' sense of identity and belonging to the company, and reduce Voluntary turnover rate.

And more importantly, not only did it not affect the company's operation and management, but the overall work efficiency has also been greatly improved.

On this point, I really admire it. "

Brother Xiao Ma sighed, then looked at Wu Hao and said: "We have tried your loose management method, but in the end it was a mess and ended in failure."

Wu Hao said with a smile: "Every company has its own unique corporate culture and its own exclusive management method, and the one that suits you is the best.

The so-called life who learn from me, die like me, our management and operation mode may not be suitable for everyone. Everyone can learn from it, but blind imitation will definitely fail in the end. "

You are right, what suits you is the best. Lao Ma nodded and said: "We have also studied your management model, but it is not suitable for us.

According to our research, the reason why your relaxed management model can succeed is not only the correct guidance, but also the intelligent management system you adopt.

Through the flat management model, you can cover every employee, greatly simplifying the company's departmental organizational structure and reducing administrative personnel.

This also makes your operation very light, and you can quickly respond to relevant instructions issued by high-level executives, which is something that many large companies cannot do. "

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