Military Technology

Chapter 1402 Insincere Delay

Chapter 1403 Insincere Delay

After some polite greetings, everyone sat down and immediately got to the point.

Compared to Xuebing and the others who were slightly nervous, Wu Hao and Tong Juan were naturally more relaxed. After all, compared to Penguin and Pony, they have the absolute initiative in the meeting with Corn.

The other party took the initiative to come to ask for cooperation, so how absolutely it will be in the end depends on how much sincerity they show.

Obviously Xue Bing also knew this, so he didn't talk too much nonsense, and then got to the point.

"Mr. Wu, we came here to seek cooperation with you with full sincerity. We know that in the past cooperation and contacts, we had some unpleasant experiences and some misunderstandings.

Here, on behalf of our company, I would like to express my sincere apologies to you, and I hope that these misunderstandings and unpleasant experiences will pass with the passage of time.

Should people always look forward? We shouldn't affect our cooperation because of these old things.

Haoyu Technology is a great company. This time, we also come to hope to have in-depth cooperation with you in various fields. "

Wu Hao smiled slightly when he heard the words, nodded and said: "Of course, Corn is also an admirable Internet technology company, and we are also willing to carry out more in-depth cooperation with you in related fields.

As for some misunderstandings in the past, it's actually nothing, we have long since ignored it. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xue Bing couldn't help complaining in his heart. He had already forgotten about it, so why did he come to visit him? The deliberate targeting at Haoyu Technology in recent years has made his life very difficult.

If it weren't for the urging and intimidation of the people on the board of directors, it would be impossible for him to come directly to the door to ask for cooperation with the cheeky face.

Although Xue Bing complained in his heart, he also knew that the misunderstandings and unhappiness in the past were not what they said they would let the past go, so they had to show sincerity.

Thinking of this, Xue Bing immediately adjusted the order of the talks, and said to Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, I know that you are making every effort to promote the popularization of your intelligent virtual system. To show our sincerity, we are willing to use our new generation of intelligent virtual products Use your intelligent virtual systems."

Oh? Wu Hao looked at Xue Bing and smiled and said, "Are you planning to give up G Song's virtual system and switch to our intelligent virtual system?"

Er, this...

Hearing his words, Xuebing stuttered, and then said tactfully to him: "Mr. Wu, you know, we still have a large part of the user base who are loyal fans of Android, so in order to meet the needs of these people, we It is planned that the two major control systems will coexist, and it will be up to consumers to choose which one to buy at that time."


Mr. Xue has a good plan. Both sides benefit, and neither side is offended. How can there be such a good thing in the world. Wu Hao sneered: "If you just said these things today, I think our meeting can be over.

To be honest, there are still people waiting behind, I don't want to waste boring time. "

During the business negotiation between the two parties, Wu Hao didn't save Xue Bing any face, and said directly. Facing Wu Hao's statement, Xue Bing blushed, but then he returned to normal and smiled again.

Mr. Wu, be calm and don't be impatient. Xue Bing quickly comforted him: "Is this only temporary, we must give us and our user groups a time to adapt and transition.

I can assure you that we will strive to popularize your intelligent virtual system to all our products and replace the existing Android system. "

Delay strategy!

Wu Hao shook his head slightly: "I don't want your relevant promises, it's worthless to us, we need to see some actual performance.

Mr. Xue, if you want to cooperate with you, you have to come up with something real. I don't think we need to talk about it just relying on these. "

Well, let's not talk about that for now. Seeing Wu Hao's impatient expression, Xue Bing immediately changed the subject and said, "Then let's talk about some practical projects. We hope to obtain your company's latest battery products. The price is easy to negotiate, and we are willing to offer a battery that is higher than the market price." Twenty percent of the price is a sign of sincerity."

Wu Hao continued to shake his head when he heard the words: "Impossible, our latest battery technology will not be put on the market immediately."

Xue Bing shook his head and said: "Misunderstanding, blame me for not making it clear, what I want is that we hope to obtain the latest battery products that you have put into the market.

We are willing to pay a price that is 20% higher than the market price for large-volume purchases, provided that you give priority to ensuring our battery product share. "

In the battery product market, we have no shortage of customers. Wu Hao smiled and shook his head.

We deserve that you have no shortage of customers, Xue Bing said with a smile: "However, high-quality long-term customers like us are very rare. I believe you are also aware of this."

Wu Hao smiled slightly, and did not express his opinion immediately, but continued to ask: "Tell me about the next project."

Hearing his words, Xue Bing was a little disappointed, but he returned to normal immediately and continued: "We hope to purchase your high-definition high-definition screens, not necessarily mobile phone screens, but also large screens for tablets, computers, and TVs.

In addition to high-definition high-definition screens, we also hope to purchase transparent display screens produced by you, including applications in smart wearable devices, automotive display glass, architectural display glass, etc.

In this regard, we are also willing to offer a price that is 20% higher than the market price for centralized procurement of large quantities. "

Speaking of this, Xue Bing looked at Wu Hao and continued: "In addition, we also hope to cooperate with your company in the field of new energy, especially in the field of new energy vehicles, and we hope to join in the new super wireless remote charging station project Come and push this project together for development.

Whether in the domestic market or in overseas markets, we have a large group of fanatical fans and user groups, which greatly promotes the coverage and globalization of related projects.

If you can agree to these, we will also consider investing in your aerospace projects. We know space programs require a lot of money and are slow to bear fruit. We are willing to help you in this field and jointly promote your development in the aerospace field. "

Hearing Xue Bing's words, Wu Hao smiled slightly, then leaned on the back of his chair and looked at Xue Bing and said, "Boss Xue, I think you must have misunderstood something.

We have never deliberately suppressed anyone. If we really targeted it on purpose, I don’t think you would sit here and talk to me in such comfort today.

For a long time, the reason why we have not carried out relevant cooperation with you is not because we refused to accept it, but because you have never released your sincerity.

If this is the case, then there is no need for this negotiation to continue. I think it will be over, and we don't need to waste any more time here.

Sorry, I have one more meeting, so I will take my leave first. "

With that said, Wu Hao got up and glanced at Xue Bing, then turned and walked out. And Tong Juan also took a look at her old boss, and walked out immediately. Only Xuebing was left standing there, his face full of shame, anger and unwillingness.

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