Military Technology

Chapter 1398 Competition and Cooperation

Chapter 1399 Competition and Cooperation

Each of these guests is a business tycoon, a corporate giant, and they have their own affairs, so they are very busy. If they were only invited to watch the launch of rockets and experiments, I am afraid that these people do not have the time and leisure.

In fact, these people came here with their own purposes.

Of course, the old horse is an exception. He has lived in seclusion this year and is basically on the verge of retirement. He rarely showed up, except at the invitation of some close friends.

This time, on the one hand, I was invited to watch the launch of new rockets and unmanned experimental spacecraft, and on the other hand, I came here to see the Haoyu Technology Company controlled by Wu Hao.

This company has grown from a few people to a scale of 40,000 to 50,000 people, and its rapid development is far beyond everyone's imagination. And the achievements it has achieved are also attracting worldwide attention.

And in this new company, there are many interesting and novel things. So he has always wanted to take a look, but he has never had the time. This time, he just had this opportunity, so he wanted to come and take a look.

Compared with Lao Ma's idle clouds and wild cranes, Xiao Ma is more pragmatic. He didn't come alone this time, but brought a business cooperation team, which was very large, with fifty or sixty people, covering multiple fields.

In the past, Haoyu Technology and Penguin belonged to different industries, and each had its own field of expertise. With the rapid development of Haoyu Technology, especially in the field of smart mobile devices, smart operating systems, mobile Internet, supercomputing technology, network security, aerospace technology, and biomedicine, there are even communications in some fields. a very serious contradiction.

So they urgently need to negotiate with Wu Hao and the others, so as to negotiate the business behavior of both parties in various fields. If you can cooperate frankly, actively promote cooperation; if you cannot cooperate, try to adjust the contradiction as much as possible.

Avoid direct confrontation and conflicts. In this way, such conflicts between large companies can easily lead to fierce confrontations between the two sides, resulting in serious losses. On the other hand, the conflict and confrontation between the two parties may give others the opportunity to develop and help others in vain.

For example, there was another very fierce competition between the old horses and the little horses. Both parties were very optimistic about the taxi-hailing industry, so they invested a lot of resources in market competition. With the support of such huge resources, the two taxi-hailing software companies began to attack the city, and the competition was even fiercer in some key cities, burning tens of millions a day. No one dared to stop, once they stopped, it would be a failure.

Although both are giant companies, they couldn't stand such a waste of money, so both parties couldn't bear it, and began to seek solutions. In the end, with the help of a lot of capital, the two taxi-hailing software companies merged.

Judging from the current relationship between Haoyu Technology and Penguin, cooperation is still greater than differences and confrontation, and the two parties have cooperated in many fields. Of course, the differences are not small, especially in the mobile Internet market.

Wu Hao and the others relied on the booming sales of smart AR glasses and smart VR glasses game equipment,

The two major network platforms, virtual world and mobile virtual network, have grown rapidly and become the enterprise community platform and new Internet with great influence in the world.

In particular, the smart mobile virtual network platform carried by the smart AR glasses has become the core platform of the new generation of mobile Internet. The number of online users continues to grow, and it already has a very high user group.

The virtual world carried by smart AR glasses has long since broken away from the pure nature of games and interactive virtual worlds, and has begun to become a diversified and rich network platform.

Faced with two new network platforms with so many user groups and such huge development potential, many Internet companies now want to enter them.

In this regard, Wu Hao and the others will of course welcome it very much, but there will also be restrictions. For example, Penguin's most important instant messaging software is not allowed to enter.

In this regard, Wu Hao's attitude is very firm, that is, they are not allowed to come in. Because Haoyu Technology itself has its own intelligent instant messaging software among the two major platforms, if the two major instant messaging software of Penguin are included, it is likely to rely on the stickiness and influence of the original huge user group Easily beat the smart instant messaging software that is growing.

In this regard, Xiao Ma naturally couldn't give up so easily, and thought of many ways in this regard. They even took up legal weapons, such as accusing Wu Hao of engaging in monopoly and arbitrarily using their dominant market position.

But, these two reasons are relatively far-fetched, their monopoly comes from technological innovation and technical patents. If technology patents are framed as a monopoly, then who will dare to engage in technological research and innovation in the future.

As for the abuse of market dominance, it is also difficult to define this aspect. Wu Hao and the others operate a private commercial Internet platform, so they enjoy the management and operation authority of Xianguan platform. If other companies want to enter, they must obey management and abide by relevant regulations.

So from this aspect, it does not constitute abuse of market dominance. And besides Wu Hao's two major virtual network platforms, other companies are also doing it.

For example, the mobile virtual platform developed by Gtong and G Song is currently competing with Wu Hao and others all over the world. Fruit also has its own so-called virtual platform.

As a domestic company, it is not easy but also remarkable to be able to achieve such achievements in the world Internet and mobile Internet fields. Therefore, in this area, relevant departments are also actively providing a series of support and care.

After all, going out and breaking the monopoly of foreign technology giants is also in line with our country's consistent strategy.

So although Xiao Ma is very unwilling, he must face the reality. Facing the two booming virtual network platforms, they can only put aside their differences and continue to cooperate. If instant messaging software cannot enter, then enter other products, such as games, and other entertainment audio-visual products.

In the past few years, Penguin has made a lot of money in the two major virtual network platforms by virtue of games and other entertainment audio-visual products.

So this time, Xiao Ma brought such a large group of people here because he wanted to continue to cooperate with Wu Hao and the others in related fields. In particular, he still hopes to win their instant messaging software into the two major virtual network platforms. Although he knows that this is difficult and almost impossible, he still wants to try.

In addition, there are related cooperation in the field of games. In the past few years, Wei Media has produced a series of high-quality game products with the help of several virtual game engines developed by Haoyu Technology, and has made a lot of money with these excellent game products.

Brother Xiao Ma naturally became envious, no, he also wanted to join in the fun.

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