Military Technology

Chapter 1401 The snow soldier who has a hard time

Sure enough, as Wu Hao expected, this time the other party was completely testing. After seeing Wu Hao's tough attitude, the other party did not continue to entangle on this issue, and then proceeded to the next topic.

The entire conversation lasted a total of two hours, with a fifteen-minute break in between. Generally speaking, the success is not bad, and the two parties have finalized a lot of cooperation content.

Of course, there are also big differences. For example, on instant messaging software, it is obviously impossible for the other party to give up so easily.

Secondly, it is the investment in the field of aerospace projects. In this regard, the other party is only probing, and has not entered into the actual negotiation. It is still unknown whether it will succeed in the end.

After all, related projects in the aerospace field have huge investment scales and slow returns, so they are not good investment projects. And Wu Hao also asked not to trade within five years, which undoubtedly made many investors more cautious and hesitant.

For Wu Hao and the others, this will naturally dampen the confidence of some investors, but this is not a process of screening, leaving those investors who are really capable, optimistic about aerospace projects, and sincerely want to enter this field. Not the stock market speculators who want to make a quick fortune, it's only bad to have this group of people in.

As the boss of a giant company, it is naturally impossible for Xiao Ma to stay in Anxi for too long. After attending Wu Hao's reception luncheon, Xiao Ma immediately left Anxi as a special plane. Of course, the relevant business team he brought here this time will stay here to carry out detailed cooperation negotiations on related projects between the two parties.

Of course, Wu Hao didn't relax because there were still people waiting for him, such as Xue Bing. Xue Bing also brought his own business negotiation team this time, hoping to use this opportunity to break through the difficulties of cooperation with Wu Hao and the others.

In the past two years, the life of Xuebing and the others has not been easy. The development of the corn group has stagnated or even regressed. Especially on the new generation of smart mobile devices and related supply component technologies and products.

For example, in terms of new lithium batteries, Xuebing and the others have never been able to obtain the latest generation of new lithium battery products produced by Wu Hao and the others.

As for Hweihe Lanlu Factory, because of their good cooperative relationship with Wu Hao and the others, what they got was the latest new lithium battery product.

This also makes the new digital products and mobile communication devices launched by Corn Company far behind others in terms of standby and battery life.

Even, Haoyu Technology would not have provided new lithium battery products to Corn Company if it hadn't been for Xuebing's request and other people's agreement.

You must know that the supply of the new lithium battery products they produce is tight, basically the supply is in short supply, and major companies are constantly vying for it. So Wu Hao and the others don't have to worry about sales at all, and the corn company has nothing to do with them.

After they turned against each other because of related matters, Wu Hao and the others immediately interrupted the relevant cooperation and the supply of product parts. This also made Corn suddenly face the situation of no battery available. As a last resort, they could only be soft, and invited some business leaders, capital and related leaders to make peace from the middle.

After that, Wu Hao and the others started to restore the supply again. However, the supply share is very small, only enough for them to be used on some high-end models, and cannot be fully covered.

So in terms of competitiveness, it is naturally much weaker.

In addition to new lithium batteries,

In addition, on transparent screens and high-definition high-refresh screens, several other mobile phone manufacturers quickly gained an advantage in the smartphone market by relying on the high-definition high-refresh screens supplied by Wu Hao and the others. And they rely on the relevant mobile phone screens provided by other manufacturers to hold on, and are gradually being eaten into the market.

Finally, it is on the new generation of mobile communication devices, that is, in the field of smart AR glasses, because Corn closely follows the footsteps of G-Tong and G Song, and uses their technologies and operating systems. And Wu Hao and the others teamed up with h to form a blue-green factory and several companies jointly use their smart operating system.

Because of the cooperation, it is naturally impossible for Wu Hao and the others to provide competitors with related technologies and products.

Although in the overseas market, Wu Hao's competition with S-star and fruit is 50-50, and they don't have much advantage. However, in the domestic market, it basically occupies more than 70% of the domestic market share, and the remaining 20% ​​is occupied by the three Corn Star Fruits.

And because of Wu Hao's continuous efforts, the market share of these three companies has also continued to shrink. Such market conditions have naturally affected the company's stock price. In the past year, the company's share price has continued to be weak or even fell continuously.

So under the pressure of shareholders, Xue Bing has always wanted to cooperate with Wu Hao and the others again. But for Xue Bing's kindness, Wu Hao and the others didn't respond at all.

Even if there is a middleman to negotiate peace, it still has no effect.

Among the guests invited this time, there was actually no Xue Bing originally, but Xue Bing actually came with Xiao Ma and Lao Ma. Since they are here, they are naturally welcome, and they cannot be kept out.

In fact, everyone also understands why Xue Bing came here, and Ma and Xiao Ma also hope that they can resolve their conflicts, so they are very active in this regard.

After the two continued to negotiate, Wu Hao agreed to hold this dialogue meeting. As for whether it will be effective, it depends on the performance of the other party.

The negotiation was not held in the Haoyu Science and Technology Park, but in a hotel in the urban area. I agreed, and Wu Hao naturally fulfilled the contract and attended the meeting and dialogue meeting.

As for Xue Bing and the others, it was obvious that they were well prepared for this dialogue meeting. There is a thick stack of materials placed in front of these people alone.

When Wu Hao and the others entered the conference room, Xue Bing and the others had already greeted them at the door.

Seeing Wu Hao and Tong Juan coming, Xue Bing immediately stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Mr. Wu, welcome, welcome!"

"Mr. Xue, please be polite." This is Tong Juan, you should be familiar with her. Wu Hao smiled and introduced Tong Juan next to him.

"Familiar, Mr. Tong!" Xue Bing and Tong Juan shook hands and laughed.

"Mr. Xue is good!" Facing her former boss, Tong Juan was still a little embarrassed, especially today was the negotiation between the two sides. If she wasn't in charge of the market, she definitely wouldn't have come.

In real time, Wu Hao had considered for a long time who to bring. From the perspective of business negotiations, it was natural to find someone who was very familiar with the other party. From this aspect, Tong Juan is obviously much more suitable than Zhang Jun. And for such a meeting, it is not necessary for the two bosses of the company to be present, just one.

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